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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Great argument that. Could have been used for Smith and Duff starting every week in which case we'd probably have been relegated.


    Apart from the fact Smith & Duff dont start. Also we have better players than them two in there positions. I dont think we have any better centre backs than Taylor & Faye.


    My view is just like Smith and Duff were rated way above their contribution, so is Taylor. I am pretty sure Cacapa would dovetail nicely with Faye, as would Rozenhal IMO.




    To be fair, i happen to think that Cacapa and Roz may still have a role in the team, Roz especially, i think he was unlucky and suffered from a series of unfortunate circumstances and bad man management.


    Cacapa for me is still a good defender as well, although too weak, Roz however isnt weak contrare to popular belief and lost alot of confidence which effected his performances.


    how can you say he's a good defender then say he's too weak [for a central defender]




    Because he is a good defender, he has good attributes minus the strength, put him in any other league and he'd be fine, its just this league is too physical for him. Strength is an attribute just like pace, if a defender has no pace does that make him a bad defender as well?


    Man you really dont know much about football do you?


    Have you ever played football?


    strength is imperative for a central defender in the premiership ?


    You say I know nothing about football ? haha. class that like  bluelaugh.gif


    Wow, not only did you miss the entire point of the post, you didnt answer the question/s. Now there is a surprise.


    Just because he's not the strongest, it doesnt make him a bad defender, do you understand?


    Just like Shearer wasnt the quickest....


    Take it you never did play football then, trust me, you'd understand it a little more if you had, different perspective etc etc

  2. Great argument that. Could have been used for Smith and Duff starting every week in which case we'd probably have been relegated.


    Apart from the fact Smith & Duff dont start. Also we have better players than them two in there positions. I dont think we have any better centre backs than Taylor & Faye.


    My view is just like Smith and Duff were rated way above their contribution, so is Taylor. I am pretty sure Cacapa would dovetail nicely with Faye, as would Rozenhal IMO.




    To be fair, i happen to think that Cacapa and Roz may still have a role in the team, Roz especially, i think he was unlucky and suffered from a series of unfortunate circumstances and bad man management.


    Cacapa for me is still a good defender as well, although too weak, Roz however isnt weak contrare to popular belief and lost alot of confidence which effected his performances.


    how can you say he's a good defender then say he's too weak [for a central defender]




    Because he is a good defender, he has good attributes minus the strength, put him in any other league and he'd be fine, its just this league is too physical for him. Strength is an attribute just like pace, if a defender has no pace does that make him a bad defender as well?


    Man you really dont know much about football do you?


    Have you ever played football?

  3. See i really sympathise with the lad. I think he's had an absolute shit deal with nufc, and i mean absolute wank deal.


    Im sure people may retort with this "he's a pro and getting paid to play football so should shut up" line of reasoning, but i honestly think that that is bollocks.


    Im not saying he's an angel, under the circumstances he's had i can honestly 100% side with him on this one, he only needs to hang on for one more season to see where his future truly lies, becuase in my opinion we're about to turn the corner in a massive way and he'd be a fool not to see it.

  4. Great argument that. Could have been used for Smith and Duff starting every week in which case we'd probably have been relegated.


    Apart from the fact Smith & Duff dont start. Also we have better players than them two in there positions. I dont think we have any better centre backs than Taylor & Faye.


    My view is just like Smith and Duff were rated way above their contribution, so is Taylor. I am pretty sure Cacapa would dovetail nicely with Faye, as would Rozenhal IMO.




    To be fair, i happen to think that Cacapa and Roz may still have a role in the team, Roz especially, i think he was unlucky and suffered from a series of unfortunate circumstances and bad man management.


    Cacapa for me is still a good defender as well, although too weak, Roz however isnt weak contrare to popular belief and lost alot of confidence which effected his performances.


    The club at the moment is on the verge of turning a corner, if he can get himself amove to a bigger club, then fair enough, maybe Wenger will follow up the apparent interest but he'd be mad if he thinks that he'd have a better future at another club outised the top4, even in the top4 he'd never get the games.


    Alot rides really on Keegans choice of formation.



  6. Distin was captain at Citeh, not Barton.

    Cacapa hardly played in his last season at Lyon & was not the captain during that season.

