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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. It's funny how we're only just hearing that standing = good atmosphere now that someone has started a bandwagon off somewhere. Haven't heard it used in an Ultras argument previously.


    As for relying on the Ultras for an atmosphere, that certainly wasn't the case at the best atmosphere I've seen in St. James' in recent years - the 1-0 win over Chelsea when Carr got sent off and Bramble scored the goal.


    The whole place was jumping and we carried the team to the final whistle in that match and it had everything to do with circumstance and nowt to do with standing. That's what I think me and Alex are getting at.


    Nobody can have 100% support 100% of the time, it's just so plastic man, it's not a realistic aim and it's not natural human instinct.


    I get annoyed with the atmosphere as well, as I'm sure most of us do, but if Keegan gets the team playing again and we start having a proper go at everyone who comes up here, then we'll be much better off for it inside the ground.


    There's certainly a lot more to it than standing.


    i have never seen a better atmosphere in an all seated SJP than a standing SJP, So to me that would suggest standing means a hell of alot to an atmosphere. Also no one rely's on the ultras for an atmosphere most just take the piss out of them which yet again proves my point about  how less people care about atmosphere. As for one game when the ground was buzzing woopdyfuckingdoo. and for anyone wondering i sit in the gallowgate upper and aint a toon ultra but the stick they get off some people is embarrassing.

  2. I think Jack has a point. The atmosphere wasn't class for those CL matches, iirc. Nowt compared to the Anfield atmos of similar games.


    indeed look at the KOP for big games the atmosphere is amazing and the whole stand....stands :doh: The leazes lower or Gallowgate should be our Kop but most sit on there hands even in HUGE games so no one try and tell me otherwise because i can remember, At the end of the day SJP relies on a bunch of young'uns (fair play to them) to stand and create an atmosphere unfortunately due to there location they won't really make in impact in fact give me a load of them in the gallowgate over the tossers who sit there now any day of the week.

  3. The gallowgate is awful in fact the whole ground is awful. We can't even get anyone standing for big games apart from the''ultras'' Look at Man United v Arsenal and there was at least 30'000 standing


    It's easier to support the two best teams in England though, especially when they're playing each other and one is winning 4-0.


    Like others have said, it's a two-way street. It can't be all one or the other.


    if we were the best team in england we would still have a tench atmosphere and only about 1000 stander, it begs the question how many fans who go onow actually care about an atmosphere. It doesn't seem to be a priority anymore, I am sick of people telling me that a good team breeds an atmosphere. Just look at when SBR got us into the champions league. the atmosphere during most of them home games was dire for what it should be. The only game worth a mention was Juve at home. We have too many people who just don't give too fucks about atmosphere. Whether that is down to the new breed/corporate/oversea fans or maybe it is to do with no standing

    That's bollocks. If we had the best team in England the atmosphere would be electric.

    so why when we were top 4 under SBR the atmosphere was tench and we had no standers on MASSIVE european nights?

  4. The gallowgate is awful in fact the whole ground is awful. We can't even get anyone standing for big games apart from the''ultras'' Look at Man United v Arsenal and there was at least 30'000 standing


    It's easier to support the two best teams in England though, especially when they're playing each other and one is winning 4-0.


    Like others have said, it's a two-way street. It can't be all one or the other.


    if we were the best team in england we would still have a tench atmosphere and only about 1000 stander, it begs the question how many fans who go onow actually care about an atmosphere. It doesn't seem to be a priority anymore, I am sick of people telling me that a good team breeds an atmosphere. Just look at when SBR got us into the champions league. the atmosphere during most of them home games was dire for what it should be. The only game worth a mention was Juve at home. We have too many people who just don't give too fucks about atmosphere. Whether that is down to the new breed/corporate/oversea fans or maybe it is to do with no standing

  5. The gallowgate is awful in fact the whole ground is awful. We can't even get anyone standing for big games apart from the''ultras'' Look at Man United v Arsenal and there was at least 30'000 standing

  6. A concerted campaign should be made for standing areas to be returned to our stadiums. As well as letting those who wish to stand do so it will no doubt help the atmosphere.

    Until there are standing areas fans should SIT in seated areas. A lot of those standing at away games don't actually want to stand but have no option when some stand up.


    A protest with ManU fans ? No way.

    Most of them aren't even real football fans they just attach themselves to a winning team, never having to feel pain like real fans do.


