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Posts posted by magpie418

  1. Used to go in a boozer just up from Highbury & Islington station on Holloway Road (The Wig & Gown) years ago, was always good when we were on the telly (crapboozer though). There's the Archway Tavern further up the road which was a bit hit and miss, got a bit lively in there at times. There was another boozer around that way that got rammed with Mags during the derby match, I think there was a message posted on a mackem site advertising it to fellow makems to watch the match, word got round to seize the pub so we did, no bother really, just a dozen sad looking mackems surrounded by black and white. I did return there the next derby match to find more equal numbers and a few Mags had brought bunches of bananas along which got thrown around when we scored, would of been class if the bastards hadn't equalised.


    BTW, London's a cracking place if you know where to go, lived there for seven years.

  2. So is this Graham Roberts/ fans bid considered serious?


    Eh? Do you just come on here and not open your eyes until you've posted?


    No, but there are quite a few conflicting views and reports on here and SSN, just wondered what the overall feeling was.

    Its a pile of bollocks that will never happen.


    Hitler said that before he invaded Russia.

    Didn't suceed in taking the motherland though did he.  Just killed a load of Russians.



    Well yeah, the germans did that but he was warned of what could happen to which he replied "Its a pile of bollocks that will never happen."




    He was that confident he got his ubermench to walk there in their t-shirts *snigger*

  3. Try this for a conspiracy theory:


    Campbell at the ground today. Indicates he is discussing a contract (according to .com)

    Moat seen today, sitting between Ashley and Llambiase, shaking hands and deep in conversation (moat has his own exec box)

    Shearer returned from holiday in Portugal last friday. Moat's preferred choice as manager.

    Simpson signed last friday on loan (known to be on Shearer's list)


    Could this be that agreements has been reached on the following:


    1.  Moat to invest in NUFC with Ashley and become chairman with Llambiase to remain as a managing director

    2.  Ashley agrees to Shearer's return as manager, under advice from Moat on behalf of the fans.

    3.  Shearer, having already hinted several months ago, that a past english international would jin the club.

    4.  Campbell appointed player/defensive coach, having bought a house in Northumberland recently

    5.  Shearer so desperate to manage NUFC, he drops his current requests to be funded substantially, in favour of loans, fress, and cheap buys under the proviso that once the club is financially stable in 12 months, he gets substantial funds then to ensure success upon return to EPL.





    I read through most of that and thought that you may be on to something, until you finished with..




    It appears you may be drunk.

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