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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. With the shambles of BR we got back 11.25 last night. Never mind, 2 poor teams, we can improve, not so sure how much better WH can get. We conceded 3 shocking goals, we simply have no chance defence wise if we have to play Zog and Edgar at full back. Duff looked drained of confidence, Xisco is not up to PL stadard yet. I could go on but I'll not. There is an arument that we were a little unlucky yesterday (we could have had two penalties - one of which motd didn't bother to show, we also hit the bar but the ref gave a very dodgy free kick against Colo).


    We need to get the mess at the top sorted and quickly. January will be take your pick of our better players if we do not get a new owner or try and stabilise with Ashley.


    The side we had to put out again showed the disaster that was our transfer window. That in itself should tell Ashley that KK had a point when he questioned the strength of the squad.


    True, if we were not going to bring anyone else in why sell Faye and Milner? They both would have been v.useful and given us extra options yesterday.

  2. Just back from the match.


    f***ing shambles. We could definately be flirting with relegation this year.

    West Ham are pretty poor and we actually created enough chances to win.


    Defending was diabolical, anyone giving Taylor grief wants to check out Colo, one of the

    current "European scouting system" golden boys. Maybe he would look solid in a

    competent, tried and tested, defence but he is as poor as anyone at the moment.


    Duff is finished, as many of us already know, the last time he actually beat a player he was

    wearing the blue of Chelsea. Totally shot to pieces.


    N'zogbia, biggest footballing fraud on the pitch, an a coward to boot, I don't care if he

    doesn't want to play left back. He is fully equipped to be able to play that role comfortably.

    He's just not interested. Edgar at right back? Give me strength.


    Xisco is well off the PL pace at the moment. Despite the midfield pairing of Cacapa and Butt we

    actually didn't seem to have too many problems in the middle, a testement to how poor West Ham were, it

    seemed to be down the wings we were exposed.


    So much for the continental scouting system, we've been crying out for a left back, was it Wise et al who

    were trying to sign Warnock? Seems more like a Keegan type buy to me. To actually strengthen in a position

    we were weak.


    Not meant to be an incisive footballing analysis. I was too angry/pissed by the second half. I'm still blaming

    Ashley for putting us in this situation and believe that Keegan could at least keep this shower up.


    Secondly, I blame the players, not enough heart, rolled over too easily. A lot of finger pointing/shirking of

    responsibility after the first goal. All in all a  bag of s****.  :angry:


    The Owen situation is just another example of how the new, much vaunted, "system" has singularly failed to do its job.


    How long do they need to offer him a contract, ascertain whether or not he'll sign it and if not sell him and bring in an alternative?


    Rumours that he was hawked around the PL in the dying hours of the transer window just exemplify the sorry mess we have been left in.

  4. That is true, we have only failed relative to everyone else.


    Not true, we have failed/are failing to reach our potential. When clubs like Portsmouth and Blackburn are regularly finishing higher up the league there

    is a fundamental problem with the way we are being run.


    For me, what we have seen already is just the "thin edge of the wedge". As stated by Ashley's cabal of crooks

    "every player has a price". How long do you think Xisco will stay with us if he sets the PL on fire, or Spiderman, Colo or anyone.


    Selling Milner for a hefty price tag is one thing, but not replacing him is indefensible. The club seems to be being run in a more shabby

    and unprofessional manner than the previous regime and who thought that was possible?


    It seems official: we are now a selling club. :-[


    If Fat Mike raised his chubby head from behind his barricade and explained exactly what was going on, set out a real vision for the club and promised

    £50m for new players in January, he might just placate some fans. But then again, after the shit his crew have pulled who would believe him?


    The heartbreaking thing is that if we could of added a "modest" £30m* or so to our new arrivals and Keegan had been allowed to bring in another 3 or 4 top quality (£8-£10m) players we would actually be sitting in an excellent position now.


    Keegan would still be at the helm and the new signings would have galvanised the team. Finishing fifth would of been a real possibility in my opinion.


    Instead, fat Mike seems reluctant to invest in the playing side of the club which makes me think that a) he is waiting for a buyer to come along so he can make a tidy profit, or b) he is an asset stripper who wants rid of the high cost/high wages players like Owen etc so he can replace them with younger, foreign, players who can be sold for a profit. All the while using the club as a promotion vehicle for his charva tracky bottoms empire.


    *Modest in comparison to what some clubs have spent, you know the ones with real ambition.  :rant: :angry:

  7. The more I think about it the more I think that it is nailed on that Ambani or some other mega rich group will seriously try and take us over.


    I mean, Ashley's position is totally untenable now, if he ever sets foot in Newcastle again he will get lynched.


    Bring it on I say and f*** stability, I want f***ing trophies god damn it, Ive had it up to here with mid table mediocrity.


    (That last sentence was feulled by 5 cans of lager I might add).


    I agree, Ashley's apparent indifference to the Keegan situation and the fact he didn't seriously invest in the team over the transfer window. In fact if some sources are to be believed he actually made a profit from transfer dealings.


    Something is going to happen, please god let it happen soon. :indi:

  8. The fact is, Newcastle has some reletively deprived areas in very easy reach of SJP which inturn leads to these people you see on SSN.


    Sad, but it is a fact.


    Fair enough, but couldn't some of the failed abortions in the background stop smiling like window lickers when the cameras are switched on.


