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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Premier League clubs agree about the location of away fans from next season. They want them to be pitch side so if we get promoted we are going to have to shift them


    I guess down from where they currently get seated makes the most sense

  2. Made a tit of himself with the penalty but better, so much better.


    Even I was willing him to get a hattrick tonight, he definitely deserved one.

    What a shit post


    Firstly he did not make a tit of himself, even if Ritchie was designated taker and secondly wanting your own players score a hattrick should be normal, not an unusual thing

  3. Love Mitro, over the moon for him with that performance


    I was willing him to take the penalty and I absolutely loved that he wanted it and was gutted when he didn't get it. He also went to Ritchie which shows what he is about


    Hope Rafa can find a way of getting him league games

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