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Posts posted by magpie418

  1. Some interesting thoughts from our inbred neighbours.




    Almost praying for trouble that lot.


    It's got a lot to do with the irresponsible way their manager has been talking. You'd think a so called professional would know better.

    The FA really should confront him about some of the things he's been saying in the press which are designed to make an already difficult situation for the police even more volatile.


    Aye Bruce is being very naive if you ask me and the s*** he is spouting is only going to add to their "revenge" mentality, IMO if we win or maybe even draw there could end up being alot of trouble.


    we just need to keep a clean sheet, they will not be able to handle it.

  2. I can smell the mackem tension for this game and I'm roughly 10459 miles away... I'm just after us keeping a clean sheet whatever we manage to get ourselves.


    Their fucking heeds are gonna pop! :lol:

  3. this thread is the equivalent of the acronym SMB*, it's one thread to laugh at their sad and pathetic nature.




    * I always imagined the mackem code crackers working weeks on deciphering SMB, oh how we laughed :lol:

  4. I agree, he doesn't seem to ba a mong. I personally would like him to comment more often it's always good to get the views of other fans with different points of view.


    you'll be having wife swapping parties and finding your feminine side with your best mate before you know it.

  5. So how about when in your heyday playing in europe Newcastle fans taking great delight in singing songs like "have you sen a mackem in Milan?"


    a right toe tapper that was.


    and that was our recent heyday, we've had a few.

  6. I stood in the same spot too for the 1st leg of the 1990 play offs. Was a very different situation that time though as there weren't as many mags in the paddock and I couldn't manage to get in amongst the ones that were so I had to stand with the mackems as they sang "Spot The Mag". There were some seriously psychotic looking ones too and they were looking all around as they sang it. I wasn't taking any chances so I sang it too, LOL.


    :lol: Merry Christmas mate.


    A couple of old mates of mine were in the away end when sunderland played Millwall, during a chant of we hate Geordies one of them shouted they're not Geordies they're mackems.


    the other lad said it was a bit squeaky bum time in there, especially when they were clocked by a mackem who lives in the same village, the mackem wasn't happy :lol:

  7. I have not been posting on the site for some time for several reasons and I won't be doing so on a regular basis again, but for what its worth, here is my 5p worth.


    Hughton - was unlucky with injuries to HBA and suspensions for Barton and Coloccini because of their own stupid behaviour. Had these events not occurred, it would have been more difficult for Ashley to fire him.


    Having said that, the results against teams like Blackpool, Stoke and Wigan at SJP were very disappointing and the debacle at Bolton was probably what decided his fate...the WBA game also underlined the problems because they outplayed us. OK, we had a weakened side through susps and injuries, but it has to be remembered that we failed to beat them in 3 attempts last season and overall, they have looked a more consistent side than NUFC this season. Don't forget, we were supposed to be the better side AND club...


    It is hard to pinpoint the main flaws that Ashley and Co were seeing in Hughton unless they felt he was too close to the players - and that may well have been true, but to come to the crux of the matter, it is inexplicable why they chose to fire him for someone like Pardew, and that is another reason why I have waited to respond because I wanted to see who they were bringing in instead.

    Had it been Jol or MON, you could have seen some logic in the decision ; the Transfer window was coming up, results starting to tail off, unconvincing home record etc., fear of relegation and the 2 managers mentioned would have probably been acceptable to most fans in view of the reasons Ashley gave for firing Hughton.....to appoint a manager like Pardew who has a poor record when compared to those 2, and looks no better(maybe worse) than Hughton, defies belief - even at NUFC.


    It may be that Pardew wipes egg on to everyone's face by doing well - but I wouldn't put a brass farthing on it. The worrying thing is that he has been given a 5 year deal which indicates Ashley is in for the long haul so nothing is going to change anytime soon. I will be surprised if Pardew is still at SJP in 3 years time frankly, so there is likely to be even more upheaval in the future.


    Despite over-emotional reactions by some fans, I can see SOME logic in Ashley's aims ; Not giving managers open-ended deals, not wanting to pay massive(and undeserved) compensation if they are fired for failure, not wanting to give money-grabbing has-beens a final big pay day at NUFC's expense and bringing through young players ...these are all decent policies. The problem, as ever with this guy, is that he has a blinkered view of business because he got lucky by launching his at a time when credit was easy and people were happy to spend. His retail policy does NOT stand up in NUFC's current situation - Newcastle, above everything else, MUST stay in the PL ; refusing to sign the players that will keep the club up for a couple of seasons until youngsters are ready is just plain stupidity. Ashley, as he has demonstrated on several occasions, esp at NUFC, is above all a chancer...he is chancing his luck again by his actions now. Young players are getting harder and harder to obtain because a) there are fewer of them and b) because of that, they are chased by all the top clubs and have their choice of where to go.


