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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. It is true though that he rejected our first approach in 1999 because we wouldn't pay him enough.


    Although I prefer to believe that the offer from Shepherd was derogatory as mentioned in Robson's autobiography.


    Well to be fair £500k per year was s*** money for a manager of his calibre, but dint he except that offer in the end? SA is on £3m bythewqy.


    He didn't accept the initial offer but accepted an improved offer.


    It was the same offer, with additional bonuses if he kept the team up I think?


    I dont even know why we're debating this point, the guy is a legend, i preferred him to Keegan, without him though we would of been Blackburn part II. (Granted blackburn arent doin too bad of late but...)

  2. It is true though that he rejected our first approach in 1999 because we wouldn't pay him enough.


    Although I prefer to believe that the offer from Shepherd was derogatory as mentioned in Robson's autobiography.


    Well to be fair £500k per year was shit money for a manager of his calibre, but dint he except that offer in the end? SA is on £3m bythewqy.

  3. I personally thinking the coaching and management set up needs to be looked at. We only have 2 or 3 english managers who can be considered premier managers at decent level, and out of them SA is the most advanced. Wenger changed the premiership for the better and Mourihno took it to the next level. If the coaching and training of managers improved at grassroots then the rest will follow. We need apadtable intelligent managers. All this "too many foriegner" is bullshit and is being used to deflect criticism from where its needed, we have one the the best international squads in the world, and looking at potential effect of "too many foriegners" for the future is just a cynical attempt to cover the ineptitude of the current squad.



  4. Pace hasnt really been a feature in SA side whereas graft has, if SA does eventually get the 433 sysyem working do not be surprised if Zog finds himself on the bench. I see the front 3 being the source of all of SA problems, i perosonally think that Sam would like to play Duff Viduka and Smith as his front 3, it sounds contreversial but Smith is exactly the type of player SA would want playing as a forward, hard working, strong, threat up front yet will muck in with defensive duties when play dictates it, Duff has played in that position and has been successful in that position as well, he knows that left forward position better than anyone else in the squad.

  5. I absolutely agree, i think htis squad defnintely needs to play 442, the reason i say its transistional is because he wont be able to get the forwards he wants in the jan transfer window, and so he'll need to get them in the summer. I also dont think SA will be able to play 442, i just dont think he can implement a style of play to fit the system in order to utilizes the 3 qulaity strikers he has.

  6. It's nothing to do with transitional its all to do with trying to be too clever.


    Put yer best players in thier correct positions on the park week in week out for a start. [GordonRamsey/]


    Kinda have to disagree with that, Real Madrid have been suffering that 'theory' for years now. For me, its a cae of tryin to enforce a system of play which is uncomfortable to the players that he has at his disposable, his ideal system at home would be 433, now anyone on this board could fill about 8/9 of those positions without hesitation "with the best players" but if you look at the Bolton set up at the end, you see that the players he had all fitted in his system perfectly.


    For example, if you look at the forward line of Stellios, Davies/Anelka(?), Diouf. (Cant remember how Anelka fitted in), you have  3 forwards who have roles which suit there style of play. Stellios are the hard working grafting forwards who get back and niggle, and you have the out and out striker who is able to knock on the ball for long balls while the 2 forwards make advanced runs, Now if you look at our frontline, we have no one like that. I.e, grafting forwards who work non stop, support the midfield and are able to get in the box and make advanced runs, we dont have that, we have owen and Martins, they certainly arent this type of player.


    Now you might try and argue that Zog and Milner could play there, and again i dont agree , when defence turns to attack and you require 2 forwards who are able to play inside the opposition box, put themselves about physically and provide a potent threat, you still arent gonna get that from Zog and Milner, whereas you will get that from Diouf and Stellios. For me its the frontline that is causing the problems for the rest of the squad, if he wanted to play the 3 in midfield then he be able to do that, no problms, he has the players to do so, the backline whilst not exactly organsied and water tight definetely has a very good combinations of players.


