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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Some of Taylor's heroics yesterday however prove that the goal against Bolton was his fault. When Arshavin was clean through and Taylor blocked it from the RB position, that's exactly what he should have done with Gardner.


    And the Setanta commentator Burley? proved that's what Taylor should have done with the comment to do with Gael Clichy 'that's exactly what a fullback should do, be fully aware of runners, not be on their heels watching play from the side instead tracking runs to prevent goals'.

  2. Again, I'm not defending his performances of late but some people seem to have a problem appreciating not everyone's career starts with NUFC. Coloccini was quality for Deportivo and Argentina, that makes it even worse for me to be honest, as he's more of a disappointment.

    Was he?



    Was he not?

    Coloccini was an absolute beast for Depor especially in his last 2 seasons. Last season gets a special mention because he was brilliant.

  3. I always find the excuse of 1st year in PL as about worthy as saying a goalkeeper is a good shot stopper. Beye was voted player of the season last year in his first year & no doubt Bassong will win it this year in his first season.

    Depends on the league you're come from Colo has spent his career briefly in Argentina, a little time in Italy and a large proportion in Spain. He was too young to cut it at Milan but in Spain he was seen as a very good player for Atletico and Villereal. He was Depor's captain and best player by a mile and the only reason they didn't finish in a solid European spot was down to the mediocrity of other positions. For them he looked a totally different player, he was their team captain and was very vocal, he marshalled their defence superbly well and looked a top notch defender.


    The main point with this though is that he's spent a lot of time in the Spanish league which is the polar opposite to the Premiership, it's been ok for Beye and Bassong because the French league is quick, frenetic and young and when they came here it wasn't that hard to adapt. For Colo though the Spanish league is pedestrian in comparison and has a very different attitude which will obviously take longer to get used to.


    Something else people should probably realise when comparing Colo to Bassong is how differently these 2 must be thinking right now. This was Colo's big move, into a team that was billed to be challenging for a European spot under Keegan for Bassong though he came here to learn his trade and whatever happened was a bonus for him whether we were up in the top 4 or rock bottom it would still have been a step up and considered a personal success, no wonder he looks so demoralised.

  4. hughton's ineptitude lost us the game yesterday. Taylor was off the pitch for a good couple of mins but then when he came back on he got subbed immediately, their dallying cost us the game and a proper manager wouldn't have made such an amateur mistake.

    yes a proper manager would and it wasn't really a mistake. he's not going to sub someone as soon as they go down injured. taylor should have known he couldn't carry on and said straight away.

    Suggest you read the post again, as i clearly said he was off the field for a good couple of minutes, they spent all that time strapping him up to get subbed again straight away, they must have known they were going to change him with Geremi getting up then Owen getting up so why waste that time? Whatever way you look at it their dallying was the straw the broke the camel's back.

    so the player told them he could play on,unless the swelling is immediate or a bone is sticking through it's hard for a physio to tell, the player has the say and he obviously said he could play on.


    owen got up because lovenkrantz was hobbling about aswell.

    Don't think he did he was nearly in tears, and if you spend that amount of time strapping someone up then surely it's not wise to put them on. Plus he went on for 1 minute then came straigh off again, surely not the intentions of a lad that wanted so desperately to be on.

  5. hughton's ineptitude lost us the game yesterday. Taylor was off the pitch for a good couple of mins but then when he came back on he got subbed immediately, their dallying cost us the game and a proper manager wouldn't have made such an amateur mistake.

    yes a proper manager would and it wasn't really a mistake. he's not going to sub someone as soon as they go down injured. taylor should have known he couldn't carry on and said straight away.

    Suggest you read the post again, as i clearly said he was off the field for a good couple of minutes, they spent all that time strapping him up to get subbed again straight away, they must have known they were going to change him with Geremi getting up then Owen getting up so why waste that time? Whatever way you look at it their dallying was the straw the broke the camel's back.

  6. hughton's ineptitude lost us the game yesterday. Taylor was off the pitch for a good couple of mins but then when he came back on he got subbed immediately, their dallying cost us the game and a proper manager wouldn't have made such an amateur mistake.

  7. looks so under confident atm I actually thought he was having a decent game until the second went it.interestingly when bass went off I thought he looked better making some great interceptions and some nice hwaders. Can't blame the players for yday was the management fault for the 2nd and after that the heads well and truly dropped.

  8. Devil's advocate time, it's interesting, it is offside, at least it should be, and I'd be shouting blue murder if that happened to us but when the ball leaves the head of the Arsenal player (Djourou?), is Gallas "active"?


    If Myhill doesn't get a touch, the ball wouldn't have looped to Gallas so how can he be active at that point? If it had gone in off the first Arsenal head, let's say, it would have been allowed - so it is only the goalkeeper's interference that allows Gallas to head in, meaning that it is legal because the last touch was from a Hull player?

    Doesn't matter.

    If someone shoots from 30 yards out towards the left side of the goal, and another player is in an offside position on the other side of the goal and the goalkeeper saves it but only as far as the offside player and he taps it in, it's still offside.


