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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Dembele is quality on the ball BUT off the ball he is all over the place, don't think he would work in a midfield 3


    I think McCarthy of Wigan would be a good option for the midfield 3, sitting in between Tiote and Cabaye

  2. How do you know it is not true??


    Ever worked for s**** boss, hard to be at your best !!!!


    (4 exclalmation marks


    I never said it wasn't true BUT you seem to be gaining a reputation for talking excrement


    As for not being at your best, you actually said they are not trying, big difference and by not trying they are only ruining their own career

  3. I got hammered for saying get rid of Donnachie !!!!!!


    What are people saying now. Kids who are being released are in the shop window but they dont try as they hate WD. Also Man U will have released players too.


    Get rid of him, track record suggests should be coach at West Allotment as fits with his ability


    Then they are stupid, why throw away a potential career because you hate the coach*



    *That is assuming what you have said is even true, I suspect not

  4. Jeff Henderson picks up a knock. Common story for the young lad. Tough in the tackle, brave, natural leader. Just injured a bit too much.


    Back on the pitch, carrying on for now  :thup:

  5. The way Lee Dixon was justifying that was pathetic, it was a dive all day long and he didn't have the balls to speak the truth


    Fergie is also such a turd for coming out with nonsense like there was contact and also now all you hear from fans when it comes to justifying blatant dives is "there was contact"


    and how thick is the referee to fall for Ashley Young's dive, the guy has been doing it for years and he doesn't even do it well, it is so blatant yet he manages to get away with it, crazy

  6. We can replace Ba, I'm confident of it, probably with a player more suitable to formation were currently playing as well.


    Stays or goes, not the end of the world. £7m is a fair enough fee as well, fully fit with perfect knees we could only expect £10-12m in all honesty judging him on a full season, not just his purple patch.


    Ba and his agent get half of that don't they?


    £3.5mill or thereabouts for Ba would be shite like

  7. I love the fact he believes he has a good idea about what the paintings are portraying, yet clearly knows f*** all.


    That is the case with anyone talking about art, even the so called "experts", they just talk shite and idiots fall for it



  8. 17 points ahead of them and they still convince themselves the likes of Larsson and 'Catts' are better than Ben Arfa and Tiote.  Bunch of f***ing simpletons.       



    O'Shea Taylor Colo Santon

              Tiote Cabaye

      Ben Arfa        Sessegnon

                  Cisse Ba


    That's about right, yet those fuckwits would take a heart attack if they seen that combined team.


    Pretty much this, though I would rejig the formation a little bit



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