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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. All that work Chelsea did boosting their GD against Everton and it's been undone here
  2. That's just deceptive, Wright stops as the ball is played whilst AWB keeps running so by the time the camera pans AWB is a fair bit ahead of him
  3. Coventry been far more dangerous the past 5-10 mins
  4. Ah man, gutted Coventry didn't score after that class tackle on Ratnandes
  5. His end product is mostly shite so doubt he'll do anything
  6. They aren't there to check for corners It's either penalty or not
  7. Phew, no penalty City wake up man
  8. Will be just typical for City to mess up when we ideally need them go win
  9. Jackson missing some big chancss6
  10. Was worried City will be flat and indeed they are Chelsea been the more dangerous side
  11. Been a canny game so far Just hope City score soon
  12. Completely agree Always find it funny how some think we'll end up making 6 or 7 signings, it's just not going to happen It's likely to be 3-4 at most plus any development/youth players and that is the sensible approach Like you say, if we had just a normal injury situation we'd still have a solid starting eleven with decent options off the bench Over a few windows that starting level and the bench will get better and better
  13. Atalanta not looking as threatening as they did in the first leg
  14. Not sure they are but they often just find a way Mentally they are on another level
  15. Alvarez will miss, he's been in poor form
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