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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Protest won't force Ashley take a loss sale.  Relegation can.


    Am i reading this right? You want to risk the future of the club just to force out the man who could change it all, even though he;s given us the best first team in 5 years?


    Yet we're in our worst position as a club since gaining promotion in 1993.


    So its isnt the best first team we've had in 5 years? Is that what you're saying?

  2. They might have floated the idea of a lucrative contract around but I guarantee they won't be seriously thinking of actually handing Kinnear such a deal, they're just trying to keep him sweet at a time (not incidentally) where he seems to be asking questions of them regarding transfers, money, control of transfers and whether they fully realise just what kind of position we are in. If there is one think Kinnear would sell his soul to the devil for it would be a proper contract at the club, to become the permanent manager beyond this season. And they know it. They are playing him for a mug like they played KK. They have no intention of handing him this lucrative deal just like they have no intention of spending decent money on the decent players he would like and at some stage was told they would do all they could to get him.


    I can seriously see Kinnear walking out at the end of the window or before the season end. 


    The evil genius.

  3. NE5, can you please provide any evidence of anyone on here claiming Gartside was a better chairman than Shepherd? I can't find any.


    as I said, you have changed your server. In actual fact, why not ask people now, if they think Gartside is better than Shepherd, in fact, ask how many other chairmen anywhere have run better football clubs than Shepherd ?






    Where does this persecution delusion come from?


    You'll be telling us next that everybody appreciated having a team qualifying regularly for europe and didn't demand the fat bastard out and spent millions on new players almost every time the team lost a game.


    So whats your point? You want people to appreciate Shepherd? You want people to hold a candle to him? Is that your mission ?


    Most people recognise the good job he did, however they also recognise the bad job he did, imagine if he appointed Souness after Keegan? Would we be giving him the praise you think he deserves?


    Feel free to not reply to this directly.




    you've been watching too many yank movies fredbob.


    I think far too many people take far too much notice of Louise Taylor by the way, falling right into what she wants ........






    You're having one there NE5.


    "Yank movie"?? What are you on about?? Since when has the word "mission"been an american english word?



    since you wore short pants, and Newcastle United were run by people who thought staying in the top league was success ?






    Are you backwards? I guess that explains your views on the club.




    the sad thing is, you just don't understand do you ?


    You REALLY think a football club can be successful on sports direct type prices ?




    Fuck me, and you give me giref about my english. All along i thought i was talking to someone who understood english, no wonder you never understand what anyone says and misinterpret everything.


    I'd ask you to point where ive specifically said that Newcastle United can be successful by not spending anything, i spent the beginning of the summer saying how much faith i had in Ashley openeing his wallet for fucks sake.


    What a muppet you are.




    I really can't decide if you're a poor WUM or thick fredbob.


    Suffice to say, this time last year, you were fully supporting the direction of the club and lack of investment in players to strengthen the team, despite myself and [only] one or two others telling you how it was all going so wrong. What do you think now ?







    If you cant decide then that would make me a good one, no? The irony continues I'm the thick one yet you dont know if the word mission is english?  :weep:


    Would you of given Allardyce a bulk of money? And what does that say about my views on our transfer policy?


    Feel free to ignore this post, I couldnt quite work you out but now its 100% clear you're not worth the reply.



  4. I can't believe the way some of you are talking about this man. He's probably given most people on this board their greatest memories in football.


    Very sad.


    And yes, I'd have him back in a heartbeat.


    You reall yneed to look at the reasons he left in the very first place to seehow trivial and petulant he can be, he's done some great things for the club, but when it comes to taking the rough with the smooth, he goes missing.


    He gave us THE best times as manager, but walked out when we needed him the most, on 2 occasions now. My love for the man has drained big time.

  5. So assuming that the club is looking to invest this window, how does protesting help?


    Are people willing to completely throw away the 'slimmest' of chances that Ashley might want to invest this window? Would that not put a nail in the coffin, and if that were to happen how many of you knuckle draggers take repsonisiblty or will it be another case of "our protests made no difference", in which case the protests would be pointless in the first place.





