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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I think overturning a 10 point defecit needs a lot to go right with very little margin which is why I wanted a Villa win


    Man U are 5 ahead of us and seeing how jammy they are I'm not sure we'll catch them


    They concede big chances, don't create that many big chances but find themselves sitting in 6th 

  2. 24 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Thought nufc.com were peculiarly harsh on him:




    Tbf I actually thought the same, there were some moments where he was very casual and had the ball stolen off him


    But he more than made up for it


    I personally don't have a major issue with how casual he was as that's what makes him the player he is, he's very relaxed and calm under pressure and it mostly ends with him easily beating the press or winning a free kick

  3. 27 minutes ago, Amir_9 said:

    Howe is the best coach I have seen at NUFC (in my lifetime as a supporter since 2006, having surpassed Rafa) in terms of what he's accomplished here so far and what his skill ceiling/potential is..


    Which is why I want him to succeed more than anyone and have a long legacy here. Having said that, he is not immune from certain criticism for some things this year so far (granted not all his fault). I very much look forward to what next season will be like with him still being here. He has earnt it.


    I must say that although he clearly has the ability to learn and adapt (man came with this hanging over his head - "relegated Bournemouth, his teams can't defend" and had us join best defence in the league last year with a relatively cheap back 4), this year his starting-11 squad management has been hit and miss, even with injuries taken into consideration, its not that the weeks of having a subs bench that resembled no subs bench are lost on me or anything. Certain things that stand out are the persistence with Burn (who other teams clearly view as a weak link now), bringing Willock and Murphy back too early after injury, the Lewis Hall mystery etc.





    I take the point about Burn but there are times we see the value of Burn, even today the second half he had a very good game.


    As for Willock, he got fit and his minutes were managed fairly well (featured in 6 games) and then his injury reoccurred. A player being brought back too sign usually gets injured almost immediately.


    With Murphy he didn't bring him back too early, not sure why this is often used as a stick to beat Howe with, the injury already happened. By playing him, all that happened was surgery was delayed by a week. At the time it happened, the option was to operate and he misses about 12 weeks or can continue playing and there is a chance he can get a number of games without it popping out again but as soon as it does then surgery was necessary and the recovery period was the same 12 weeks that was mentioned. 

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