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Everything posted by k2

  1. As I stated early last night around 7pm, before the thread was locked ( as if i'm going to say who told me!!!!) it was for the interview he gave on Football Focus, plus a few words that have been said in private.
  2. Relived or sacked, that's semantics. 100% true.
  3. Alan Shearer has been ‘relived of his duties’ after the interview given on Football Focus last week.
  4. I can't believe some of the bollocks posted on here, bar mick and dave, liam - can't be a real person - you are just a caricature – of what we are supposed to be like. Anyone who has seen the kid play will realise that he never stopped and worked his arse off. We are all critics now, but criticism is cheap. Taylor and Zog are twice what he is, given their less than whole hearted approach, especially the latter, wouldn’t you want more.
  5. Liam Liam Liam, If Keegan rates him so highly and O'neil is prepared to pay up to £10m fro him, he should direct any anger you may have at the idiots running the club prerpared to sell someone who will be in the Engalnd squad this season, and not at him, you just sound, and make is all sound like idiots.
  6. Not as good as Kluivert, dear me, he is a kid, he is only 21, is that what we have come too.
  7. What ever Milner is on, its a lot less that Barton, Duff, Smith. Can anyone make the case that he should be 1/2 of their wages at best. What ever doubts one may have of his ultimate quality he stands out both on and off the field as a professional. All these people saying he is a C**t and that he should F Off, and that he has no talent, should ask themselves why doe O'neil rate him so highly. This is not his doing but the clubs but the idiots running matters on the Barrack Road.
  8. k2


    Finally some sense.
  9. k2


    Yes, he saved us from going down Yes, it would have been great had he replaced Keegan (but he turned us down remember) Yes, its terrible the guy has cancer Yes, ist true he wanted to sell Shearer (discuss) Yes, he's a canny, but self-promoting bloke No, he was not our most successful manager......
  10. k2


    Not inappropriate, spot on
  11. Grow up. Anyone who doesn't see that there is so rubbish written about the club, here, there and everwhere, in particular in the national press, has clearly drowned in all the S***.
  12. k2


    If one knows, such as with SBR and a few others, that they don't like/agree with NUFC.com, and never have anything good to say about it, pick away at it etc etc, why read it? It's hardly a difficult concept to get one’s head around. I don’t like liver, never eat it, I don’t like the Mackems, don’t shout for them, don’t like the Tories, wouldn’t vote for them. If you think NUFC.com is 100% pants then forget it and move on to better things, maybe get out more, or write a blog, or possibly put your thoughts into sites beyond a forum.
  13. k2


    SSR, NUFC.com have neither supported Keegan coming or slagged it off. So god knows what you have read. Thye have rightly attacked the template, cut and paste journalism that makes up about 90% of what is written about the team. They are fans, you don't have to agree with what is written, if you don't agree then don't read it!
  14. k2

    Old Firm

    Mate. You are clearly out of your depth here. Stick to talk of pub teams or keep at the MA in Irish Studies (not)
  15. k2

    Old Firm

    Sectarian, for not supporting a team whose goalkeeper commemortated a murder who had been jailed for killing of innocent catholics, i think you have that upisde down. Tiocfaidh ár lá
  16. k2

    Old Firm

    Celtic! Anyone who wanted to see Ireland free from British domination couldn't support a team that plays in red, white and blue and allows a goalkeeper to wear a blackarm band after a sectarian murder was finally brought to justice. So Celtic for me.
  17. k2


    Nothing worse than a sinner reformed! But yes, it's a spot on piece.
  18. k2


    Thanks Love Joy seemed more poetic as with your gossip. But point taken. Thanks.
  19. k2


    No wonder Love Joy's comments are so ill-informed, now I understand he gets his laughable insights and gossip from the guy who told him O'neil was nailed on, what a blather mouth.....
  20. k2


    NUFC.com may never have wanted or liked Sam, but go back and read how the site has not rushed to judgement on him. How they have stressed yes he needs time, however they have also stressed how shit the football has in general been, even with the best start (sic) for 11 years, the football as anyone who travels home and away knows has been at times appalling and over all awful. If anything the site has been careful not to over-react as things have fallen apart over the past weeks. However Liverpool was as bad as anyone of us who have watched Newcastle in the Premier Leaque remembers. As i said, with no reply, read the comments on the Liverpool game, which of us with any passion for the club could really disagree???
  21. k2


    Only so many hours in the day, but when one reads wankery well it's hard not to. Can anyone find anything to disagree in said waffle? NUFC.com, have if anything kept their powder dry over the shambles over the past games.........
  22. k2


    And...................... The waffle on the Liverpool shambles is spot on. Aren't you the jerk who said O'Neil was in the bag.
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