    So, for me its a case of Allardyce not being able to play the type of system he wants, his style of play is not suited to the system he's trying to implement. Its a big problem because SA is specialized at playing one type of system and play. If you were to ask Ferguson or Wenger to play percentage long ball football they'd fail, when Mourihno was asked to play open attacking football he struggled to implement it. The same thing is happening with SA, he's either tryong to play his style into an unfamiliar system and struggling (Long ball, 442 Sunderland?) or he's trying to play an unfamilar style of play with an unfmailar system (passing game, 442 Reading). As of yt he actually hasnt had one game to play his preffered system with the right players.


  7. To your first question HTT. I ask because it's clear you've put in the time and thought to really analyze the future movements of Big Sam. I personally can hardly ever be bothered to type more than one 5 line paragraph. I reckon Sam pays you to be his internet street-team.. telling us he knows what he's doing.


    I too thought Smith was Viduka's replacement, i'm not so sure anymore. More likely the Dyer replacement.


    Oba is more likely to nick a goal in an away game where we are under the kosh. He has the ability to score from absolutely nothing, with either foot, from anywhere around the 25 yard area. Owen can't do this, he needs the ball in the box. His inclusion in the team smacks me of someone scared to drop the star player.


    He's manager of Newcastle United. We have managed to avoid a relegation battle with managers like Souness and Roeder. We aren't getting relegated. We don't need 4-5 short term signings.


    I think Big Sam is winging it.


    My thoughts on Big Sam are borne out of close study of him, his methods and watching a hell of a lot of Bolton over the years because I've always thought "he'd do for us" so I like to think I have a good understanding of his methods and what not and an insight into how he thinks.


    My next victim target is Aidy Boothroyd.  :razz:


    I don't buy into Big Sam's comments about Smith replacing Dyer, as a body maybe, but not positionally. I think he was signed as a striker with the possible intention of letting Ameobi go eventually and maybe to replace Viduka long-term, or both.


    I think Martins carries arguably our biggest goal threat so I agree, however he does require a number of chances to get on the scoresheet, perhaps more than Owen, and Sam being into his stats and whatnot, perhaps Owen just gets the nod. I'd ditch Owen though and start Martins alongside either Smith or Viduka because of his pace, explosiveness and his ability to harass which Owen rarely does.


    Regarding Sam whinging it - well this is one job that will find him out so we'll know if he really is whinging it  the longer he is in the job. His Bolton record suggests to me though he's not as daft as he looks. There really is a lot of method to his madness.


    I don't think Smith was brought in with the idea of letting Ameobi go, I remember quotes from Allardyce when he spoke of his four strikers naming Owen, Viduka, Oba and Shola, he also spoke about English target men and said there was only Crouch, Davies and Ameobi out there.


    I stand corrected then. I actually thought Ameobi would do well under Big Sam but doesn't seem to get a look in, perhaps the manager doesn't rate him. Interesting he talked about Crouch, maybe we'll be after him in January? Would be a good signing and while this may shock some I'd personally trade Owen for him if that was the deal.


    On Crouch.


    I'f you're going to play like monkeys you buy a zoo.


    I don't get the stick Crouch gets


    Scores goals - check

    Creates goals - check

    Works hard - check

    Has good technique - check

    Good option up front - check


    Like Sam, he's not as daft as he looks, although ideally I'd prefer a more rounded striker at the club but I certainly wouldn't turn my nose up if we were interested as he's a good proven player ideal for 4-3-3.


    Pace and movement the lynchpin of the 433 for a forward nocheck.


    Ah that old chestnut, pace. I prefer mobility and intelligence myself which Crouch has. Centrally pace isn't too important anyway, Davies never had any and Bolton were successful using 4-3-3. Providing you have pace either side of course.


    I've said before that Crouch playing the same role as Davies did at Bolton would be unstoppable in the air, he's not the best when he needs to get power and direction into a header but for flick on's we'll struggle to find better.


