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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. fredbob

    5 released

    exactly Yeh, cos there are no racist connotations with calling a white person a monkey, whereas calling a black person amonkey does have racist connotations. Although, the context which NM used it in sows that there were no racist implications with what he said, i think he was just tryin to imply that Bramble was a primitive unskilled footballer.
  2. How old is Krul? 19? 20?, surely there wont be many teams who would be willing to take a 19/20 year old keeper and give im a first team birth for a regular basis. As for all the harper bashers out there....is there a second keeper at a premiership club which has "ambition"??
  3. fredbob

    5 released

    anyone else got a bad feeling that titus is gonna come good next season?? Put him next to campbell and i honestly tink we'll be seeinig a new bramble. Campbells not gonna let him rest on his laurels for 2 seconds.
  4. you a milkman or something?? i thought they were banned in the 90's???!!
  5. What both Bramble and Taylor needed was a dominant very vocal defender, to be honest, my prediction is that if Bramble goes to pompey and Cmpbell stays there, then the bramble we all thought we would see will turn up to play. I cant imaigine Campbell letting bramble rest on his laurel for 2 seconds, a commodity that was in fruitfuls during 90minutes in an nufc game. The same can be said for Taylor, he possess alot of good qualitys, pace, anticiaption, bravery, strenght etc. When bramble played with woody, he was a good defender, becaue woody was the type of centre half partner who was 100% focussed on the game and would make sure hs partner was as well.
  6. Aye, cause that's the only time he's been s**** And no, I'm not going to give you any examples of any other games, because I can't remember. To b fair, i think he gets a real rough shout, i honestly cant think of a time where he's made an absolute bramble-esque clanger.(Am sure he has) He seems like a solid consistently good (not great) defender. I'd go as far as sayin that he'd be nufc best defendr if he were here, not that that would be hard.
  7. Heinze?! Are you serious? He's as bad as Bramble!! errr......you sure abou that?? Heinze has always been very good everytime ive seen him. What actually has he done wrong to get such a bad rep?? not the first time av heard him being referred to as "crap"
  8. There are only 2 real problems with Viduka, 1 is his age which isnt a major one, he will still be class for a couple of years. His second is that on occasions he's lazy. Anyone who doubts this guys ability is nuts. His techniques is second to none. Perfect addition to the nufc squad. The link up play between th strikers and the midfiled hasn't beengood enough al season. Viduka would do the job nicely.
  9. Cause they're s*** and are playing over their heads? On the other hand, I couldn't have told you much about Reading before this season. As s*** as the are, they'll stay up. Their home record will be canny next season. Fulham, Wigan and the play-off winners will go down. (Seems harsh to write them off before the season has started but can't see WBA or Derby staying up) As much as i hate saying this, but i have a sneaky feeling that scumderland will do well next year, i think that keane has them as a very well drilled organised side, i know they dont seem to have any big stars, but i think they more than make up for it in there organisation, add to the fact that there will be uprecedented transfers money for them this season, i think they have the structure to prosper. I know its "big test" time for Keane, but i think he will prosper in the EPL as well, he has that raw determination and never say die attitude which you only see in the better bosses, he seems to have moulded a team that would walk off a cliff for him similar to what Mourihno has/had at Chelsea.
  10. fredbob


    So it wasnt Freddy Shepherd in his car moaning at Owen's agents trying to engineer a move, it was the papers! lol, idiotic remark!
  11. fredbob


    "Players need to start honouring their contracts, especially players who have been backed by the club through difficult times." Max Cady Yeh mate, i'd agree with that, except he kind of would be honouring his contract if it(the contract) said that he can leave for £9m if we dont qulaify for europe, it was a condition of his contract. It's in his best interest not to say anything, because if the clause gets triggered is he supposed to turn down the prospect of CL football, Trophy aspirations etc...."becase nufc stuck by him" Its dog eat dog.....get wth reality.
  12. fredbob


    Johnny2J, your avator is fucking quality, that 7 seconds clip shows more passion than any player has shown in a balck and white shirt all season.
  13. fredbob


    To be fair on the lad, its a really difficult situation for him, he's caught between a rock and a hard place, the thing is, is that he has a definitive £9m price tag on his head, if he was to come out and say his bit sayin that he was commited to nufc, how compromised would he be if one of the top four went for him...would it be worse for him to come out and say he wanted to stay but then be tempted by a trophy winning team(rightly so), or should he keep schtum and not set himself up for a fall? to be honest, if i was in the same situation, i'd stay schtum. Play it safe.
  14. How would you feel if shambles and the crap crew stayed?? Would you be worried abut SA's credentials or would you be worried....i say this becasue i have a horrid horrid feeling htat bramble in particular will stay.
  15. To be fair, i wasnt 100% for SA, (was more in favour of sven) but with all these revelations it seems obvious that this club is deperately in need of an imposing charachter, who has the balance right, this appointment does seem to appeal to the happy medium of a discplined manager with substantial managerial skill. Finally, i genuinely belive that FS might have it right..(still pissed that there wasnt more of an active effort to scour the planet for other managerial candidates...but hey!!) .....still gonna expect stuart pearce to be appionted..that way i wont be dissaponted or surprised when it happens!!
  16. fredbob