    Viduka was not captain of Boro.

    Smith? When did he captain Man Utd?


    They've all capatined there teams at one point or another. Full stop. Like i say, cop out of a point.





    Sorry master.


    Just think we're diverting the from the point a little here, the point being that signing captains isnt an impossiblity as was being made out. Im sure we've gone for captains of sides throughout our history. Thought it was a cop out of a point thats all.



  7. Distin was captain at Citeh, not Barton.

    Cacapa hardly played in his last season at Lyon & was not the captain during that season.

    Viduka was not captain of Boro.

    Smith? When did he captain Man Utd?


    They've all capatined there teams at one point or another. Full stop. Like i say, cop out of a point.

  8. My point was that Barry is a completely different case to all of those players, irrespective of their quality.


    Again, its a fair point but maybe im being blindsighted, i know its a long shot, but he's the quality of player we should be after and also one who doesnt seem as fashoinable as the Carricks. If we're mentioning the likes of Bentley as potential targets then why not Barry, that captian explaination is a bit of a cop out explanation if you ask me.

  9. Don't do your argument many favours listing Barton, Beye, Cacapa, Viduka and Smith.




    Tell me about it, really grasping at straws there, the point being though that it aint exactly a given that aplayer wont sign because he is a captain at another club.



  10. Back to the thread, non nufc one but possibly the worst one ever. A long time ago and i was younger but Zidane had just had an amazing World Cup and was looking for a move and had stated that moving somewhere with a coast was something he was looking for, and i think Shoot magazing did a gossip section on possible transfers (whihc were blantantly made up) and i think one of there comments was that Scarborough were looking to sign him, obviously a joke and tongue in cheek but i took it seriously i genuinely thought that there was a chane that Zidane would consider...... :snod:




    Fergie turned down Zidane didn't he?



    I dunno, did he? Would be an interesting thread, to see who got turned down by a team and turned out to be great....ill start with Shearer.

  11. Think Gareth Barry would be a quality acquisition. Poor man's Carrick, indeed keeping him out the england squad. Very verstalie and at a decent age as well. Would be an improvement on Butt and would be excellent back up for our LB position.


    Why on earth would he give up being captain of Villa to come to Newcastle? This thread is so cringe-worthy with regards to names being banded about.


    I like the way some people STILL think of him as somewhat of a left back, every time he's mentioned. Hasn't played there for about six or seven years and the bloke himself wouldn't even entertain the idea tbh.


    Your point is also very valid.


    Who thinks he's a left back like?

  12. Think Gareth Barry would be a quality acquisition. Poor man's Carrick, indeed keeping him out the england squad. Very verstalie and at a decent age as well. Would be an improvement on Butt and would be excellent back up for our LB position.


    Why on earth would he give up being captain of Villa to come to Newcastle? This thread is so cringe-worthy with regards to names being banded about.


    How is that cringeworthy?? We've signed captains from other clubs, Barton, Beye, Cacapa, Viduka(?), hell even Smith captained Man U a couple of times not the greatest example admittedly, but the idea that signing a player from a team who is on par with us is "unrealisitc" doesnt sit particulary neatly with me.


    Forgive me for my naivety but are you sayin that we're in such a crap position we will be unable to sign any players from teams around Europe who are in a better situation than us? Will we be siging all our players from teams lower than us?



  13. Would cost a lot of money. Unless we wait 5 years for all the brand new Gazza's and Beardsley's to emerge, which is a cast iron guarantee because Chris Mort or somebody says so.




    very concerned when I hear clueless comments coming out of the club is how I see it




    You see it as Mort and Ashley only want to sign youngsters? Full stop. Thats it. Nothing more nothing less?





    well, when it happens to be what he said, what do YOU think  mackems.gif


    Too easy.



  14. Think Gareth Barry would be a quality acquisition. Poor man's Carrick, indeed keeping him out the england squad. Very verstalie and at a decent age as well. Would be an improvement on Butt and would be excellent back up for our LB position.

  15. Would cost a lot of money. Unless we wait 5 years for all the brand new Gazza's and Beardsley's to emerge, which is a cast iron guarantee because Chris Mort or somebody says so.




    very concerned when I hear clueless comments coming out of the club is how I see it




    You see it as Mort and Ashley only want to sign youngsters? Full stop. Thats it. Nothing more nothing less?