    After all the hullabaloo at NUFC, it is hard to see any  decent kid outside of Tyneside wanting to go there, esp if their parents advise them against so that aspect of Ashley's policy will be ever harder to realise.

    Getting good players to join the club will also be hard, esp if relegation occurs again this season.


    I am a long way from England now, so my actions are decided for me -those living locally face a choice - you can either hide behind the 'loyalty' thing, swallow the bitter pills Ashley keeps giving out and keep going to SJP - that way, he laughs all the way to the bank(and probably laughs at the fans in the same way that Shepherd and DH did back in the 90s).

    OR...you can do the only thing that will hurt him, and that is not to buy STs, Club merchandise etc. You CAN always go to an individual game because there will be NO shortage of seats after all this. This is the action I and many others took back in the 80s when we wanted McKeag & Co out and it eventually worked. Ashley has much more dosh than they did, but he doesn't like losing it and if the club starts faltering, lose it he will.

    Until Bobby Robson went, there was a 20,000 waiting list for STs - now there is NOBODY on that waiting list so the club has lost at least 20,000 fans in 10 years. No business can afford to keep doing that and NUFC are no different.


    These choices are down to individuals - I am a bit of a demanding character, and I don't like being conned, so its easy for me to cut off anything which I see as a scam - NUFC is almost that, so its your decision and your money. I gave up much of my personal time in the 80's/90s to help bring change to NUFC so nobody can accuse me of lack of loyalty - but I refuse to be conned by anyone, least of all a chancer like Ashley.


    So there it is - maybe Pardew is the next Bill Shankly ....unfortunately, looking at the comments from supporters of his former clubs, it is more likely that he will be the next Sven...esp in the female department.


    I wish you guys luck - there have been unpopular appointments at SJP before bit this ranks with the worst of them, as does the Board and owner so you have to hope that it will work out against the odds.


    Somehow, I don't think I'll be flying over from Oz to see a Cup Final any time soon.....I now know how all the old guys I met back in 69 who had stopped going after the late 50s....


    excellent post sir.

  8. Multi Millionaire footballers, 67 million just to premier league agents last year,

    Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of us are bled dry in grass roots football

    The hypocracy of our bid, talking nonsense of helping billions of youngsters through the empty rhetoric of  'Football United' whatever that means.

    I could not think of anyone better to represent the paper thin facade of our game where everything is syphoned off to the top than a Royal prince, an old Etonian prime minister and the grotesqe ubercelebrity of brand Beckham.

    Shed no tears for any of them, they will continue to line their pockets, that should heal their pain at least.


    excellent post

  9. do you think that protest was really about not thinking the troops shpould be in iraq etc or an anti english sentiment because of sectarian issues ?.


    Well we're dealing with celtic here so there is obviously some truth in the latter, although that still shouldn't sway us too far from the former point, that associating the poppy with this current conflict is something the government is keen to do to provide emotional backing to what is a very unpopular war.


    also whereas WWII was a fight against facism (though even then theres questions about whetether it was originally and not just a fight for self protection) WWI could hardly claim that, being more an aristocratic squabble with little or no ideaology.


    I completely agree.

  10. no it isn't. it is a symbol of rememberence of those who lost their lives and were injured serving this country. just because it started after the first world war doesn't tie it exclusivly to that or is the poppy not for rememberence of the world war 2 victims, korea ? falklands ? etc etc. you can't choose what conflicts you want the poppy to be associated with, yes to this one and no to that one. my guess is those people are the same sort of people who will pop a quid in the tins in many "irish" pubs in glasgow to support the cause of irish nationalsim based purely on their lineage.


    Change my is to was or originated as then you pedantic bugger.


    my point still stands with regard to the popularity of the current war/occupation.

  11. Absurd faux-intellectual nit-picking nit picking aside, fact remains that if men and women in uniform weren't throwing themselves at bullets in s***-ass trenches in France a century ago, you wouldn't have the life you have today. (Replace situation with your own veterans in war of your choice if you're not British)


    And you have the cheek to call someone else's post absurd? :lol:


    Your attempt at emotional blackmail leaves a lot to be desired, for one there were no women in the trenches of WWI, and the world itself was a very different place then than it is today - and WWI was not a fight against fascism, that came latter.


    The poppy is a symbol of remembrance of those who lost their lives in WWI, the war to end all wars. The fact that it is now being used by certain elements to encompass modern wars such as Iraq/Afghanistan is what is questionable, and that is what the celtic banners are attempting to do - albeit in a rather overly dramatic way.


    Some people are not happy with the conduct of the British government and the actions of sections of the British army (i'm sure you can find all sorts of evidence etc online as to why), and would rather not see the remembrance of those that died fighting in what they themselves believed to be a just war, tarnished by the actions of a modern occupying force.


    Of course the emotional hysteria that the government (et al) wishes to whip up in order to get backing from the public appears to be working - if some of the posts on this thread are anything to go by.

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