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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. To be honest, how many players have left us recently and done pretty well since leaving, i make it Duff, Martins, Owen, Milner, prbably others as well who have done well since leaving us, the thing is is that all of them were written off as shit players who werent capable of too much yet are doing well in there current teams. Its very very hard to do well in a team that isnt doing well in attack. We arent outplaying any teams its literally that we actually have that extra quality and its coming through, Jonas is an example of someone who isnt really playing well but is just better than the opposition, another player who would easily join the above list.


    He's a good player in a poor team.




    If Fredbob & Mandiarse are posting can NE5 not be allowed back in to bring balance?


    You sad cunt.


    Just for the record before i get banned, the content of the banner is my issue, not the overall intention which by the sounds of it was just to insult the owner. All im saying is maybe a more articulate thoughtful criticsm was more apt.




    P.S bring back NE5

  3. Jesus wept :lol:


    Can one of the holier-than-thou fuckwits on here knock up 'An Idiots Guide to Protesting' because i'd love to know exactly how I and others should be conducting ourselves against Swansea and Watford?


    The banner may have been unpalatable for some and that's not surprising because rape is a very strong word but in this instance it's quite apt (my main problem with the banner was the use of the term 'cockney'. Not very accurate.) I think the fact that it was within full view of the press area and it was seen by some journalists yet there has been little or no comment in todays rags about it tells you all you need to know. We're not in the midst of another 'boycoutt' episode, far from it. The feeling I get from supporters of other clubs and the press is that we could commit some gross physical acts of violence against him and they'd still struggle to blame us for it.


    And I don't want to bang on about this but if you're a non-attendee unless you didn't go to the game as a form of boycott then your opinion really isn't valid. I don't care how logistically difficult it would be for you to get to St. James' Park from Uruguay, or if you've owned every home kit since year zero, i've paid my money and I'm well within my rights to protest so please don't tell me i'm wrong.


    So what was the purpose of the banner? Just to insult Ashley? The bit in bold is the key to everyones 'grievances' with the banner in my opinion.

  4. Is it that hard to come up with a banner which actually has something coherent on it? The banner served absolutely no purpose whatsoever. If you put something on the banner that implies that the fans are the victims then maybe you'll achieve something. How about "Invest" - lots of them.

  5. Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.

  6. Cant believe the amount of hate for Kevin Keegan - f***ing mongs  :facepalm:


    SBR happy clappers man, dont let them get to you. 


    They only remember moments under SBR which were good and forget some of the shyte that was churned out.


    :lol: What a crock of shit.

  7. On a bigger scale the being in the Championship has been a bit of a godsend, it's allowed us to get rid of wasters who would otherwise be hard to shift if we were in the Prem,  our perfromances inthe league have galvonised fans and being in the Championship has perhaps got rid of an element of the crowd who were only interested in watching the Premiership and not Newcastle United. (20,000 supporters, the rest Customers).


    I never thought I'd say this but i actually think relegation could be one of the best things to happen to this club since we appointed SBR, that is assuming we go up the first time of asking...


    Thumbs up from so far.

  8. Why do fans want him anyway?


    Only thing he's done as a coach/manager is get us relegated. We're more than capable of attracting a proven manager.


    If Shearer wants the job, he should prove himself somewhere else first. End of.


    Gone fishing :kinnear:


    He's got a point thought, i bet no one can give a decent reason without referring to Keegans first spell be it in their mind or actally written on here. Im not saying Shearer will be a bad manager as a reason for not wanting him here (although i don't think he will be a good manager), all im saying is at this critical time we need to guarantee promotion the first time of asking then look to move on from there, not try an incorporate another fucking fairlytale into a history of NUFC.


    Emotion needs to take a sidestep and let logic and reasoning through, its actually imperative.

  9. Feel very strongly about this, no, absolutely not, the club needs to move away from sentimentalilty and put on some reality glasses, the mere fact that people seem to draw solice from the fact that Keegan managed to acheive so much when he became manager for the first time as a form of retort to those who doubt Shearere says alot about the mentalilty of alot of fans.


    If Shearer proves a major success at a number of clubs and turns out to be the real deal in the same sense that Mark Hughes seems to of done then id be more than happy to bring "God" hoime but until then id much rather we do something we've not done sice the appointment of SBR and appointed a manager on footballing merit and pedigeree alone.


    If things go wrong then i wouldnt worry about the future of the club so much if we were sacking the likes of Coppell then i would if we were sacking Shearer, NUFC fans have a pedigree of spitting there dummies out.


    Personally i think Curbsishley would be an astute appointment.

  10. England are a bigger draw in world football than Germany Italy or Argentina think again


    I would say so yes, obviously not as successful but a bigger draw..Aye


    What are you basing that on England are no bigger a draw than Spain France or Holland....jesus are you one of these media folk who think England are the best at everything when in reality they are shite


    You cant correlate someone saying they think England are one of teh biggsest draws to implying that they are therefore the "best", what's been said is perfectly acceptable, England are a massive draw all around the world, both the historical reasons, and for the mere fact that they have the most popular domestic league in the world.