    Being great in the air is important if you as the striker want to score goals from crosses ala Shearer or Sir Les but if you want to cause havoc for the opposition and create openings for team-mates you don't need to be great in the air, just an ability to flick it on and as Allardyce is big on the second ball, what better player for such a job?


    Who's he flicking it to out of interest?...All the play is behind him if he's just received a hoof from Enrique.


    Barton I imagine will be used in a similar way to how Nolan was, the main support of attack from midfield. And if we are playing 4-3-3 I imagine there will be players either side of Crouch, pacy players to get in between the full-backs. It isn't just about flick-ons though, it's about holding the ball up and having a presence centrally to focus opposition minds away from other areas.


    I see.


    What worries me about all this systems lark is that we don't have one single forward who has one clue on how to play in a 433 apart from Duff who looks like he's going to be the next permacrock.


    Then we teach the players we've got to play that way, similar to how he trained Diouf and Anelka to play it when he was at Bolton.


    That would be ideal but the two players you mention have assets our forwards can only dream about apart from the fact they have a lot of football intelligence compared to the likes of Martins and Milner and the still learning zoggy.


    In a 433 the forwards are always needing to analyse the game and re-positon so they can make the extra man (the core of the system).


    We have Owen (goalhanger) Martins (derranged run anywhere shoot if poss). Not ideal.




    The crux of our problems. Big Sam can't do what he wants to do, what he knows will work and bring us rewards, because he doesn't have the players. He has tried to fit them in but it's clearly not going to work. He's even compromised and went to 4-4-2 but even then things are not going too well. It's clear to me Allardyce isn't comfortable with 4-4-2 just like his players aren't comfortable with 4-3-3 and sadly for us, they are not too comfortable at 4-4-2 either it seems. We'll know more in January and the following summer.


    Why cant he do what he wants to do? He had the summer to recruit the players he wanted and needed and he used it very wisely. I always thought of SA as a manager who doesnt compromise and isnt afraid to drop anyone. I personnaly think that its a simple case of this season being transistion.

  8. I think its fair to say that Owen is causing most of the problems for SA. Its his value to the team which is hindering the flexibilty of SA's team selection. This seems pretty accepted amongst the board, and i think its correct. My issue with this belief though is that had SA got the england job he'd of encountered the same problems, if not twice as bad. The idea that this supposed top class manager isnt able to implement a 442 so that the team we put out is competitive at least just doesnt sit right with me. I dont understand whats going on to be fair, this squad is the best since SBR, he's bought 7 very good players. And in his limited time hasnt really brought on anyones game, Zog could possibly be the exception to this although he has always been capable of this. Having said all this i feel that SA nees the time. He's already done so muh f the club.

  9. Its a strange one this, to be fair, everything thats been said so far is true, he IS a world class striker i find it strange that peple are really questioning his abilty and his reputation. I think its been proven throughout the course of his career. However i have to agree with people who say he wont fit in a SA team. He needs the ball at his feet, its so frustrating seeing balls knocked up to him.

    It's the immovable object aganst the unstoppable force and something has to give. Its a strange paradox because as long as Owen isnt scoring, that will be a measure of how successful SA will be percieved and how nice his football is,  i know it sounds silly, but i honestly think that the possiblity of Mort or Ashley, letting Owen go is unthinkable and wont happen....

  10. So, so far, 90% of the people think that Allardyce has been about average so far?

    Fickle and ungrateful football fans, who'd of thought? I mean, im not saying he's done anything spectaclar but rating him 6 or less seems pretty harsh to me. Anyone who's rated him lower than 6 is an idiot in my opinion.



  11. Surpirsed Sam is being rated so low, i mean, Sam has brought an invaluable air of stability to the club, has cut the deadwood, has kept people fit so far (fingers crossed), has brought in genereally good players who have all shown so far that thy are defineltely capable of something, and lets be honest the fact that he's actually given us enough hope to think that we can achieve something this season to the extent that we arent happy that we're actually still in a position to achieve something. Its pretty harsh to say that whats he's achieved so far in 5 months is just an average 6.