  16. Back to the thread, non nufc one but possibly the worst one ever. A long time ago and i was younger but Zidane had just had an amazing World Cup and was looking for a move and had stated that moving somewhere with a coast was something he was looking for, and i think Shoot magazing did a gossip section on possible transfers (whihc were blantantly made up) and i think one of there comments was that Scarborough were looking to sign him, obviously a joke and tongue in cheek but i took it seriously i genuinely thought that there was a chane that Zidane would consider...... :snod:



  17. How can you call Roz and Cacapa s***? When Taylor hasnt done any better?? Seems a bit contradictory to me.



    The current manager  loaned Roz out of a squad he says is short on numbers, I think that tells its own story about his ability & attitude, he dropped Cacapa. So Taylor being at Newcastle & getting picked is what I would go off at this moment.


    So back to the thread question then....Senderos vs Taylor?


    As I belive Senderos woud not improve our defence I would stick with Taylor.




    So Roz and Cacapa are shit and to back that up they have been 'found out' by the manager who obviously thinks they havent enough ability, yet you'd rather have Taylor over Senderos even though Senderos has played at all levels and has been picked to play the CL QF by a world class manager.


    Taylor is the bestout of a bad bunch, but that shouldnt count in his favour when assessing his ability.



  18. Having doubts about Keegan was an entirely sensible position IMO. We'd gone 8 games without a win, and he hadn't shown any signs of the imagination needed to make changes and turn things around. Credit to him, he then hit on a new formation that's got us moving back up again, but it's all had a bit of a trial and error feel to it. He's also had the advantage of a relatively injury-free squad. Previous managers haven't been quite as lucky.




    A little irony in being wrong and not seeing it in an admit you're wrong thread.




    i dont see doubting keegan as being a big blunder though, given the context of his appointment, i would say it is very lucky that we may possably be wrong, whereas writing off owen was stupid and naive and i'm perfectly happy to admit it.


    I still dont think its wrong to doubt Keegan, to be honest, whilst im extremely happy to have him in charge of the transfer budget this summer, im still ready to admit that im a little worried about pre season and keegans effectiveness for next season.


    Im citing Roeder's honeymoon period and subsequent insipd season as an example of where my concerns lie.


    To be honest i think it's very naive to think that Keegan will be a resounding success after 10 games or so, if so many people had no doubts about Keegans ability then why wasnt he the outstanding choice for appointment on this board post Allardyce?





    Once again the stuff you spout out completely astounds me !!


    Comparing KK with Roeder, are you for real ?


    Roeder had no pedigree, none whatsoever, he did an absolute fantastic job in getting us into Europe but it was clear to enyone who had any sense back then that he was riding the "thank god Souness has gone" bus and that appointing him on a full time would be a disaster.


    KK on the other hand had previously dragged our club from nothingness to the very summit of English football, his record in the PL for us is amazing, 3rd, 6th, 2nd and halfway to 2nd in the season he quit. NUFC were geniune title contenders when he was in charge last time, no one, not even SBR has managed to achieve that at this club is 70 odd years ! He's earned the right to expect belief from those calling themselves toon fans.


    Have i put a bee under your bonnet or something??


    As far as i can rememebr ive posted 2 responses to you which you've begrudigngly agreed with. Get over yourself.


    Where have i compared Roeder the manager with Keegan the manager??


    In fact you've nicely summed up exactly what my minor concerns are, Roeder benefitted from riding the "thank god Souness has gone" bus well, are you actually that naive and blindsighted to have absolutely no concerns whatsoever that keegan might not be benefitting from the "thank god Allardyce has gone" bus? After 10 games, im happy to admit that yes i am a little concerned, and the only time i will put those concerns behind me is next season when we can see for sure whether Keegan has had the efect we all hope for.


    Like ive said, im too cynical a supporter (having seen some decent managers appointed and subsequently fail) to think that any manager will be a resounding success irrespective of there pedigree, only the absolutle cream of maangement would just about get my blind faith, and that is at a push.


    Do you completely disagree with me still?