    We have some of the biggest players in the world in our team, Im pretty confident that if you asked the general population of football fans to name the england first tea, then they'd be able to rattle it off much more quicjly than they would Germany or Argentina. 

  11. Not so much a treasured memory but something which makes me laugh the more i think about it! Think it was WC90 and it was the night before a big match and he was checking on Gazza who was hyperactive, he caught him after lights out standing by the window in his room so Sir Bobby went in and asked him what he was doing, apparently Gazza couldnt sleep and said he was "throwing stones at some chickens", instead of bollocking him Sir Bobby didnt believe he could do it and said "go on then".


    I probably havent told the story perfectly, but the idea of the great man stood in a hotel room challenging Gazza to lob stones at chickens gets me everytime. 

  12. Absolutely devastated, cant say anymore than that. "Legend" is such a cliched over used word in football and in general but i can honestly say i cant think of too many people to whom the word would be more apt than it would be to Sir Bobby Robson.


    Have genuine affection for the man,  was a giant amongst men and an incredibely brave person.



  13. Slighty OT - but watched the documentary about Farrah Fawcetts fight against her cancer and f*** me its one of the things that scares me most in life. Hate to think what anyone goes through and saw a few good friends go the same way - luckily (if you get my meaning) my Mother succummed quite quickly and would say her suffering was days not months or years.


    I've told our lass tonight if that is ever me then its Switzerland as soon as they give me no hope. f*** that.


    Couldn't agree more with that sentiment. :sadnod:


    Really? Personally I'd like to cling on as long as possible, never know when some miracle cure could come out, unlikely but there's always the hope.

    as and when you've watched it,felt it a bit more you'll realise that the miracle cure is a way off and the pain is closer.



    i fully understand and concur with crumpys sentiments.


    I dont know about that, Im not one of these pro life hillbillies but its definitely something worth fighting for, ive seen cancer take close ones away and whilst you can take comforts in seeing your loved ones ease away from horrific daily pain, nothing can replace the time spent in those final moments fighting the disease.

    Theres a tragic twisted logic in there somewhere, euthanasia is just far too clinical and detached from the emotions that feelings that surround said event, neccessary feelings.  



    you sure a bout that ?



    we are talking about people with weeks maybe months left of horrific pain against the chance of in those few weeks or months a cure will bring them back from advanced,terminal conditions ?


    100% certain. They are truly horrific times but they are always dotted with some incredibly deep and meaningful moments. Im not talking about waiting for a cure bythwway, my angle is more about fighting the disease to the very end.


    Like i say, personally Id fight all the way to the end.

  14. Slighty OT - but watched the documentary about Farrah Fawcetts fight against her cancer and f*** me its one of the things that scares me most in life. Hate to think what anyone goes through and saw a few good friends go the same way - luckily (if you get my meaning) my Mother succummed quite quickly and would say her suffering was days not months or years.


    I've told our lass tonight if that is ever me then its Switzerland as soon as they give me no hope. f*** that.


    Couldn't agree more with that sentiment. :sadnod:


    Really? Personally I'd like to cling on as long as possible, never know when some miracle cure could come out, unlikely but there's always the hope.

    as and when you've watched it,felt it a bit more you'll realise that the miracle cure is a way off and the pain is closer.



    i fully understand and concur with crumpys sentiments.


    I dont know about that, Im not one of these pro life hillbillies but its definitely something worth fighting for, ive seen cancer take close ones away and whilst you can take comforts in seeing your loved ones ease away from horrific daily pain, nothing can replace the time spent in those final moments fighting the disease.


    Theres a tragic twisted logic in there somewhere, euthanasia is just far too clinical and detached from the emotions that feelings that surround said event, neccessary feelings. 



  15. Some fair points being made about alternatives, personally Id of made him train with the reserves, fined and kept shctum about it, if the media ask just say its been dealt with internally. Simple diplomacy.



    if he was just a player who had got sent off then yes....but it was more than that rerally wasn't it ?


    a bit like when you gave examples of clough/ferguson........but neither of them had joey barton and everything that goes with him (oh and by the way clough would often be outspoken in the press about his players and would quite probably have been more outspoken ithan shearer in this instance)


    Different era with clough but Im sure Paul McGrath was a bit of a handful for Fergie, as was Yorke, not in the same class but the examples are there, SBR consistently got the best out of Bellmay even though he was a jumped up prick and a thug as well, his downfall was probably that he may of been too lenient howeverhe didnt drag the club thorugh the mud when things went wrong.


    Really struggling for inspiration here, gonna cut my losses.

  16. Ok  how about this, Shearer did the right thing but in completely the wrong way, his actions werent in the best interest of the club in its current plight. The better managers know how to deal with incidents like this, they save face then deal afterwards, they dont let the media and public knwo that serial fuck up Joey Barton has been suspended Alan "I take no shit", manager of Mickey mouse club Newcastle united.


    Keep Barton away from the club, just dont tell the media so they can scavange like vultures over our decaying body, not in the run up to the games that we had.