    Owen or Martins?

    really?? Although I've never seen AS9 play, I suspect he's telling the truth. In some matches, Martins was almost embarassingly bad. Worse than that fella who said he was George Weah's cousin. lol, i remember that....that was hilarious, Mr Souness if i remember correctly. goes to show.....
  17. fredbob

    Owen or Martins?

    why would anyone want to get rid of Oba, the boy is 22, has stuck 17 in his firt season, has had very little support and has potentially 10 years at the club, owen is class no doubt but for what we are paying him has been a ridiculous investment. i haven't seen so much raw talent in a newcastle shirt for such a long time, why would you not want to mould something special. i i remeber correctly, people wanted rid of C.Ronaldo after his first half season...at 18. because of his output, well oba's output has been 17 goals. the the list of 'crap' players who come to the ePL then turn out to be class is endless...henry, berkamp overmars to name a few, well obas output has been better than all there firsts seasons. Showing that he is capable of something.
  18. if i said that i am not sayin that good football is a requiremtn, and is merely just a 'side effect' of the whole scenario doe that make it any bette?if i was to swap it around and say we play crap football get us consistenlty in the top 5 but no cup win, i'd defo prefer that to top 8 crap footy with a cup win. I just think it appeals to future managers to see a team playin beautiful football. more so than an ugly team. Good football is successfull football. Success is measured by points, positions and trophies. I don't care about scenarios, i just want points, positions and trophies. It doesn't matter how "boring" some people may think it is. When we have started winning games we can discuss the topic of entertainment. Which i assume is what you refer to as arsenals pass and move or man utds width play. Well thats kinda pissed on the whole point of my scenorios. i gav the scenario for a reason, will someone please stick to it.
  19. Just wanna clarfy my point then... Would prefer sven over sam - yes....i think that sven is comparable to the curren top4 managers in EPL, i dont think SA is. Although i am not against Sam I dont believe sven would of brought greatly attractive football, but i am very confident SA wont. I would defo take consistent top 5 finishes on top of top 8 finishes ith a cup,purely for the position it pts us in finacially, status wise, moral wise. Bolton wher they are now but with a cup win or nufc just when SBR left.... nufc post SBR 10 times out of 10.
  20. if i said that i am not sayin that good football is a requiremtn, and is merely just a 'side effect' of the whole scenario doe that make it any bette?if i was to swap it around and say we play crap football get us consistenlty in the top 5 but no cup win, i'd defo prefer that to top 8 crap footy with a cup win. I just think it appeals to future managers to see a team playin beautiful football. more so than an ugly team.
  21. because i know what he is capable of. england was a major blip, i agree, though 3QF aren't good enough with the squad we had, euro2004 had final written all over it until rooney, WC had disaster with rooney and owen and WC2002 was just unlcky. Cant realy go into much detail because am pretty confident that these are are dismissable opinions. But at club level what he achieved was unprecedented with any nufc manager in the past. bar SBR maybe
  22. please show me where I said I would be happy with the League Cup and a mid table position [which is better than the vast majority of what I have witnessed in over 40 years supporting the club, especially when we had a s**** board] This is pretty much the hypothetical situation i've been trying to ask At the end of the day, you think Eriksson would be a better manager than Allardyce for NUFC, based on his CV, but I'm not sure I would agree with that, as I've pointed out that Dalglish also had a top class CV. AGREED its a fair point, one i cant really argue to much about, i think my first post were merely questioning the appointment of SA so quickly, it showed not too much ambition when ppl like sven are available although i am no questioning the appointmwnt of SA Lastly.....I can assure you that having supported the club for over 40 years, week in week out through s**** and good times, one thing I have always had is the desire to win every game. I feel its beause of those bad time that areaffecting your judgement at the present time, because wheher you want to admit it or not, newcaslte are actually in a position to become a major english club they have everything bar the set up and class manager.
  23. I can honestlysay that i cant hack the idea of long ball at nufc. Aye we are going to have to get rid of the silky one touch passing. Obvious reply but we play like an inneffective Bolton already. yeh, to be fair thats true.
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