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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. Add Ranieri and Deschamps as well.


    Yep, Ranieri would definitely leave Juventus for Newcastle. Maybe he can flatshare with Mancini...


    Never rated Ranieri to be honest, has he ever won anything?


    No but he's foreign was this forum loves him.


    we have to go foreign man

  2. Go foreign

    When the ''Brittish'' comment was made i couldn't help but think that we have cut off our nose to spite our face. Hopefully with droopy turning us down they will look further a field

  3. Buying these asian players to the EPL, its all about marketing. So if this players is any good and will maybe get his chances, the Newcastle fanbase in south-korea will grow massively and so will the shirt sales.


    Its all about the money and i dont think its funny.


    but he wont sell shirts as oldtype said they think he is shite :laugh:

  4. Someone above said Arsenal have better fans than Man U what a load of bollocks that is! Man Utd's away fans are the best I have seen at St James mainly for their creativity in their songs, although Fenerbahce for pure insanity come close.


    agreed man u's away support is top notch there home on the otherhand is shite,,,,,,,,,,,

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