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Posts posted by Chrisjraby

  1. Annoyed me the way BBC highlighted it , yet they didn't even show Kane's challenge which was worthy of a red

    They did


    It's the new English hope, cheeky Harry Kane, though.  Just showed passion despite putting the player out for weeks...


    Hope Mitro doesn't get a ban but can't see it, especially as it's been highlighted again by the BBC wankers.  I'm sure there were other tackles this weekend that were far worse that will go retrospectively unpunished.

  2. his only fault is..he have bad reputation.and he is big,young,damn ugly and he tried to press the defender like all other attackers do in rafas system

    he is not soft..if he not run...or aggresive..you could tell..uninterested punk..when he bite for the club colours he is stupid cunt.i watched today 5 other games and see much brutal colisions,kicks...witout yellow card

    give some suport to kid..he is good,he scored twice in 3 days..wtf you want???




  3. Take the goal off him, he shouldn't of been on the pitch. Scum.




    Exactly. HAVE, Twinport53 you scum.


    Bastard  :lol:  :fishing:


    I fucking love Mitro, I just wanted to be Neesy for a day.


    Wanted to add the  :fishing: but was quietly hoping you were serious :lol:

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