    They can't help that they are successful.


    They felt pain when the Munich disaster happened.


    Alot of their away support is 'proper' support not prawn sarnie eating tourists and businessmen.


    Manchester City hate Manchester United more than us, yet they could put football rivalry aside for 10minutes, so why can't we when it is something we all want?


    Away games are all about going for a fun drink, song and dance. Standing up is part of matchday tradition, and more of the 'working class' attend away games, as well as young'uns. If you go to an away game and don't want to stand just don't go, only morons sit at away games.


    So you are speaking for all AWAY fans are you ?  If I wish to sit I'm a moron. A bit fascist that mate.

    Read what I wrote. Standing is great in standing areas. Sit in seated areas. Get yourself a campaign going for standing areas not for standing in seated areas - you may be more successful.


    ManU was a completely different club 50 years ago, now they are a successful world corporate brand supported by people who like to be assciated with successful things but have no real allegiance. But they do have SOME real fans I concede.




    spot on. And get another set of football "fans" to join with in the movement rather than those plastic gloryseekers




    agreed as SEB

  7. Any1 who stands throughout a game SHOULD BE THROWN OUT


    clubs had to spend millions building new seater stadiums and that is a part of the reason we pay more for our tickets now, but if some1 is standing where it blocks other ppls view THEY should be thrown out END OF


    we pay f****** fortunes and then to get ppl standing in front of you is a disgrace and i don't even care about those toon ultra's cos some of their chants etc and bilnd support of Fat Sam is cringe worthy




    jesus wept

  8. A concerted campaign should be made for standing areas to be returned to our stadiums. As well as letting those who wish to stand do so it will no doubt help the atmosphere.

    Until there are standing areas fans should SIT in seated areas. A lot of those standing at away games don't actually want to stand but have no option when some stand up.


    A protest with ManU fans ? No way.

    Most of them aren't even real football fans they just attach themselves to a winning team, never having to feel pain like real fans do.


    They can't help that they are successful.


    They felt pain when the Munich disaster happened.


    Alot of their away support is 'proper' support not prawn sarnie eating tourists and businessmen.


    Manchester City hate Manchester United more than us, yet they could put football rivalry aside for 10minutes, so why can't we when it is something we all want?


    Away games are all about going for a fun drink, song and dance. Standing up is part of matchday tradition, and more of the 'working class' attend away games, as well as young'uns. If you go to an away game and don't want to stand just don't go, only morons sit at away games.


    So you are speaking for all AWAY fans are you ?  If I wish to sit I'm a moron. A bit fascist that mate.

    Read what I wrote. Standing is great in standing areas. Sit in seated areas. Get yourself a campaign going for standing areas not for standing in seated areas - you may be more successful.


    ManU was a completely different club 50 years ago, now they are a successful world corporate brand supported by people who like to be assciated with successful things but have no real allegiance. But they do have SOME real fans I concede.




    Their away support is probably one of the best in the country.

    Our campaign is for safe standing sections, not standing in seated areas.

    What's the point in going to an away game to sit? You might as well remain on the coach/train/plane or in the comfort of your armchair.


    If you had dodgy knees from playing football you may have a different opinion.


    I find your assertion that more of the "working class" attend away games a bit strange.

    Are there statistics to show that a particular socio-economic group is more likely to attend away games than home ones ? 

    More dedicated fans probably, drunk more and louder certainly, but the costs involved in travelling and in some cases the price of tickets may actually mean the true "working class" fan doesn't get to travel as much as he or she would like.


    Thanks for clearing up that your campaign is for safe standing areas. Then I definitely support you.

    I just couldn't bring myself to walk alongside those plastic fans who taunted us mercilessly at Old Trafford recently. If they were Wigan or Hartlepool fans I'd probably consider it.


    is the correct answer

  9. I like Fulham, I like their fans, their ground and the feel of the club, and I want them to stay up.


    I just don't want us to blow a glorious chance (see results yesterday) to cement our position and gift them three points.



    shite atmosphere the twice i've been there but i know what you mean as a club they are 'nice' that sounds gay like.......

  10. our support is garbage, embarrassing, pathetic, quiet,boooooo,shite,unsupportive,unrealistic,impatient,and the lack of songs is quite cringeworthy especially when the same song is sung every two minutes. We need some new material

  11.                               SHAYMUS








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