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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. The term 'Arab' isn't racist, but using it in a derogatory sense is. Such as 'Arab c***'.


    Amazing that this still needs explaining.


    It doesn't. The fact the definition of racism is being diluted virtually by the week is amazing. How long will it be before calling someone a 'Byker b******' or 'Wallsend w*****' (no offence) is considered racist. And please, lets not pretend those who have climbed onto their 'high horse' have never uttered a racist comment at some point in their lives. Modern definition of course.


    For the love of God. Will people with this mindset please go away and do a bit of homework about protected characteristics, and importantly, WHY they're protected characteristics, before coming up with their own completely daft answers like this one?



    It's the same sort of crap you hear from people trying to claim that 'Paki' is just an abbreviation, completely ignoring the historical, social implications that have ensured that it's definitely no longer an abbreviation.


    Like howeh man, you have a responsibility to learn this s*** and it takes 5 minutes to Google and read about.


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