  6. Keegan left because he was lied to by the board and they put him in an impossible position. How would you like it in your job, say if you were a gardener and your boss gave you a pair of scissors to do the job? I'm guessing you wouldn't like that very much.

    TBH, mate, that's a good analagy


    It really isn't.






  7. Protesting caused part of this s****.


    Not this again.

    How did it help us? Bar scare off any potential successor?


    Of all the shit that is spouted on this board this is still the best one.


    I fucking love the idea that people who would spend hundreds of millions on a business would be put off by what were after all completely peaceful protests.




    2 things - it wasnt completely peaceful and there was threat place upon ashley so stopping strumming that line, and if protests did nothing then why fucking bother?


    You either achieved what you set out to do or you just wasted your time and made yourself look a dick.


    Maek your mind up.


    they we're peaceful, the police complimented the fan's on their behaviour ffs


    The protests were peaceful but they did go hand in hand with the threats that were put upon Ashley, (and his unfortunate lookalike). Its all part of the same prtoest in my opinion, even if you cant control that element.


    Are you completely ruling out the possilbity that some retards havent jammed the clubs mailbox with threatening letter or what not? Its be a naive man to say yes.





  8. Protesting caused part of this s****.


    Not this again.

    How did it help us? Bar scare off any potential successor?


    Of all the shit that is spouted on this board this is still the best one.


    I fucking love the idea that people who would spend hundreds of millions on a business would be put off by what were after all completely peaceful protests.




    2 things - it wasnt completely peaceful and there was threat place upon ashley so stopping strumming that line, and if protests did nothing then why fucking bother?


    You either achieved what you set out to do or you just wasted your time and made yourself look a dick.


    Maek your mind up.

  9. NE5, can you please provide any evidence of anyone on here claiming Gartside was a better chairman than Shepherd? I can't find any.


    as I said, you have changed your server. In actual fact, why not ask people now, if they think Gartside is better than Shepherd, in fact, ask how many other chairmen anywhere have run better football clubs than Shepherd ?






    Where does this persecution delusion come from?


    You'll be telling us next that everybody appreciated having a team qualifying regularly for europe and didn't demand the fat bastard out and spent millions on new players almost every time the team lost a game.


    So whats your point? You want people to appreciate Shepherd? You want people to hold a candle to him? Is that your mission ?


    Most people recognise the good job he did, however they also recognise the bad job he did, imagine if he appointed Souness after Keegan? Would we be giving him the praise you think he deserves?


    Feel free to not reply to this directly.




    you've been watching too many yank movies fredbob.


    I think far too many people take far too much notice of Louise Taylor by the way, falling right into what she wants ........






    You're having one there NE5.


    "Yank movie"?? What are you on about?? Since when has the word "mission"been an american english word?



    since you wore short pants, and Newcastle United were run by people who thought staying in the top league was success ?






    Are you backwards? I guess that explains your views on the club.




    the sad thing is, you just don't understand do you ?


    You REALLY think a football club can be successful on sports direct type prices ?




    Fuck me, and you give me giref about my english. All along i thought i was talking to someone who understood english, no wonder you never understand what anyone says and misinterpret everything.


    I'd ask you to point where ive specifically said that Newcastle United can be successful by not spending anything, i spent the beginning of the summer saying how much faith i had in Ashley openeing his wallet for fucks sake.


    What a muppet you are.



  10. f***ing hell, i remember half this board at the time saying that was our 'best summer ever'


    since then everyone that backed him has changed their minds and is going OTT in saying how bad he was. that to me is the 'revisionist history s***'.


    It's called hindsight.


    The fact that we were excited about it at the time certainly doesn't exempt it from being a failure.


    Especially considering that our excitement was mostly predicated on the assumptions that Joey Barton wouldn't go to prison and that Alan Smith was a footballer.


    whats your measurement for failure?