    EDIT: There's belief and then theres blind faith, what you've described sounds like the latter im afraid, like ive said, i dont subscribe to that because im not naive.



    Where are you comparing the two ? Can you read your own posts ffs.


    "Im citing Roeder's honeymoon period and subsequent insipd season as an example of where my concerns lie."


    The Roeder situation was completely different to KK's, completely 'citing' it makes absolutely no sense.


    You seem to be suggesting that you are the only supporter to have been dissapointed by the failings of other managers. Well take a ticket buddy, there are plenty in line ahead of you.


    I am one of the most pessimistic fans I know, I'm not up to Phil K's level ;P but I often think no matter what we do it'll end in tears. But I've always had faith in KK and always will, he owes us nothing and the least we can do is show some faith in him and trust him that no matter what transpires he'll only have the best interests of NUFC in his mind.


    As for the buses is concerned, it's not a bad point however, I for one was not too happy at the the time of the sacking of SA and I am not on that bus. Souness was loathed almost unamimously by fans and players a like, I don't think SA had the time to build up that same level of hatred.


    And how is that a comparison?? Thats an example, as intended in the original post of where some concerns lie. Im not saying Roeder is a better manager than Keegan or Keegan is a better man than Roeder, im just saying that there is a precedent of the team playing under a regime they didnt enjoy and when that regime ended the reilef showed in their subsequent performances. Whats so vastly different to the current situation? I can see similarities hence my cautious attitude.


    "I seem to be suggesting "that i am the only one to be dissapointed by the failings of other managers." - What?? You've literally just made that up. Get a grip man.


    All im doing is excercisng my right to caution having witnessed things like these go tits up for us in the past. I cant believe you're that narrow minded that you cant see where my caution comes from.


    As for the faith in Keegan thing, well yeh, i agree upto a point, and i love Keegan and was desperate and am desperate for him not to ruin his legacy with us. Ive already said in the past and in fact present that i would rather have no one else in charge of our transfer funds.


    The buses thing is the crux of my point, it seems clear to me that the players didnt respond to allardyce as would of been expected, so that is exactly where my concerns with Keegan lie at the moment, like i say, next season is where it will show for me.


    OK leaving out the bitterness, which was instigated in this thread by me, so I apologise for that. Don't you think that the buses were in completely different stages for Roeder and KK ? When Roeder took over that anti Souness Bus was full to overflowing, kind of a bendy double decker type (if there is such a thing). While the Anti Big Sam bus was fill up nicely but there was still plenty of room on board, that didn't necessiate the giving up of your seat for the pensioner trying use their bus pass before 9am.


    I have never witnessed such a shear dislike for the manager as we had under Souness, I don't even think Guillet reached those levels, certainly not from the fans anyway. SA's techniques were not going down too well with the players and clearly not producing the results he was after, but he hadn't lost the dressing room like Souness had. If anything SA's techniques were a hinderance to KK becuase the players clearly weren't fit enough rather than the help the Anti Souness factor had on Roeder.


    You give an excellent bus analogy!  :thup:


    Yeh i acknowledge 100% that there was no way near the same level of contempt for Allardyce as there was for Souness, but i do still see similarities as small as they are with what happened in the past. The cracks did appear to show and i sensed the relief of Allardyce going and Keegan returning at the Stoke game, and it showed.


    No way am i against Keegan, but i still think its not wrong to tread with caution after only 10 games. We saw with roeder that the team struggled to take to his methods in the summer and that is arguably because of the fact that he is a very poor manager, but with Allardyce who was reknowened for his training techniqes and is arguably as good as Keegan we found out again that the squad failed to take to his techniques.


    Whos to say the same will happen with Keegan? I'm certainly not, however i will excerise my caution and not throw my hat onto the Keegan train just yet, i'd like to wait, like ive said till next season where i can know for sure whehter the squad has taken to his methods, then i will be 150% behind him rather than the embarressing to admit 75% im at at the moment.

  19. Having doubts about Keegan was an entirely sensible position IMO. We'd gone 8 games without a win, and he hadn't shown any signs of the imagination needed to make changes and turn things around. Credit to him, he then hit on a new formation that's got us moving back up again, but it's all had a bit of a trial and error feel to it. He's also had the advantage of a relatively injury-free squad. Previous managers haven't been quite as lucky.




