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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Oh man, this is the single most frustrating thing, Im so desperate the club to make the right decision, it needs to be an appointment which we can envisage lasting for more than 3 years, Curbishley isnt the right man, better than Jose but not the right man.


    Please, please, please get this right. There has to be a good manager out there who who's looking in our direction, I love the club to show some ambition and have a word with Scolari, there arent many big clubs who need him at the moment, surely he'd consider another crack in the prem, much like Sven.


    Sven and perhaps Scolari would both require big money to spend, Curbishley at least is proven in budget managment with Charlton and just as well because when he got some money to spend at West Ham he spunked it away.


    Scolari hasnt ever really been a cheque book manager, I think he could do a job in getting higher level performances from our squad, Im not sure how good he is in the market. Sven would definitely require funds but I do think he'd be capable of working on a tighter budget (for what its worth i think Ashley is willingto put decent mone into  the coffers). Both would be amazing appointments, Sven was my preferred choce when we appoitned Allardyce.


    If the club did something like that I would be absolutely blown away, I just want Kinnear away from this club as soon as possilbe, the last time i felt like this about a manager was with Souness.

  2. Oh man, this is the single most frustrating thing, Im so desperate the club to make the right decision, it needs to be an appointment which we can envisage lasting for more than 3 years, Curbishley isnt the right man, better than Jose but not the right man.


    Please, please, please get this right. There has to be a good manager out there who who's looking in our direction, I love the club to show some ambition and have a word with Scolari, there arent many big clubs who need him at the moment, surely he'd consider another crack in the prem, much like Sven.

  3. This is a strange one, I cant see Kinnear being allowed to run the football club with this particular condition, unless he's suprememly arrogant and feels he can do the job anyway but with heart problems by his side i just cant see him staying, he'd be stupid to.


    Its a bit of a PR disaster, theres no way the club can dump Kinnear and yet there doesnt seem to be a great chance of Kinnear being able to complete the job.

  4. Edmundo - sublimely talented and a nutter to boot.




    From Wikipedia:


    "In 1999 he faced prosecution by animal welfare groups after hiring an entire circus to perform in his back garden to celebrate his son's first birthday... [allegedly]having a chimpanzee called Pedrinho drunk"


    http://xxx.youtube.com/watch?v=ESWh1sDhcrs - genius.



    Great shout - he was outrageously talented. Was capable of doing some brilliant things. One of the games most interesting players, much lke Cassano.

  5. NUFC - Robert, Ginola, Beardsley


    Non NUFC - Only 6 players who Ive watched who've absolutley blown me away with how good they and for those reasons are my favourite players, Ronaldihno, Zidane, Rivaldo, Messi, Romario and Ronaldo.


    Special mentions go to Scholes, Fabregas, Bergkamp and Adriano.

  6. I wonder what the excuse will be if we are relegated.


    For me it would be the lack of investment come January but also the inital protest which lead the club to be put up for sale.




    If you're using that kind of logic, i.e. every action has a reaction, then surely Mike Ashley buying the club would be to blame. He started the chain of reactions with that action after all.




    Why did you cut the rest of my post??


    For this kind of reaction. I plan on creating a whole chain of them you see, so I can f***ing hang myself with it because if I have to read any more of your s***...




    No answer then. Why didnt you just say that in the first place?


    You're just so delicate.




    I cant see that, but i give up - you like a bairn. In all this you actually havent put forward one single valid point.

  7. I wonder what the excuse will be if we are relegated.


    For me it would be the lack of investment come January but also the inital protest which lead the club to be put up for sale.




    If you're using that kind of logic, i.e. every action has a reaction, then surely Mike Ashley buying the club would be to blame. He started the chain of reactions with that action after all.




    Why did you cut the rest of my post??


    For this kind of reaction. I plan on creating a whole chain of them you see, so I can f***ing hang myself with it because if I have to read any more of your s***...




    No answer then. Why didnt you just say that in the first place?


