As was stated by some of the more sensible and less hysterical comments here yesterday is about opinions, not gossip, not transfer speculation, not about dirt, not about show bizz. If people want that then go else where. Just remember back to this site before Roeder was hired, how many people, including a good number who have contributed on this topic, basically just lied about what they heard, or passed on made up stories about this or that manger who has accepted. Just about 100% was bollocks, yet they come back and say other stuff which is then commented on and around and around we go. It’s a circus. is two blokes, and a few friends who help saying what they think. They don’t have to make stuff up to get a hearing, they don’t have to pretend to be in the know, they are in the know on lots of stuff, but thankfully they don’t pass on tell tale stories, or half-heard gossip just to appear to be in the know. And as said earlier, because you don’t go to the juniors away on a bleak wet night does not mean you can’t comment, but far to many of those who contribute here, who live in the North East don’t go and rant all the time. This culture of complaint maybe the cultural zeitgeist but its terribly tiresome and really brings little clarity to a situation which we can all pretend is not as bad as it seems, but is going to get worse before it gets better. We have a team which needs serious re-building and a club which seemingly totters from one crisis to another, the two don’t go togther.