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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. They're going down like, no way out this time. Allardyce was a crap choice.


    That said, they could spend loads in January to get out of it.


    That has been said a number of times BUT they manage to somehow survive

  2. We have played well and not scored in other games so I will settle for playing s*** and scoring, just hope we can get the 3 points as they will be huge for us


    I won't settle for playing no midfielders and relying on our goalkeeper to keep us in the game.


    Well we can hardly do  anything about that until January now, should never have let Abeid go

  3. It's been done to death on here, but I have to say, Mauro Severino is an excellent footballer name. I know we have failed on this before, thinking "oh with that name he has to turn out good" (Zamblera, Spear, Vuckic, Ranger, Danquah etc), but let's hope this one is the real deal and is signed up! :)


    Whatever happened to the wonderfully named Esteban Cardona-Lopez?

  4. Not been impressed with Lascelles, think he is fine when the ball is in the air BUT he seems sluggish and more worryingly doesn't appear to be aware of his positioning


    Ideally I would send him on loan, give him a full season to see if he can develop BUT since we are short on numbers that isn't going to happen

  5. Froggy says it's all sound, man.


    Just won, man. It's all sound.


    Somebody just shoot Rooney FFS


    [emoji14]apiss: You see that goal mate? You see the pass from Carrick too? u ok m8?


    How crap is Rooney, can't remember the last time he had a decent game, he is a hindrance to their team


    That game winning goal really hindered us there.




    Top of CL group. Only 4 points off the top of the Premier League. No goals conceded in over 7 hours. It's all sound man.

    He's been shit this season and is clearly a hindrance, scoring the odd goal doesn't change that

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