    You're just so delicate.

  8. I wonder what the excuse will be if we are relegated.


    For me it would be the lack of investment come January but also the inital protest which lead the club to be put up for sale.




    If you're using that kind of logic, i.e. every action has a reaction, then surely Mike Ashley buying the club would be to blame. He started the chain of reactions with that action after all.I know people will laugh at this stament but its my honest opinion, I'd love to hear which of you think Kinnear was Ashley's first choice manager.




    Why did you cut the rest of my post??


    EDIT: added it so you dont miss it a second time round. The key question here is "why?". Try it.

  9. If Ashley hadn't been forced to put the club up for sale publically then we wouldn't have Kinnear in charge now

    Nobody forced Ashley to do anything he didnt want to do


    If the protester knew that Ashley wouldnt listen to them then whats the point of the NUSC and whats the point of protesting?






    Christ, everyones having a go now, so i take it you think Kinnear was Ashleys first choice manager? Think about it, if it wasnt then why? What was it about the past 3 months that may of put Kinnear in the hot seat? You must also be intimating that Ashley was always going to sell up in mid September.

  10. If Ashley hadn't been forced to put the club up for sale publically then we wouldn't have Kinnear in charge now

    Nobody forced Ashley to do anything he didnt want to do


    If the protester knew that Ashley wouldnt listen to them then whats the point of the NUSC and whats the point of protesting?




    there is a difference between influencing someone's decision, directly or indirectly, and forcing someone to do something. no one forced ashley to do anything, but the protests and disruption may have made him realise how out of his depth he was, or given him an excuse to try and get out.


    So they looked to directly influence his decison and suceeded but technically as he wasnt forced its all down to him? If we're absolving the protesting fans of blames then i take it you think that Ashley was always going to sell, in which case you'd proably be right, Kinnear was always going to be Ashleys first choice.

  11. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this f***ing forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.


    That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc.


    f***ing hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best??




    Oh do f*** off will you.


    You are without doubt the most boring person on here with your inane 'questions'.


    Like a dick though I'll try and answer your ridiculous question, or rather offer some thoughts on the issue.


    For me a very public and vocal display from fans that we will no longer put up with mismanagement and that we'll always hold those responsible for managing the club accountable in such a way will go a long way in ensuring whoever does manage the club whether it be Ashley or someone else, will do so in good fashion.




    You're calling them "inane" becasue you dont like the implicationsof the answer.


    As for the answer - its a s*** one, its bascially a dressed up version of "We'll get rid of Ashley and hope for the best" mind you, to be fair to you you have included "hope Ashley changes his ways". Well done.






    Well said.


    He has a point. Your argument seems to be something similar to "The grass isn't always greener..." but the fact of the matter is there's very little grass, if any, on this side anyway.


    I think ive summed my point up pretty well to be honest - the groups reasoning is "get rid of Ahsley and hope for the best" Im sorry, you may be able to get behind that type of thinking but i cant.


    My argument isnt actually about the merits of Ashley as an owner, its actually that the group has no contingecy is they succeed and to be honest i care far more about the club then i do about the owner and i dont like seeing its future gambled with as recklessly as they seem to be doing.


    If they came out and said that realisitically in the current climate only people with the wealth to purchase the club outright will buy the club, and that the fact that the club isnt in CL means that the likliehood of the new owners saddling the club with debt is minimal, then id open up my ears and listen a little more becasue its showing me that they are thinking a little bit - so far all i can see is men with pitchforks. (They're still hoping for the best - but they've at least thought about it)

  12. You're calling them "inane" becasue you dont like the implicationsof the answer.


    As for the answer - its a shit one, its bascially a dressed up version of "We'll get rid of Ashley and hope for the best" mind you, to be fair to you you have included "hope Ashley changes his ways". Well done.


    Are there any worse owners in the league?


