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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. which idiots are saying we won't lose a game???......


    we will do well to match the 102 we went up with in 2010 if we hit over 90 its promotion that should be the target

    What's the highest points total in The Championship?

  2. If he stays it's only cos Rafa is happy to keep him, I suppose I can understand why Rafa doesn't mind him. Rafa will control the football side of things and will let the thumb deal with printing, laminating and shredding

  3. Of the ones who have made a reasonable number of appearances - 


    Elliot 7

    Darlow 6


    Janmaat 6

    Anita 5

    Colo 4

    Mbemba 7

    Lascelles 8

    Taylor 4

    Dummett 6



    Townsend 8

    Colback 7

    Tiote 6

    Sissoko 6

    Wijnaldum 5

    Shelvey 4


    Mitrovic 5

    Cisse 5

    Perez 6


    The newcomers from last summer have all been disappointing. It's difficult for players to get used to playing in a different country, in a tougher league, in a team that's just been put together following a bad previous season, with a manager that's new to the club, and so one has to take all that into account.


    Mbemba looks to have turned the corner.


    I thought Gigi was a great buy, but I was expecting him to be in the anchor role in central midfield. Instead he got shunted all over the place, and he may be better off in a different league. He's only produced in flashes.


    Mitro still looks a bit slow for the Premiership, and we needed him to be a better finisher. He's missed some sitters that could have made all the difference.


    Thauvin never got going, of course.


    Your average rating is 5.8 and no-one got below a 4.  That's pretty impressive for a team full of expensive players that got relegated.

    Plus he gave Colback a 7, should be sectioned for that

  4. So Keys reckons that Everton should not go for Rafa cos he has hardly won anything (despite listing a number of things he has won) BUT then suggests Mark Hughes instead, makes sense

  5. I hope he stays, I like him BUT he does need to stop with the play acting


    I think all things considered (age, new league, moron manager for the most part) he has had a decent season, it was foolish of those in charge to rely on him


    If he stays he will easily do well in The Championship, let's not forget Shola found that league a breeze and this lad has much more to his game

  6. Tbf no one expected Carroll to do what he did so there's every chance Mitrovitch could do it.


    Exactly, loads of people thought Carroll was awful and had no chance of making it


    Mitrovic has at least scored goals in the Premier League and had chances to score a few more


    I have no doubts he will score goals in The Championship BUT I don't want us to rely on him, need to get at the least a proven goalscorer in and have Mitrovic with Armstrong as support

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