    A little irony in being wrong and not seeing it in an admit you're wrong thread.




    i dont see doubting keegan as being a big blunder though, given the context of his appointment, i would say it is very lucky that we may possably be wrong, whereas writing off owen was stupid and naive and i'm perfectly happy to admit it.


    I still dont think its wrong to doubt Keegan, to be honest, whilst im extremely happy to have him in charge of the transfer budget this summer, im still ready to admit that im a little worried about pre season and keegans effectiveness for next season.


    Im citing Roeder's honeymoon period and subsequent insipd season as an example of where my concerns lie.


    To be honest i think it's very naive to think that Keegan will be a resounding success after 10 games or so, if so many people had no doubts about Keegans ability then why wasnt he the outstanding choice for appointment on this board post Allardyce?





    Once again the stuff you spout out completely astounds me !!


    Comparing KK with Roeder, are you for real ?


    Roeder had no pedigree, none whatsoever, he did an absolute fantastic job in getting us into Europe but it was clear to enyone who had any sense back then that he was riding the "thank god Souness has gone" bus and that appointing him on a full time would be a disaster.


    KK on the other hand had previously dragged our club from nothingness to the very summit of English football, his record in the PL for us is amazing, 3rd, 6th, 2nd and halfway to 2nd in the season he quit. NUFC were geniune title contenders when he was in charge last time, no one, not even SBR has managed to achieve that at this club is 70 odd years ! He's earned the right to expect belief from those calling themselves toon fans.


    Have i put a bee under your bonnet or something??


    As far as i can rememebr ive posted 2 responses to you which you've begrudigngly agreed with. Get over yourself.


    Where have i compared Roeder the manager with Keegan the manager??


    In fact you've nicely summed up exactly what my minor concerns are, Roeder benefitted from riding the "thank god Souness has gone" bus well, are you actually that naive and blindsighted to have absolutely no concerns whatsoever that keegan might not be benefitting from the "thank god Allardyce has gone" bus? After 10 games, im happy to admit that yes i am a little concerned, and the only time i will put those concerns behind me is next season when we can see for sure whether Keegan has had the efect we all hope for.


    Like ive said, im too cynical a supporter (having seen some decent managers appointed and subsequently fail) to think that any manager will be a resounding success irrespective of there pedigree, only the absolutle cream of maangement would just about get my blind faith, and that is at a push.


    Do you completely disagree with me still?


    EDIT: There's belief and then theres blind faith, what you've described sounds like the latter im afraid, like ive said, i dont subscribe to that because im not naive.



    Where are you comparing the two ? Can you read your own posts ffs.


    "Im citing Roeder's honeymoon period and subsequent insipd season as an example of where my concerns lie."


    The Roeder situation was completely different to KK's, completely 'citing' it makes absolutely no sense.


    You seem to be suggesting that you are the only supporter to have been dissapointed by the failings of other managers. Well take a ticket buddy, there are plenty in line ahead of you.


    I am one of the most pessimistic fans I know, I'm not up to Phil K's level ;P but I often think no matter what we do it'll end in tears. But I've always had faith in KK and always will, he owes us nothing and the least we can do is show some faith in him and trust him that no matter what transpires he'll only have the best interests of NUFC in his mind.


    As for the buses is concerned, it's not a bad point however, I for one was not too happy at the the time of the sacking of SA and I am not on that bus. Souness was loathed almost unamimously by fans and players a like, I don't think SA had the time to build up that same level of hatred.


    And how is that a comparison?? Thats an example, as intended in the original post of where some concerns lie. Im not saying Roeder is a better manager than Keegan or Keegan is a better man than Roeder, im just saying that there is a precedent of the team playing under a regime they didnt enjoy and when that regime ended the reilef showed in their subsequent performances. Whats so vastly different to the current situation? I can see similarities hence my cautious attitude.


    "I seem to be suggesting "that i am the only one to be dissapointed by the failings of other managers." - What?? You've literally just made that up. Get a grip man.


    All im doing is excercisng my right to caution having witnessed things like these go tits up for us in the past. I cant believe you're that narrow minded that you cant see where my caution comes from.


