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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. 56 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Seeing as he's staying, I assume that when his lass said "short but sweet" on Instagram, she was on about the height of his top lip as opposed to the length of their stay on Tyneside. 


    :lol: absolutely no need for this

  2. if he maintains his form going into the new season, and with a bit of luck, he could be in serious contention for an England call up to the World Cup. imagine that??


    starting this campaign early... TARGETT FOR ENGLAND

  3. 1 minute ago, sushimonster85 said:

    We also still have Jamaal Lewis, who (if he can stay fit and have a good pre-season) I remained convinced is someone Howe can improve drastically. He already looked better in the couple of games he played before getting injured. 


    good point. completely forgot Lewis existed. if there's a player in there, wor Eddie will find him.

  4. Just now, Colos Short and Curlies said:

    I can't believe that the loan to buy crack hasn't been clamped down on for FFP


    I'm sure it will be now, if we start benefitting from it :lol:

  5. 47 minutes ago, Yorkie said:



    What am I missing here? Think it looks good and a very, very welcome return!


    The light blue is a bit jarring but overall I think it's a great shirt. Looks really clean and classic, and I like the collar. 


    it's a better effort than the retro shirt, but the text still isn't vertically aligned properly.

  6. 1 minute ago, NEEJ said:

    I still like it and I'll probably get it, but it's so amateurish of them to leak it in a thumbnail on their website before it's officially been announced. :lol:


    same shit, different year.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    All these folk getting upset with Castore on twitter need to get a fucking life. I love hearing all the rumours etc, but for grown blokes to be getting this worked up over a strip is a bit ott.




    I just hope it's ready in time for me holidays, need something to wear for the airport.

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