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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Won't be missed and largely the message is good riddance


    Which is a shame because he has had good spells, such as that 5th placed season when he was immense. I don't think it has helped that he has had to play with crap which highlighted his decline, playing alongside a commanding centre half would have masked his weakness and highlight his strengths


    Also the main feeling would be his horrific captaincy, the playing side can be somewhat forgiven BUT there is no excuse for being a coward, should have stepped down from the captaincy at the very least



  2. Zidane is a muslim Arab though so they can f*** off :lol:


    His parents are Muslims, I don't think he regards himself as Muslim


    That long post from Alto is full of contradictions, on the one hand says being Arab has nothing to do with it BUT then saying Ben Arfa being Arab has contributed to it because he does not get the leeway that Griezmann got

  3. I think we will comfortably average more than 42k, Rafa staying has really won a lot of people over and there is genuine excitement for next seasons which there wasn't last time until we started to win games easily

  4. no player tweets yet?


    Suprised Saylor has been so quiet;he's normally the first to have his say


    That's cos we normally give the job to crap managers that buy his fistpumping passion, I think he knows his days are numbered with Rafa

  5. It's stupid logic, I can understand the point if you was getting someone moving up, so a manager doing well in a lower/lesser league BUT Rafa is bloody class, he is way above this level, fortunately for us he is mad enough to take the job

  6. Absolutely buzzing, which is crazy considering we have been relegated BUT we have genuine hope again, which is something we have not had in a long time


    Looking forward to go to some matches, also will take my son which is a huge moment because at 7 by not taking him previously there is always the threat that he will support the "bigger" teams BUT I will make sure the brainwashing starts, just need Wonga off the tops before I can buy him the kit again as well


    Massive credit to Rafa, the easy thing would have been for him to walk away and get an easier job BUT he knows the potential of the club, which is class considering the amount of people that try to put us down, even amongst our own support


    Buying him a retro shirt perhaps?..






    They are good BUT for effective brainwashing it's better to wear the same shirt as the players


    However if the Wonga logo is being removed from the shirts this season that is the problem solved

  7. Absolutely buzzing, which is crazy considering we have been relegated BUT we have genuine hope again, which is something we have not had in a long time


    Looking forward to go to some matches, also will take my son which is a huge moment because at 7 by not taking him previously there is always the threat that he will support the "bigger" teams BUT I will make sure the brainwashing starts, just need Wonga off the tops before I can buy him the kit again as well


    Massive credit to Rafa, the easy thing would have been for him to walk away and get an easier job BUT he knows the potential of the club, which is class considering the amount of people that try to put us down, even amongst our own support


    The Wonga logo isn't going to be on next years childrens kit.


    Next year as in 2016-17 or 2017-18?




    Ah, class, thought it was going to happen later


    Have they said whether it will be blank or it will get replaced with something else?

  8. Absolutely buzzing, which is crazy considering we have been relegated BUT we have genuine hope again, which is something we have not had in a long time


    Looking forward to go to some matches, also will take my son which is a huge moment because at 7 by not taking him previously there is always the threat that he will support the "bigger" teams BUT I will make sure the brainwashing starts, just need Wonga off the tops before I can buy him the kit again as well


    Massive credit to Rafa, the easy thing would have been for him to walk away and get an easier job BUT he knows the potential of the club, which is class considering the amount of people that try to put us down, even amongst our own support


    The Wonga logo isn't going to be on next years childrens kit.


    Next year as in 2016-17 or 2017-18?

  9. Absolutely buzzing, which is crazy considering we have been relegated BUT we have genuine hope again, which is something we have not had in a long time


    Looking forward to go to some matches, also will take my son which is a huge moment because at 7 by not taking him previously there is always the threat that he will support the "bigger" teams BUT I will make sure the brainwashing starts, just need Wonga off the tops before I can buy him the kit again as well


    Massive credit to Rafa, the easy thing would have been for him to walk away and get an easier job BUT he knows the potential of the club, which is class considering the amount of people that try to put us down, even amongst our own support




    it could be great tho watching us win and these draw every week.


    I'm sure most Sunderland fans will be gutted knowing you lot are winning Championship games while we're facing teams in the best league in the world.


    You will be gutted if you spend most weeks getting beat though?

  11. Pako Ayesteran confirmed as Valencia manager, can only be a good thing as this was potentially one of the jobs that could have tempted him away


    Now it's up to Ashley/Charnley to not mess it up

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