    Yeah but that's easily interfering with play. IMO the decision was right at the time, Gallas was no interference at all to the phase of play, yes when the ball was kicked but play was ahead of him. The rule after that is supposed to stand is if it hits off an opposing player then it won't be offside. Good call i reckon.

  9. Shooting will be down to confidence like, as much as people say he's never scored a lot he seems to get it on target at least for Argentina and i'm pretty sure he scored all his 5 goals last season iirc?

  10. I think he was thinking we're in the shitter, i have no idea what i'm doing, the players don't have any respect for me, i'm not a manager but in one of the most pressured jobs in football, what the fuck am i supposed to do?

    With the Owen thing i can see why he did it, an act of desperation really it makes sense in a way to play him, just to nick something. I personally wouldn't of as Lovenkrands and Martins should be the starters away from home imo, plus MO is crap when he's fit.


    Geremi, Smith and Butt in the same side, i don't care how spineless or stupid you are, that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen on a football pitch. We're in a relegation fight, we need more than a point against the sides we should be beating but we go there playing 2! destroyers they've been woeful at the KC so why not risk it, we're not in a position to not take up opportunities like that. There's an obvious angle as to why Hughton did it, we're in the shit so get as much experience in as possible, but honestly everyone knows that's just not the way it works you need more than just experience to beat the drop.

  11. We should switch around our wingers much more imo, Jonas can actually deliver on his right foot. Admittedly not spectacularly but he put in a decent couple with his right yesterday. His shooting is much more to do with confidence than anything else imo. I'm not sure how much people realise football is a confidence game.


    Colo will improve, CB and CM are undoubtedly the hardest positions to adapt to when moving from a foreign league that is very slow because that's where the pace of the game is really felt. Bassong's been ok because the French league, players wise is quite young and the games can be quite frenetic in pace.


    On Martins i think we're seeing a totally different player to 2 seasons ago, his general confidence is much higher and the improvements in his overall game of late have been great, his touch, awareness and most of all passing have improved a lot. It's a shame however his run intelligence hasn't improved much, he made a great one against Hull and nearly scored he should be looking to do that a lot more often.


    Nah check his record everywhere he has been, goal scoring record is abysmal for a winger.

    Well yeah it's not ever been great but he scored a few last season for Mallorca iirc. On deliveries and assists he played with Mallorca last season, who had the top scorer in the division with Guiza, he must have set him up a few times?

  12. We should switch around our wingers much more imo, Jonas can actually deliver on his right foot. Admittedly not spectacularly but he put in a decent couple with his right yesterday. His shooting is much more to do with confidence than anything else imo. I'm not sure how much people realise football is a confidence game.


    Colo will improve, CB and CM are undoubtedly the hardest positions to adapt to when moving from a foreign league that is very slow because that's where the pace of the game is really felt. Bassong's been ok because the French league, players wise is quite young and the games can be quite frenetic in pace.


    On Martins i think we're seeing a totally different player to 2 seasons ago, his general confidence is much higher and the improvements in his overall game of late have been great, his touch, awareness and most of all passing have improved a lot. It's a shame however his run intelligence hasn't improved much, he made a great one against Hull and nearly scored he should be looking to do that a lot more often.

  13. It's probably more to do with a lack of confidence than anything, see his goal against France and for Mallorca, although he didn't score loads they did well last season and he got a couple of goals and a few assists iirc.

  14. The most frustraiting thing is that Ashley doesn't realize that we need a new manager and that even Kinnear is far from good enough, to not talk about this 2. You just refuse to believe that this can be possible. Shocking... To see what a good manager that get's a backing can do, and what do we have... :idiot2:


    Here's hoping for better future :nope:

    This is what should be brought up at the next NUSC Llambias goes too. If they want the fans on side, they must know this won't do and there's not one fan happy with these decisions.

  15. Honestly Chris Hughton is a fucking wimp. Playing 2 'destroyers' in midfield when we're sitting on fucking nothing above the relelgation zone and playing against Hull, yeah fucking Hull. Why change a team that gave Man U problems to suit the needs of some injured cunts aka Owen when he knew fine well he's fucking shite when he's not match fit. Clueless and gutless, fucking pathetic.


    I've never been as annoyed with a 'manager' in my entire life.

  16. youtube his goals then tell me he's not a class striker...put him in manyoo's team he'd rule the world imo

    Youtube Martins goals and you could say exactly the same thing, he's already in a pretty class team at Inter and i've been watching him occasionally over the last few years and every time he's been pap, scored one nice goal though. The league makes him look a lot better than he is compared to our PL standards, i'm afraid to say it but Serie A has fallen from grace a lot over the last 5 years.

  17. After seeing him in action on Wednesday i can definitely say Vidic is not the best CB in the world by any stretch, he's as overrated as any other player in the league. Martins gave him a right run around on Wednesday and all Vidic could do was hack him to pieces, after that display i must say i was sorely disappointed due to the amount of hype he was getting. If anything i'd say he was the weak link in their defence when the ball's on the deck, in the air he's a beast though.

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