    I mean if we'd signed Henry, Lampard and ronaldihno that window and they all failed, would that make the window a failure in your eyes?


    Umm.... Yes?


    So a windows success or failure is based entirely on the completely unpredicatable nature of footballers?


    Surely there has to be some objective measure of a windows succes?


    Its a bit like saying appointing Wenger is only good appointment if he suceeds completely ignoring the merit of the appointment.


    The way i see it is that appointing Wenger will be a good appointment, full stop. 


    By that line of reasoning there is no accountability for transfers, full stop. Because no one can predict whether a player can succeed or not.


    In reality, you expect the club to be able to make some sort of reasonable projection on a potential signings chance for success.


    The warning signs were clear for our signings that summer.


    Barton was facing a potential prison sentence. We payed City 5m.


    Alan Smith was coming of what was nearly a career-ending injury and had not been preforming consistently in the Premiership for nearly three years. We payed Man United 6m.


    David Rozhenal's physicality was always going to be an issue in the Prem. We payed PSG 3.5m.


    The fact that the worst case scenarios happened for all of those moves is irrelevant, as the manager's risk assessment itself was quite clearly flawed for all of them.


    To pick up on your analogy, would appointing Arsene Wenger be a good appointment? Probably, but not certainly. It's up to the board to assess the prevalent risk factors. Can Wenger succeed without the resources he has at Arsenal? Can he succeed within the system in place at the club? Would he be able to adapt to a move to Northeast England?


    Should Wenger come here and actually fail, it is fair for fans to assume that the board was probably negligent in their assessment of one or more risk factors. That would make that appointment a failure.


    The problem is is that you're expecting the club to judge something which has no predictable elements to it. My accountabilty starts and ends and at the clubs efforts to buy whats required for the club. If we need a striker and the club buys a good striker then thats all i can ask of the club anything after that is entirely the responsiblity of the manager who's picked him to be signed.


    If only the club had the same hindsight that you have. I cant make my point any more simpler than that.


    Theres no "probably" about it, Wenger would be a fantastic appointment, full stop. thats where accountabilty stops for the decision to sign him, just like a football transfer.


    By your logic, you could easily make a case that having Kinnear here now is a better appointment than having Mourhino, becasue he fits in with your "risk assessment", which quite frankly is ridiculous.

  11. NE5, can you please provide any evidence of anyone on here claiming Gartside was a better chairman than Shepherd? I can't find any.


    as I said, you have changed your server. In actual fact, why not ask people now, if they think Gartside is better than Shepherd, in fact, ask how many other chairmen anywhere have run better football clubs than Shepherd ?






    Where does this persecution delusion come from?


    You'll be telling us next that everybody appreciated having a team qualifying regularly for europe and didn't demand the fat bastard out and spent millions on new players almost every time the team lost a game.


    So whats your point? You want people to appreciate Shepherd? You want people to hold a candle to him? Is that your mission ?


    Most people recognise the good job he did, however they also recognise the bad job he did, imagine if he appointed Souness after Keegan? Would we be giving him the praise you think he deserves?


    Feel free to not reply to this directly.




    you've been watching too many yank movies fredbob.


    I think far too many people take far too much notice of Louise Taylor by the way, falling right into what she wants ........






    You're having one there NE5.


    "Yank movie"?? What are you on about?? Since when has the word "mission"been an american english word?



    since you wore short pants, and Newcastle United were run by people who thought staying in the top league was success ?






    Are you backwards? I guess that explains your views on the club.


    If I was a cunt, I'd put your post in my sig becasue its so delicious.

  12. Excellent news that we're doing this, very pleasing to see the club pursue the youth policy.


    Like it matters.


    What do you possibly mean?


    Meh, i'm generalising tbh. Just feel a bit as if - whatever hope i had left - has just been thoroughly sapped with today's news about Kinnear. Aye i saw it coming but the reality of it hurts.


