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Posts posted by bealios


    Not the worst idea put forward on this board, you'll be accused of accepting the club's lack of ambition though.


    I do not think my above "plan" is a lack of ambition. One of the main problem with this club and its fans, has been the lack of patience and consistency. Both want success now, rather than later through building stone by stone.   A  consequence of this thinking has been the all in mentality regarding transfers: Believing that one or two very expensive players will save the day, ignoring the dangers that I mentioned in my previous post.


    Stopped reading after that weapons-grade horseshite


    The fact that we're sitting in the top half of the Premier League in mid February and the mood on this board at times is suicidal would suggest that this statement isn't completely horeshit, despite how uncomfortable that may be.

  2. any theories on why the club are extending the flexible capacity of the away end from 2,800 to 4,000?


    doesnt make sense to me, majority of teams fail to sell their allocation anyway and the ones that do the games tend to be full houses eg. man utd, arsenal, sunderland, liverpool etc...

    offering those teams 4,000 will only stop newcastle fans watching game at expense of them lot.  If there are gaps in seating for those games it tends to be around the premium areas and not that particular area of stadium maybe more should be done to encourage tickets to be sold i those areas, or am i just not seeing the bigger picture?


    We're not going to be selling out many games next year by a long stretch. If we have a flexible away end which can seat 4,000, then it means for the underselling games the big gaps in the stadium will be concentrated as a security gap between the home fans and away fans, rather than spread out over the rest of the ground, and it makes the stadium look a little fuller.


    Just a theory mind

  3. Carroll would have been due a 'loyalty bonus' if he was transferred without officially requesting it. So, It seems like NUFC have said we will sell you for £35 million net. Either Liverpool can offer that + your bonus -something like 40 million- or you can put in a transfer request and forgo it. Given that he increases his wages and gets various other benefits from the deal, Carroll agrees to submit an official request. Both parties 'win'. 


    The problem with this analysis is that if you are right, then it could just as easily been achieved by Carroll waiving the loyalty bonus, and avoid having to hand in a formal transfer request. Anyone can waive a benefit of a contract. He would have avoided the massive stigma of handing in a transfer request at your local club. So it can't have just been about avoiding the loyalty bonus.


    I think you're close though - I suspect Carroll wanted to go all along once he had his head turned. He's been on England duty, and stuck with those fuckers for a few days on massive wages can change things. There were stories on here all day yesterday from sources close to the player saying that wheels were in motion and he will be gone today. The personal terms had clearly been agreed well in advance. That isn't the conduct of a player who was reluctantly forced into going because Ashley wanted the cash.


    Carroll met with the club early yesterday morning, and once it was made clear he wanted to go, then all that NUFC could do is maximise value, but knowing that if Liverpool didn't stump up the price then they still wouldn't lose - they could still sell him in the summer. I genuinely believe they rejected £35m, but did so knowing that Liverpool were desparate, and anticipating a higher bid. Carroll was then advised by his agent to hand in a transfer request. This forced the issue, meant that NUFC get a higher fee due to the loyalty bonus not being paid, and also have an opportunity to save face as they only sold as they were forced to. This means the £35m became immediately more attractive, financially and from a PR perspective.


    All of the above fits with what we saw happened yesterday, it is consistent with all of the "sources" close to the player, and consistent with statements made by both clubs, and is entirely logical.


    No conspiracy at all. NUFC behaving like a business. Carroll behaving like a footballer.


    Move on.

  4. In terms of goals and performances we've been as good over the last 4 league games Carroll has been out as we have been at any point in the season, and were very very close to taking 12 from 12. It isn't a disaster, it doesn't mean we're now going to get relegated, although that doesn't stop me feeling as sick as I did when Beardsley left for Liverpool over 20 years ago.


    If we re-invest it all, or if Carroll doesn't become the greatest player the league has ever seen (as his fee suggests), then overall it isn't a terrible move which makes me question the game or supporting NUFC.

  5. It didn't do Spurs any harm selling their best striker a couple of years ago. The worst thing about this deal is I was enjoying this season, now due to lack of time to get a replacement, we have to lumber on for the rest of the season with a strike force pieced together from Best, Ameobi and Lovenkrands. Maybe Ranger can step up to the mark.


    Maybe we can replicate Keane deal, and buy him back from Liverpool for half the price next season?


  6. Not sure why the conspiracy about Carroll's transfer request. He wanted to go, and NUFC have said that they won't accept a bid unless you hand in a transfer request. So he does it.


    The idea that a rumour that NUFC would accept a bid of £35m upset him so much that he then decided to change his mind and go (and agree personal terms in 15minutes) is absurd. His agent will have been dealing with Liverpool all day.


    Would be a laugh if he failed the medical.

  7. Heard he has a clause to break the contract if we don't make the CL this year with Liverpool being interested to take over if we fail to qualify.


    ..and his agents will have a glossy brochure out marketing him if we do?

  8. The numbers being mentioned re wages across this board are roughly correct. The discrepancies usually arise because all of the players contracts are expressed to as a basic wage, and then additional image rights payments, which is just a way of structuring the player's wage for tax purposes. Pretty much all of the players have image rights in their contract.


    The Colo figure isn't as much as 80K, but including the image rights, it isn't far off. Same with the Barton figure.

  9. Although I don't think it will be rescinded, once you go for a tackle, it doesn't matter how far off the ground you are, even at 1 inch of the ground you're still out of control.


    Dangerous precedent being set here though, we're basically saying that if you tackle and your foot is a certain height off the ground, you're off. How many inches is a red card?

  10. Alan Smith will see out his contract here. He's on £55K per week basic wage, and no club in this world will pay him more than £10K a week, so he's never going to move. I'm sure he only gets played because the people who pay his wages are in denial.


    I bought a top last week, it cost a fair amount of cash. I realised very quickly I looked like a twat when I wore it. But I still wear it, because I don't want to think I've wasted all of that cash. Similar situation.

  11. In all seriousness though, how we see the Dalglish appointment is exactly how the rest of the country saw the Keegan appointment.

    Difference is, their supporters were shouting and balling about how they wanted Daglish, it was a total surprise for us when we got Keegan.


    Speak for yourself, I was shouting and balling for 9 years.

  12. Is his contribution to the dressing room really worth keeping him? He must have had about two good games for us - and even them i'm offering him a generous threshold. The only one i can remember is Arsenal under Allardyce.


    Horrendous, horrendous footballer.

    And the worst part is that we have possible used around 15mp over the years for his transfer fee + wages...


    It's depressingly closer to £20m by the time he leaves.


  13. Keegan, Kendall, Kenny - it will all end the same way - never go back.


    Liverpool were never going to get relegated, and they were never going to get into the top 4/5 - so I'm struggling to see the logic of sacking mid-season to appoint a short term manager. Better of sticking with Woy, to give the club an air of professionalism, and spend the next 5 months looking for a proper manager.

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