  12. Good, question, ti's a difficult one, i mean, obviously we;d be winning it becauese on the field we'd be playing the best. but somehow buying the title doesnt sit right with me, ill always be a romantic at heart and part of the joy of supporting newcastle united is the extreme highs which are supplemented with the extreme lows and its all in the pursuit of glory, having been through what we've been through the last 15 years (years since i started supporting) i think it would be tragic to have this pursuit ended by a quick fix. Nufc symbolizes everything about the Geordie culture, and Geordie culture is all about graft and hard work, not quick fixes. 


    My heart says no, my head says yes....


    Id rather wait 10 years to win the title with good investement and business sense, then win the title in 3 with stupid investment.

  13. Nah, no need for him i dont think, he doesnt exactly offer anything different to what we've got already except maybe premiership experience. Has been gash for Chelsea so far. I think we have a lot to work with in our defence. Personally i'd like to see more decent protection of our defence, Butt has been too erratic for my liking. He's been a key player for us so far. So i'd like to see the money go on a defensive midfielder.

  14. A bit of a contreversial selection i know, but its sort of inspired by Man U's formation which is effectively a 424, granted they have better wingers, id like to see a 433:



    Beye, Roz, Faye, Enrique

    Geremi, Barton, Emre

    Milner, Vid, Zog


    Even as i wriite this its not sitting well with me, but having seen the lack of penetration we have, and the lack of forward runs from our midfield, i think it'd be nice to see Zog and Milner in more advance roles, trying to get behind the full back, even more contreversial would be to play Smith instead of Milner, i say this because i think Smith would offer more in the box when hes in his more advanced positions. I think if this formations is implented properly it could work becasue it does offer naturally alot going forward (with Emre or Barton joining the attack) yet is equally useful in defending when the 2 wings revert back to help defend.


    If we were to go even more attacking, then its a case of putting Martins on for either Smith, Milner or Zog, i think he's fit in nicely in any of the 3 forward positons.


  15. Yeh, I'd like to see more movement in our midfield, but i dont think its gonna happen, SA likes playng percentage football, h's beengoing on about keepin shape and discipline and that to me means that he doesnt want people drifitng wants to make sure people are always in a posiition to defend which i think is such a negative attitude. If i had the choice id like to see Zog and Milner playing more advanced roles with Butt and Barton breaking down any counter attacks, in fact id crave to see one of our midfielders move into an attacking posiiton. Full stop.


    To be honet, if it meant that we had to drop owen so that we can use a 433, where the 2 wide players are getting beyond the full backs id like to see it happen.

  16. Christ, are we really questioning the abilities of our best striker? Form is temporary, class is permanent (not that i think Owens performances have been down to form) i personnaly thinks its down to how the teams is playing, Owen like all of our strikers need service and it just isnt coming. Full stop.

  17. mackems.gif a wage cap of 150K, aye, that'll stop footballers earning too much money, oh whats that? what if more money comes into the game and us footballers are left out of pocket? better allow a 30K increase after 5 years. That'll show them!






    footballers get paid vastly more money than they should, but thats capitalism for you.


    i think the best solution would be to set a wage cap to say, 30K (no lower than 25, no higher than 35) a week and then allow, say up to 15K per appearence/goals/assists on top. Thus the maximum a player earns is no more than say 80-90K if he player all the games in the week or maybe 110 if he performs really really well.

    of course every fa would have to sign up, and there could be a lot of clubs trying to go though loopholes at the start, and leagues such as the russian, american and maybe chinese leagues could use the wagecap as a way of enticing players to their nations and improving their leagues.


    How the hell can you possibly enforce a performnace related pay structure....have you actually thought about this? How would it acutally work, how could you make it fair? Like i say, its a nice theory but is impossible. There are so many uncotrollable variables...people need to scrap entertaining thoughts of performance realted pay...it just doesnt work.


