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Posts posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. Hughton is no tactical mastermind.


    But he's got the team playing as a unit.  For each other.  Coming back from 2-0 against Eindhoven shows spirit.  The old Keegan/Kinnear squad would have flopped.


    I think sheer grit and determination will pick us up more points over a season than a disharmonious squad of more talented players would, tbh.


    Our current team will struggle to get as high as 4th bottom.


    I disagree.

  2. Hughton is no tactical mastermind.


    But he's got the team playing as a unit.  For each other.  Coming back from 2-0 against Eindhoven shows spirit.  The old Keegan/Kinnear squad would have flopped.


    I think sheer grit and determination will pick us up more points over a season than a disharmonious squad of more talented players would, tbh.

  3.               Harper


    Perch  Campbell  Williamson  Enrique


    Routledge  Guthrie  Barton  Jonas


                  Carroll  Lovenkrands






    R Taylor  Campbell  Henderson  Kadar


    LuaLua    Smith    Nolan  Vuckic


                Ameobi  Xisco

  4. Colo's had one iffy season and one in which he's been our best player. Taylor hasn't had one single good season in my book. There's not a lot to compare anyway.


    iffy ?!?, he was shocking in that first season


    i'll reserve judgement until he can do it the premiership which i hope he can


    Shocking in the second half of the season, when everyone's confidence was shot.


    I firmly recall he was great towards the start of the season.

  5. Why would Spurs sell him?


    Young.  Unproven.  I don't think he's exactly a hero there yet.  I asked one of the Spurs subs what his full name was, and he said he only knew him as 'Jay'.  Genuinely think the guy could be a real talent if nurtured right.

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