    I've always been for the academy policy so my opinion hasn't really changed on this - it's good that we've been doing it and a refreshing chance to the previous regime. We won't reap the rewards of any signing with this manager though.


    Yikes. I'm forming the thesis of an agenda here. Better go careful tbf.


    Fair enough, Kinnear hasnt inspired me at all, its yet another transistion season for us, its just good to see that there is actually good things happening at the club throuoguht the doom and gloom.


    When was the last time you saw the club make such an effort to look for the future of the club?


    Like i say, it's all just a total contradition. Whilst we're maintaining a focus on bringing young players in, we're appointing Joe fucking Kinnear as permanent manager. As far as i'm concerned, with that clown, the future points to one direction - and that is ultimately down. Of course, by some point it'll get to breaking point and he'll have to sack him, but that doesn't represent any sort of consolation for me. If Ashley is serious, he would have chucked Kinnear, chucked Wise (no PL manager will work with that), and got someone decent in. I really, deeply wish that had happened - and signings like this one would get the credit they deserve.


    With things as they are though... pfft. As if it even matters. :undecided:


    Chuck Kinnear yes, chuck Wise no. He's done a good job so far, we still dont know the circumstances of the summer, Ive actually been impressed with the way Kinnear has drilled the team defensively, i get the feeling that attacking play is going to be pretty conventional with the attacking players just doing what they're paid for. I dont expect to see Arsenal type football but im pretty conifdent that they quality of our players will get us thorugh, like it has done on occasions this season.

  13. Excellent news that we're doing this, very pleasing to see the club pursue the youth policy.




    Without wanting to switch this into something else - it does show some signs of long term planning which can only be good for the club.


    Lets just hope they dont forget about the present.


    Exactly. Whilst I'm all for this policy of trying to bring in the best youngsters, it should be secondary to the fact that the first team needs serious investment.


    I agree that the squad needs investing in but i disagree that the first team needs major investment. For me this is the best first team we've had in about 5 years, id say we were a CM away from being a very very good side, we just need a manager to pull it all together.  :shifty:



  14. Excellent news that we're doing this, very pleasing to see the club pursue the youth policy.




    Without wanting to switch this into something else - it does show some signs of long term planning which can only be good for the club.


    Lets just hope they dont forget about the present.

    you mean the bung ?


    Is that you 'Arry?

  15. Excellent news that we're doing this, very pleasing to see the club pursue the youth policy.


    Like it matters.


    What do you possibly mean?


    Meh, i'm generalising tbh. Just feel a bit as if - whatever hope i had left - has just been thoroughly sapped with today's news about Kinnear. Aye i saw it coming but the reality of it hurts.


    I've always been for the academy policy so my opinion hasn't really changed on this - it's good that we've been doing it and a refreshing chance to the previous regime. We won't reap the rewards of any signing with this manager though.


    Yikes. I'm forming the thesis of an agenda here. Better go careful tbf.


    Fair enough, Kinnear hasnt inspired me at all, its yet another transistion season for us, its just good to see that there is actually good things happening at the club throuoguht the doom and gloom.


    When was the last time you saw the club make such an effort to look for the future of the club?

  16. Excellent news that we're doing this, very pleasing to see the club pursue the youth policy.




    Without wanting to switch this into something else - it does show some signs of long term planning which can only be good for the club.


    Lets just hope they dont forget about the present.

  17. Stick to the basics. I hope they pull something out the bag to make me feel a bit better about the potential future with Keegan.


    Say what?


    Freundian slip.

    You know you want it Fredbob  O0  :laugh:




    Admitting that the club have messed up with this contract offer is enough for one day.


    One step at a time.

  18. I guess you don't feel deceived at all. Lucky you.




    Dont make my arse laugh, we signed up to save. The idea that people only signed up to see Keegan for 3 years makes me cringe, talking about putting all yours eggs in one basket. The option for one season was always there.


    Wouldnt it of been cheaper to sign up for the Kev Keegan fan club?



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