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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 hours ago, Danh1 said:

    Said it many a time on here, but what are they going to do if we win something? They’re completely losing the plot and we are third after 15 games. They haven’t seen anything yet. :lol:


    Their initial hope was that we would get relegated, that didn't come to pass


    Then they were hoping the takeover wasn't what it seemed and that there wouldn't be money involved, that didn't come to pass


    Then they were hoping the consortium didn't have a clue and would make the wrong employment options, that didn't come to pass


    Then they were hoping we wouldn't spend money in the summer, that didn't come to pass


    Then they were hoping our form last season was a purple patch and we'd be way off expectations, that didn't come to pass


    They've had to accept all of the above, so they'll double down on the sportswashing and human rights, which we've seen also fall apart considering they played a Saudi club in the UAE and also how excited they are getting at the thought of the consortium ditching us in favour of Man-U/Liverpool (err, thought it was about human rights?), hence the clamping down on free speech


    Now, they'll go harder on the human rights and they'll keep building the narrative that anytime we win it doesn't matter and if we ever win a trophy it won't count as it's not a "proper" win (yet City wins haven't received such scrutiny, funny that)


    However we know deep down they'll be even more broken than they are now and I can't wait 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Paullow said:

    England fans - With Portugal playing Morocco on Saturday afternoon before England play France, would you prefer Morocco to win that one to potentially set up a more favourable SF should England win, or would you rather Portugal won so that if England did lose, then France vs Portugal would look like a more intriguing and anticipated SF?


    I think I'd prefer Portugal to win personally.




    I think Portugal win that comfortably but would much rather Morocco wins 

  3. 1 hour ago, Colos Short and Curlies said:

    Random thought but have any Premier League players played particularly well this tournament?



    Arguably Bruno Fernandes has been player of the tournament or at least in the conversation 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

    I’m split. On the one hand I want Portugal to lose, but on the other hand I want them to win without Ronaldo.

    Which means he'll come on to score the winner 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Paullow said:

    Bruno on the bench again. Makes it more baffling he didn't start the other night when they made all those changes.

    Aye, seems strange unless his misses changed the managers mind 

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