    Now as for your first "point" i did say 150k should of been enforced years ago. Put a little context into this concept, as it stands there is no limit to how much a player can earn, there is no perspective on how valuable a player actually is. If say 10 years ago when the highest earners were earinign say 30-40k a week, how many players do you think would of objected to having a salry cap of say 120k for the next 10 years, i dont think that there would of been many, now think about this, you have a more competve market, sure he bigger clubs are still able to pay the cap, but how many would be willing, and with the context of 150k being paid to the best players, how many players do you think would be able to demand 115k (Owen) knowing that a club would only be obliged to pay 120k to the max, they'd definitely have to be able to back it up. Now the money in football is gettting astronomical, and with so much money in the game, it is obvioulsly that wages need to increase.


    So thinking about how i said that 10 years ago a wage cap of 120k should of been enforced, that was approximately 80k increase in wages for those 10 years, if that same amount was enforced in another 10 years that would make someones maximum possible earning be 200k. As it stands, we're looking a our first 200k player in a few years. Do you see the context yet?


    Sure the money is riduclously high, but its all about context to the future. Its the best way in my opinion.

  18. Performance/appearance-related pay should be enforced IMO, but it won't be.


    is the correct answer.


    Could only happen with the backing of the Union boss and members though, with a view to looking after the game and lesser players overall.


    Would be interesting to see how many members of the PFA who play in the lower leagues would vote in such a scheme, for the good of the game of course.





    Its an impossible theory, its easy sayin a player should get paid on how well he performs, or how many appearencens he makes but hae you actually thought to applying this theory to reality. It wouldnt make it to the game because its absoltely impossible to control. There are so many uncontrollable variables. Personally, i think that a salary cap should have been enforced years ago, id have put the salary cap at something such as £150k, which is standard for a top player nowadays but years ago was an extorionate amount.  Another idea would be to introduce a standard wage cap increase every x amount of years. For example the maximum wage for the next five years could be 170k, after those years the maximum wage could increase 30k, so on and so on. Its an idea which would put perspective on the value of a player, ensuring we arent overpaying the average footballer in accordance with the cap.

  19. Not sre who i side with, it clear that G14 are gotting too powerful and i am completely against any club or clubs becoming more powerful than the governing body, however i disagree with the Cup winners being rewarded with a champions leagues place, for me the Champions League is the best club cupo competition in the world, the qulaity of football in that league is superb, and by adding the smaller nations champions to the competition (which t be fair they deserve) they are goona do nothing but dilute the quality of football we see. I personally have no interest in seeing Barcelona slap CSKA Bollockchops all over the park. In the past years some of the FA cup finalists have been dire and have no right to be thinking about CL, imiagine Millwall in the CL group stages, thats a ridiculous risk to take for the CL. Its footballing suicide if you ask me, the CL is a perfect cup competition if you ask me. Leave it to the top 4 footballing clubs in there respective leagues, not the top 3 and a wild card.



    It will recharge and give importance back to main domestic cup competitions and help spread the money around a bit. It's getting to be that the big 4 are getting so rich from the CL that it is in danger of becoming/or will become a mini-league hoovering up all the money.


    The fa cup is the biggest and best domestic cup competition in the world, for pure interantional coverage it is rated higher than the Copa Liberatods (sp?), why would you sacrifice  the quality of one of the best if not the best club competition in order to raise the value of domestic competitions? Wheres the incentive for UEFA to do so? Its a complete regression for the standards of football.


    Spreading money round is a fair point morally and theoretically but it isnt practical, if the Top 4 teams qualify for the CL then they deservethe windfall of income that that competion provides, by giving the place to a cup winner you undermine the achievements of a team, who've slogged it out for 38 games, its a matter of who deserves it most, and someone winning 8 games definetly doesnt deserve it over 38 games.


    Another point is how lucrative do you think the CL will stay if the likes of Arsenal are replaced in the cup competition by teams such as Cork City or TNS?

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