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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Surely he can't be offside since Romero played the ball? (Shit law but it exists)
  2. Everton deservedly level, even DCL couldn't miss that
  3. Would be good to see but some managers seem reluctant to go with 2 left footed CB's
  4. Van de Ven has serious pace, would love one of our CB's to be quick like that
  5. As it happens he's banned from all football grounds so if he turns up he'll rightly be denied entry and/or arrested
  6. Everton have responded well but they do lack a top striker, can see Spurs scoring on the break soon
  7. I think that's slightly different and you know Firstly, he isn't a fan but secondly and more importantly he's actively went up and down the UK spouting hate speech and has numerous criminal convictions
  8. I just find it insane that someone has been banned for their views on social media If she was sharing those views in and around the stadium then fair enough And this isn't even about what side of the fence you sit on this issue. Someone can hate Islam and be vocal against it on social media but I'd not want them banned from the stadium as long as they are not sharing/promoting that view in and around the stadium
  9. Perez and Laporta are so far up their own arse to realise it isn't going to happen the way they want it to Maybe if they weren't so greedy and shared the wealth they'd have a better league and therefore generate more money that way
  10. Geordie Ahmed

    Isaac Hayden

    Ashley/Bruce thought it was a belter idea to give him a 6 year deal in 2020
  11. Geordie Ahmed

    Isaac Hayden

    Hayden still has 2 years left on his contract, ends in summer 2026
  12. Sitting 7th with a -4 GD They're shite but they manage to blag some results Probably count on one hand where they have been impressive in games
  13. Plus it's Man U-West Ham at the weekend so one or both will drop points
  14. That's a quality finish from Mainoo Just knew Wolves would bottle it, bunch of knackers
  15. Aye, despite Man U picking up a win it's been a good week for us
  16. I dislike Liverpool more but I like us more so Liverpool beating them is a good thing
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