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Posts posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. People seem to be underestimating the importance of Enrique to our side. As he has played more regular games his confidence has grown. As a result of this he is now a solid defender and excellent going forward, particularly when combined with Jonas. He is strong, skillful, pretty sharp and in my opinion one of our better players. Having him at left back and Beye at right back means we have two full backs who prepared to overlap and go forward as well as being excellent defenders. 


    Having Enrique back will be a key factor on sunday as it will give the side more than one dimension, as to me on monday and saturday it was noticeable how often we would try to attack down the right hand compared with the amount of times we got down the left. Only my opinion of course but I believe having Enrique and Gutierrez on the left with Beye and probably Guthrie but maybe even Duff on the right could be the difference between us picking up something and us not.

  2. I agree with the comment about his reaction, not sure how you can tell he was guilty from the way he reacted?!


    Anyway it cannot possibly have been a guilty reaction as surely you can only react guiltily when you have done something wrong? By the time the ball got played over he was behind Schwarzer (who wasn't coming to get the ball anyway in my opinion) and it was the Fulham defender who got in his way. We cannot Howard Webb for our demise, however, to me it sums up our season in terms of a complete lack of luck. Beye getting sent off against City, Barton injuring his foot kicking a ball in january and by Clattermole in november, conceding late equalisers at home to Stoke and Wigan courtesy of Faye and Bramble, Martins missing that penalty against arsenal, Owen's 'goal' against Chelsea...the list goes on.


    However, Howard Webb = CUNT

  3. Having said all this there are still a fair few tickets left in our end, granted theres still 6 days to go but do you think we are guarenteed to sell out?

    Not doing so would be pretty poor from our part in my opinion.

  4.                           Harper


    Beye    Taylor/Colo        Bassong    Enrique

              (whoever is fit)



              Barton                Guthrie


    Owen                              Martins




    Krul, Taylor/Colo (if both fit), Smith, Lovenkrands, Duff, Jonas, Carroll.


    Butt is never going to be left out of the 18 (although he really should be), nor is Ryan Taylor although I suppose chances are only one of Taylor or Colo will be fit and so Ryan will make the bench, unlucky for Edgar not to make squad, leaves out Shola, Cacapa, Xisco and Geremi.


    Jonas and Duff to come on and run at them after 60-70 mins.


    If only eh


  5. I'm about to leave for the pub with a positive attitude. If everything goes our way then there is the possibility of us getting something out of tonight plus theres also no point in going if resigned to a defeat. Whatever happens I i will be getting behind the lads and sticking with them, however, if I get to the ground and have to read that Shola F*%&$* Ameobi is starting and I have paid to watch him amble around yet again then I will be severely pissed off. C'mon lads

  6. Sorry if this point has already been made but the season only finishes a few days before the end of May. Suppose we do get relegated, are they planning on cutting the prices again? What happens if you have already signed up to the new prices by then? I know that you get 23 games in the championship but people will want to be paying championship prices.

  7. I haven't seen enough of andy carroll to make a judgement, although i will say so far in the brief substitute appearances i have seen him make (and to be fair i think that is only twice, once against man city and in another game last season) he hasn't impressed me.     

    What really winds me up is the fact that we sign Xisco for however much it was and he know only seems to have gone to third in the pecking order behind Shola and Andy Carroll. Xisco didn't seem to impress in the games he has played either, he scored a lucky one off his knee on his debut and against blackburn he always seemed to be running around not really aware of where the ball was, however i would like to see him given a run, they must have seen something in him to sign him, just to see what he is capable of.

  8. So if the unthinkable happens and KK is gone before the Hull game what do you think would be the best way of showing our disaproval:

    a) Boycotting the game complete

    b) Trying to get a full house and showing our disaproval once inside

    c) Still actually going to the game but no one actually going inside the ground to watch.


    I personally think that c) would be the strongest show of just how upset we would be. Imagine thousands outside the ground during the game, that really would put accross a strong statement to the board, the media and the rest of the country!

  9. If everyones fit and not suspended:


    Beye    Taylor   Colo    Enrique

    Jonas  Guthrie  Barton  N'Zogbia

             Owen    Martins


    Subs from: Harper, Bassong, Cacapa, Geremi, Butt, Duff, Smith, Gonzalez, Viduka, Xisco


    Then you have the youngsters as backup eg: Forster, Krul, Edgar, Kadar, Tozer, Donaldson, Ranger, Zamblera, Lua Lua, Carroll


    Thats bearing in mind i've never seen Xisco and Gonzalez play, they may well be good enough for the starting eleven in that side. Looking at that its not the worst squad in the world by anystretch although it could do with maybe 2 or 3 more with premiership experience but theres no use dwelling on that now, that is what we have and we have to make the most of it.

        Out of the youngsters the only ones ive seen play really are edgar who i have been impressed with and Carroll who hasnt really impressed me very much.


    Oh and theres Shola!!

  10. If KK is prepared to give Barton a last chance then so am I. As far as im concerned he has been punished for the crime that he committed. The club has decided to keep him on and so I will back Joey Barton as long as he conducts himself professionally both on and off the pitch in future.

      As far as Clichys comment goes I think that they are a disgrace. Theres a piece on the Mail Online website which slags Barton off but then seems to agree with Clichy condoning a deliberate and cynical foul. A  massive case of double standards.

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