    As for the faith in Keegan thing, well yeh, i agree upto a point, and i love Keegan and was desperate and am desperate for him not to ruin his legacy with us. Ive already said in the past and in fact present that i would rather have no one else in charge of our transfer funds.


    The buses thing is the crux of my point, it seems clear to me that the players didnt respond to allardyce as would of been expected, so that is exactly where my concerns with Keegan lie at the moment, like i say, next season is where it will show for me.


    I dont understand the logic in people saying they should swap the input of one player for the inout in 3, there are 2 things fundamentally wrong with that, will those 3 players have the same input and how can the team accomadate those 3 players to get the same input, who do they drop?


    To me, aside from full backs and maybe keeper that Man U side looks close to perfect.


    Championships aren't won by one player or a starting eleven. You need a good squad. Aside from central midfield, Man United could use better quality squad players.


    But Man U are winning the championship, and they already have money to spend to imporve the squad, just like they did when they signed Nani and Anderson, they dont need the cash and they wont be able to find a replacement who will offer the exact same as Ronaldo. If Ronaldo is worth 20-30 goals a season and 10-15 assist, and his place is up for grabs supposing he leaves who could fill that position for the 90 minutes and give the same input?

  21. Having doubts about Keegan was an entirely sensible position IMO. We'd gone 8 games without a win, and he hadn't shown any signs of the imagination needed to make changes and turn things around. Credit to him, he then hit on a new formation that's got us moving back up again, but it's all had a bit of a trial and error feel to it. He's also had the advantage of a relatively injury-free squad. Previous managers haven't been quite as lucky.




    A little irony in being wrong and not seeing it in an admit you're wrong thread.




    i dont see doubting keegan as being a big blunder though, given the context of his appointment, i would say it is very lucky that we may possably be wrong, whereas writing off owen was stupid and naive and i'm perfectly happy to admit it.


    I still dont think its wrong to doubt Keegan, to be honest, whilst im extremely happy to have him in charge of the transfer budget this summer, im still ready to admit that im a little worried about pre season and keegans effectiveness for next season.


    Im citing Roeder's honeymoon period and subsequent insipd season as an example of where my concerns lie.


    To be honest i think it's very naive to think that Keegan will be a resounding success after 10 games or so, if so many people had no doubts about Keegans ability then why wasnt he the outstanding choice for appointment on this board post Allardyce?





    Once again the stuff you spout out completely astounds me !!


    Comparing KK with Roeder, are you for real ?


    Roeder had no pedigree, none whatsoever, he did an absolute fantastic job in getting us into Europe but it was clear to enyone who had any sense back then that he was riding the "thank god Souness has gone" bus and that appointing him on a full time would be a disaster.


    KK on the other hand had previously dragged our club from nothingness to the very summit of English football, his record in the PL for us is amazing, 3rd, 6th, 2nd and halfway to 2nd in the season he quit. NUFC were geniune title contenders when he was in charge last time, no one, not even SBR has managed to achieve that at this club is 70 odd years ! He's earned the right to expect belief from those calling themselves toon fans.


    Have i put a bee under your bonnet or something??


    As far as i can rememebr ive posted 2 responses to you which you've begrudigngly agreed with. Get over yourself.


    Where have i compared Roeder the manager with Keegan the manager??


    In fact you've nicely summed up exactly what my minor concerns are, Roeder benefitted from riding the "thank god Souness has gone" bus well, are you actually that naive and blindsighted to have absolutely no concerns whatsoever that keegan might not be benefitting from the "thank god Allardyce has gone" bus? After 10 games, im happy to admit that yes i am a little concerned, and the only time i will put those concerns behind me is next season when we can see for sure whether Keegan has had the efect we all hope for.


    Like ive said, im too pessimistic a supporter (having seen some decent managers appointed and subsequently fail) to think that any manager will be a resounding success irrespective of there pedigree, only the absolutle cream of maangement would just about get my blind faith, and that is at a push.


    Do you completely disagree with me still?


    EDIT: There's belief and then theres blind faith, what you've described sounds like the latter im afraid, like ive said, i dont subscribe to that because im not naive.

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