    Its going to be an uphill task for me to try and prove that Ashley is actually a good owner, to be honest his actions this window havent been good enough at all, and im not sure he has any excuse for his failure this window, however my point is actually not centred around this point, its not a case of me thinking Ashley is fanstatic and should stay, its the fact that this organisation has effectively decided upon the future of this club and they havent provided me or anyone with any contingency plans should they succeed.


    As a fan, i cant help but think what right do these 800 people think they have to take such affirmative action without thinking it through properly.


    I just cant get round the idea that no one has thought of what next.

  13. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this f***ing forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.


    That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc.


    f***ing hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best??




    Oh do f*** off will you.


    You are without doubt the most boring person on here with your inane 'questions'.


    Like a dick though I'll try and answer your ridiculous question, or rather offer some thoughts on the issue.


    For me a very public and vocal display from fans that we will no longer put up with mismanagement and that we'll always hold those responsible for managing the club accountable in such a way will go a long way in ensuring whoever does manage the club whether it be Ashley or someone else, will do so in good fashion.




    You're calling them "inane" becasue you dont like the implicationsof the answer.


    As for the answer - its a s*** one, its bascially a dressed up version of "We'll get rid of Ashley and hope for the best" mind you, to be fair to you you have included "hope Ashley changes his ways". Well done.






    Well said.

  14. By the way I agree with the bloke who said NUSC need to de personalise this, make it about the mismanagement of the club from owner to manager and promote the message that this mismanagement isn't acceptable and never will be, that way you also send out a signal to other would be interested future owners  of NUFC. It isn't about names or personalities but mismanagement and those responsible for it.


    All it comes down to for me is supporting the club. That's all we can do. If we got Ashley out, who's to say someone better would come in? I respect fans talking passionately about the club, but at the end of the day we're just fans. My honest opinion is that the best thing to do is to support the club as best we can and hope for the best. I'm well aware that many will disagree with me, but I can't see any other way.


    Spot on. :)



  15. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this f***ing forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.


    That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc.


    f***ing hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best??




    Oh do fuck off will you.


    You are without doubt the most boring person on here with your inane 'questions'.


    Like a dick though I'll try and answer your ridiculous question, or rather offer some thoughts on the issue.


    For me a very public and vocal display from fans that we will no longer put up with mismanagement and that we'll always hold those responsible for managing the club accountable in such a way will go a long way in ensuring whoever does manage the club whether it be Ashley or someone else, will do so in good fashion.




    You're calling them "inane" becasue you dont like the implicationsof the answer.


    As for the answer - its a shit one, its bascially a dressed up version of "We'll get rid of Ashley and hope for the best" mind you, to be fair to you you have included "hope Ashley changes his ways". Well done.

  16. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this f***ing forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.


    That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc.


    Fucking hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best??




    Do you know how football ownership works?


    The club is Ashley's. He can't just take his ball and go home. When we 'get rid' of Ashley we will be owned and ran by someone else, hopefully someone with more ambition.


    So thats a yes then.



  17. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this f***ing forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.


    That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc.


    Fucking hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best??



  18. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this fucking forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.


    Unfortunately, I don't think NUSC have enough money to invest in a crystal ball.


    Newcastle United needs a supporters club whether Ashley is here for much longer or not. We constantly go on about how our fans are the best in the business but IIRC we're one of the biggest clubs not to have a dedicated supporters club. Once the Ashley issue is sorted then i'm sure, especially in this day and age when supporters are the dirt on the shoe of the football world, they'll represent the fans in other ways.


    NUSC dont have plan if they suceed in removing Ashley? Theres a gap in logic and sense in there somewhere...


    I resent the idea that someone is taking firm action against something I love with absolute blantent disregard to the future of the club.



  19. There is more intelligence, passion and will being put out over that stream than there is by many on this fucking forum. I'm enjoying the discussions me and grateful fans are doing something about the state of the club, if only at this stage talking and having their say. Good on them and good luck to them. These are proper fans who care deeply about the club, unlike some of the twats on here.


    What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that.

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