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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Thank God for that, I was getting a bit tetchy you'd catch up with me.
  2. Interpolic


    he is? Hasn't he racked up loads of posts on here and acted like an NUFC fan? Sorry, I just mean that Masterplan patter is exactly like Phil K's. Sorry I mean EXACTLY like PHIL K's.
  3. Interpolic


    As stated in the RTG thread that's one of the best sentences of all time. He was (probably!) joking like, but it's brilliant.
  4. Interpolic


    Bit shocked to realise Phil K is a mackem. Feel a bit like how I did the first time I saw the twist in The Usual Suspects.
  5. Interpolic


    This is that thread about homosexuality. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?s=c1e7651610404dc87b30af1d9c515486&t=734826
  6. You could. Not posting in this thread would be less interested Stop interfering with Otter's quest to be too cool for school man.
  7. Interpolic


    Off my mate's Facebook.
  8. Just tidying up your post in case someone says it's pathetic.
  9. Beren's going to see me wandering around Canary Wharf one day and justifiably kick the fuck out of me.
  10. Ah, he's abbreviated your name. This spreadsheet guy's a bit crap tbh, enjoying things overall though.
  11. I fucking hate the word "wonga" for money as well. Can't stand "dosh" either but "wonga" is just pathetic.
  12. Why aren't you playing?! Really hope this grows and grows, it's better than Fantasy Football IMO and not just because I'm FIVE POINTS CLEAR.
  13. steve wraith ‏@stevewraith Needless to say @MackemLogic will not be on twitter once Shola shuts him up in 2 weeks #smb people try to point out to him what the account is... steve wraith ‏@stevewraith A mag pretending to be a Mackem on twitter? Now that's sad steve wraith ‏@stevewraith Blocking all fans of the sad lad to. Why sink to that level? No need really. still don't think he's grasped it :lol: That's fucking hilarious.
  14. I misread the title as "Wogan" to begin with btw, was thoroughly confused but also quite intrigued.
  15. I think I'm developing diabetes just looking at that fat mug. :lol: This is pure mint news to come home to, cool. Tbh it might well have been planted in the news to soften the blow of it being Sports Direct in reality, in which case I'm surprised they didn't go for the BNP. Also, I agree with whoever said they wouldn't buy a shirt with a tacky brand plastered on the front of it, no chance.
  16. Interpolic


    Nice to see it's starting to hit home. a nice comfortable win at the Stadium of Shite for us will probably put Marty under a bit of pressure. I seem to say this regularly with derbies but it's got draw written all over it for me.
  17. No correct scores for me so far, cold do with at least one over the course of the weekend.
  18. I'm having a good week for a change too. 37 with 5 more to play. Incidentally the first week I'd lost interest and forgot to make transfers or change my team.
  19. Interpolic

    Papiss Cissé

    Ginola's always happy to help with an amusing Photoshop effort, it's heartwarming.
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