    I'd argue the more experienced managers would perhaps deal with it differently, but it's nothing to do with how good they are.


    We had to tell the media (and the fans) what was going on man. Everyone was raging and speculating about the daft fucker and how we were going to deal with him - how does that help in the run up to important games?


    See in my opinion it does a little, decision making is a key attribute to most things in life, in psychology the way we deal with certain situations can help determine the type of person we may become in the future, like i say, i got a little insight into why i think Shearer might not succeed, it wasnt a thoroughly thought out move in my opinion.



  17. Ok, the best analogy i can come up with to explain my point of view, is if you see someone dealing with a prick, in sitaution a) he deals with him by hitting him, in situation b) he deals with him by talking to him and calming the sitaution down.


    Now suppose i witness both situauations I could tell alot about the persons temperament by how they handled the situaiton regardless of the pricks involvment, i know the examples arent the same as what occured with Shearer but the general jist is there. Its the same concept seeing how he handled the situaiotn gave me an insight into how he thinks and I wasnt "impressed."


    So hard to explain.

  18. Please point out where anyone claims Shearer will be a great manager.


    I think you might struggle, but you might find a shitload of people saying the hope isn't based on much. You're the one making claims.


    Christ - im sure i said "good/great" not that that makes any difference to the post. If you neither agree or disagree with my post then why say anything? I dont think he will be a good manager - more in the mould of Souness, people who diasgree with me think he'll be nothing like Souness and will be a good manager, theres no grey area here, you either want him here becasue you think he'll be a good manager or you dont want him here becasue you dont.


    Im struggling to see whats so difficult to comprehend, if you diasgree with me then what is it that you've physcially seen which makes you think he might become a good manager?


    Just because I've argued against you claiming he's going to be like Souness doesn't mean I automatically think he's going to be good or great. ???


    What? So my relatively irrelavent comparison to Souness is your only point of contention? What have we achieved?


    If you look back yes, that's the only thing I've been disputing. Considering it's at the core of why you think he's not going to be any good I reckon it's worthy of discussion.


    I simply don't see any similarities to Souness (ie the Bellamy affair) whatsoever.


    Then we're gonna have to agree to disagree.


    Ive also mentioned Keane and Ince. Ive also mentioned Wenger, Mourihno and Ferguson as counter examples of what im trying to explain.


  19. Ok  how about this, Shearer did the right thing but in completely the wrong way, his actions werent in the best interest of the club in its current plight. The better managers know how to deal with incidents like this, they save face then deal afterwards, they dont let the media and public knwo that serial fuck up Joey Barton has been suspended Alan "I take no shit", manager of Mickey mouse club Newcastle united.


    Keep Barton away from the club, just dont tell the media so they can scavange like vultures over our decaying body, not in the run up to the games that we had.



  20. Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.


    The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


    The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


    Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



    the timing of the suspension was shearers fault ?


    i've seen mourinho say his player deserved to be sent off before.


    Yeh, i dont think he should of been 'publically' suspended, make him train with the reserves, hell you can effectively suspend him without suspending him - is it that difficult to get around without dragging the clubs name through the mud?


    The clubs facing its biggest run up to the end of season in about 20 years, psychologically speaking is it healthy to have the public mutterings about the situation whiilst you are trying to concentrate on some of the biggest games of your life? In my mind no.


    Ive seen Wenger say he saw something which was his players fault, not really the point i was making, Im very confident Mourihno would of said no such thing had he been in the Semi of the CL or the penultimate game to a titel challenign season....its all about context of incident.


    In my mind Shearer went about it the wrong way. And it shows a degree of naivety and poor decision makingm he didnt look at the big picture.

    if i was a newcastle player i'd have wanted barton training with anyone other then the first team. it would be interesting to knoew if anyone of the playing staff , after the liverpool game, had the bottle to tell barton to fuck off.

    if bartons had been a one off incident he may have got shearers backing but for fucks sake how many times is that now he;s dropped us in the shit. he is indefensible, it's pointless trying. sooner he's gone the better.


    Again, you have me wrong, im not defending Barton, im using how he dealt with Barton and its context to exlain my reservations about him as a manager, i see similarities to Souness' way of handling things and Keanes as well...

  21. Please point out where anyone claims Shearer will be a great manager.


    I think you might struggle, but you might find a shitload of people saying the hope isn't based on much. You're the one making claims.


    Christ - im sure i said "good/great" not that that makes any difference to the post. If you neither agree or disagree with my post then why say anything? I dont think he will be a good manager - more in the mould of Souness, people who diasgree with me think he'll be nothing like Souness and will be a good manager, theres no grey area here, you either want him here becasue you think he'll be a good manager or you dont want him here becasue you dont.


    Im struggling to see whats so difficult to comprehend, if you diasgree with me then what is it that you've physcially seen which makes you think he might become a good manager?


    Just because I've argued against you claiming he's going to be like Souness doesn't mean I automatically think he's going to be good or great. ???


    What? So my relatively irrelavent comparison to Souness is your only point of contention? What have we achieved?

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