    There's nothing funny about the present situation.


  9. Appoint Chris Hughton until Ashley sells next week and then get Keegan back!


    KK's been very clever here I think.


    Keegan knew the support he'd get from us and the major uproar that would ensue if he was forced out of the club, so making demands for major structure change wasn't too much of a risk for him as he knew Ashley would either give in to his demands and thus have what he wanted all along, or if he said no the fans and media would be hounding Ashley to sell up and move on!


    Now we will see just how stubborn Ashley is but I cannot see a man who bought a club for an ego trip stay when the vast mojority are calling for his head.


    If a good offer comes in which I think it will I can see the new owners knowing exactly what they should do in reappointing Keegan and giving him the backing he deserved the first time.




    Exactly, this would be the ideal situation for me. Ashley was always after making a quick buck, there will be many investors looking very closely at Newcastle now. Hopefully, one of them will give the fat cunt the few million profit he wants so he can piss off back to London.


    Ashley saw this spat with Keegan coming a mile off. In my opinion it was contrived by himself and Wise etc to get Keegan out of the club.


    The selling of Milner and lack of signings on the final day was just the last straw.


    Well done Ashley you fat charva tracksuit selling twat. You have what you wanted, now you can install a puppet manager and

    continue asset stripping the club.

  11. Ashley is an asset stripping cockney spiv. No self respecting manager would put up with the level of inteference Keegan has had.


    The much vaunted "continental system" is supposed to work in tandem with the manager by taking away responsibilities for negotiating contracts etc and

    scouting new players not buying and selling without the manager's acknowledgement.


    Keegan has done the right thing, he won't be anyone's stooge.

  12. Are people gullible enough to listen to NE5 over Kevin Keegan? Serious question?




    where are these 4 signings ?



    it's sunday ffs, when do u get signings announced on a sunday? never


    When its 24 hours before a major transfer window deadline?

  13. Okay was I dreaming when KK himself said that 2 signings were already well down the line?!


    So why are people still saying we won't sign anyone?


    How weird are you guys? Why are you trying to convince yourselves that youhave any idea what you are talking about?


    If you don't have anything to say then shut up. Stop talking just for the sake of it.


    We will sign players. I expect at least two, but they will be what MA said, "young players 22-24".


    They won't be the galacticos some have been expecting and not even in the "straight into the first team" class that we desperately need.


    As stated previously, the likes of Guthrie, notwithstanding his good start to the season, are currently first team material because we have no one else.


    Arda Turan is 21. Does that rule him out?




  14. Okay was I dreaming when KK himself said that 2 signings were already well down the line?!


    So why are people still saying we won't sign anyone?


    How weird are you guys? Why are you trying to convince yourselves that youhave any idea what you are talking about?


    If you don't have anything to say then shut up. Stop talking just for the sake of it.


    We will sign players. I expect at least two, but they will be what MA said, "young players 22-24".


    They won't be the galacticos some have been expecting and not even in the "straight into the first team" class that we desperately need.


    As stated previously, the likes of Guthrie, notwithstanding his good start to the season, are currently first team material because we have no one else.

  15. All the 'New Board Brown-nosers' have been banging the 'we've still got time...i'm confident we'll bring in the players...blah blah blah' all summer. We now get to a day and a half left (after they told us it's taking this long cause deals take months) and we're still told we've got time (but deals take months don't they?!)


    Remind me of that story (fictitious) where the King sat on the shore thinking he could push the tide back. The waves came in and rose and rose, and his advisors told him to get up and leave as he couldn't do it. He thought he ''still had time'' too. Silly F***** drowned tho!


    But we haven't been doing nothing have we? We've already brought in 4 good players.


    We've brought in two good players and two squad players and we have let 8 players go, 3 of whom could be considered first team players..

    Is it not 3 first team players and one squad player or do you rate Butt higher than Guthrie


    Guthrie has had a good solid start to the season, he's a tidy player and his passing is excellent. However, if we had signed the players we really need in this transfer window he would only be a squad player.

  16. All the 'New Board Brown-nosers' have been banging the 'we've still got time...i'm confident we'll bring in the players...blah blah blah' all summer. We now get to a day and a half left (after they told us it's taking this long cause deals take months) and we're still told we've got time (but deals take months don't they?!)


    Remind me of that story (fictitious) where the King sat on the shore thinking he could push the tide back. The waves came in and rose and rose, and his advisors told him to get up and leave as he couldn't do it. He thought he ''still had time'' too. Silly F***** drowned tho!


    Agreed, there will be some disappointed hectors tomorrow when the awful truth is unveiled.


    Still, we might be surprised and Arshavin and Berbatov could be introduced at a press conference on Tuesday. :toke:

  17. I don't think anyone of any note is coming in, which makes the selling of Milner even more galling to me.


    I certainly don't expect a WOW signing. I was stood outside the offy next door to the Drayton pub a the Emirates yesterday. Minding my own business scuppering a few green grenades when Mike Ashley and his entourage turned up.


    His bouncer was despatched to get the beers in and Mike was mobbed within seconds by fans asking about new signings.


    His exact words were "we are looking at 2 or 3, young lads about 22-24, foreigners, because the English market has been done."


    I'm not holding my breath, he may have something up his sleeve but I doubt it.


    It's going to be a long hard season....... :dave:

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