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Posts posted by Stifler

  1. 8 hours ago, Beth said:

    For all the ones slagging him off, lets look at this logically without wearing NUFC rose tinted glasses.


    He has a choice of working for Asda for £10 an hour or Tesco for £15 an hour. Tesco is a couple of miles away whilst Asda is 250 miles from where he lives. He has no love for either company, however the benefits of working at Tesco are also better. Which one would you choose?

    Thing is though, he’s a footballer, not an unskilled worker.

    He’s at a point where the increase in wages isn’t even felt because he earns so much, and he has the money to buy a new house, and time off during the summer and international breaks if he’s not called up to go back where he’s from.


    Your analogy works better if he was offered the CEO position of each supermarket. With one it’s round the corner from him, a slightly better wage, but he doesn’t do anything. He’ll never be called up to supermarket CEO awards dinners, he’ll never get the chance to implement changes that would change retail etc.


    The other job is further away, a little less in money, but he’ll be called up for CEO of the year if he does well and compliments those ideas he has etc.



    Why am I even going to these lengths to correct this?

  2. We were better than PSG and were robbed of doing the double over them.

    Dortmund were not that much better than us, they were just more savvy at playing at this level and we were naive.


    Barca aside, we could have given anyone a game out of all the teams either of these played in the knockout rounds.

  3. 11 hours ago, midds said:

    Remains arguably one of the biggest arseholes I've ever had the misfortune to encounter on a night out. Bloke is an utter, utter wanker

    I heard this often from the guy who I used to have a season ticket next who lived in Washington near him.

    He is still friends with Washington chavs, where every other player at the top level usually drops the dickheads from school as soon as they leave school, he keeps them around.


    That night out a few years ago where he was filmed having bother, I heard he actually got knocked out later on that night. It was him and his mates who actually started the arguments, but he tried to pin it on people giving him grief.


    The antics he does when he’s up against us isn’t him having banter, he’s actually a full blown cunt who thinks he’s king of Washington, everyone either wants to be him, or is jealous they aren’t him.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Disco said:

    Is this normal practice? If it’s funnelled into youth football then seems fine but given what you lads have posted about NS it seems a wee bit off.

    They have just been taken over by North Shields Athletic/North Shields Juniors.


    Rebecca O’Keefe was at the meeting at New Year and pulled the committee up at the time, both offered to help them, and also tried to hold them accountable.

    I don’t think she would have given these funds to the committee from that time, and will only be doing so to get North Shields up and going again under the new ownership structure.


    It’s not really common to happen, in theory you can give the funding to anything that could be classed as community related, or anything to help that particular ward. Councils and government in general never seem to have any will to help football clubs though. The people running the councils generally are not interested in football, dismissive of the community/economy benefits, and don’t want to risk it being used by the opposition to beat them with, or even constituents who support other clubs etc.

  5. 3 hours ago, Jack27 said:

    Looks like the Castore logos on the Gallowgate roof have been removed (or at least covered up)

    Yeah, it honestly looked like there was Adidas logo’s behind them to be honest.

  6. I’m not sure if this is public knowledge yet or not, it must be because the news has found its way to me. One of the councillors for Chirton (Rebecca O’Keefe) has channeled the entire ward discretionary budget, believed to be £15,000 into North Shields to keep them going.


    As much as she is part of the Labour Party who my team of independents stood against (although none of us actually stood against her in the Chirton ward), Rebecca is actually a fan of North Shields FC, and what she has done is pretty much unprecedented.


    @Big Geordie @Disco @OpenC @BUJ

  7. 5 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

    Absolutely radio silence of the feasibility study with no leaks in sight is interesting. Anything to read into the silence?

    I’m going to guess it’s just that, a report.

    The club will use that to make a decision on what to do, then will give the information from the report onto architects, and engineers, who will then come up with proposed designs.


    A report won’t really satisfy supporter thirst, they want to see images of what it looks like, not technical speak, and potential figures.

  8. 4 minutes ago, FLUMPO235 said:

    This story is doing the rounds on a lot of media sites, one to worry the knock off Nigels.



    Fake news, Footyheadlines even debunked it today. There are no rules to prevent people buying the shirts, and there is no reasonable and possibly lawful way you can check each shirt.


    That is also besides the fact that fakes are getting harder and harder to spot.

  9. 16 minutes ago, PauloGeordio said:

    Because we are elite! :indi:

    I and someone else touched on it yesterday. Adidas would need to sell 562,000 shirts of ours to break even on a £40m per year contract. When we were owned by Ashley we were still selling nearly 500,000 shirts per year. That is without all the other stuff we did well, and the stuff that we missed out on selling because Ashley never put it on sale.


    We now have ambitious owners, a team who are building well, and we are moving away from the tacky Wonga/Fun88 sponsors. It goes without saying that our merchandise is becoming more sought after, both here in Tyneside, the North East, and even internationally.


    Not many clubs can say that.

  10. I actually liked that, but it suffered from the pattern sheet problem, where they make a sheet of pattern, then cut out from that sheet all the different sized tops, so you get shirts where the pattern isn’t located in the exact same place.

    It does my fucking head in to be honest, especially when the promo pictures come out, and they have got ones where the pattern looks good, then you go to buy it and the pattern is under the arm pits, and behind the sponsor etc.

  11. We’ll end up being spoon fed a shit load of Adidas stuff.

    I’ve just done a rough calculation based on price of our football shirts (£80), estimated production costs (£9), and estimated fee Adidas are paying (40m).


    Adidas need to sell 563,381 shirts per year just to break even.

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