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Posts posted by Chrisjraby

  1. He was arguably our worst player in the Premier League when we went down, and then continued to be one of our worst players in the Championship as we came up.


    Couldn't give a shit about the Sunderland connection, he's simply not good enough and needs to go.  Any money for him would be a bonus.

  2. One of my mates text me today to tell me Dummett has got a new contract but I can't find a confirmation anywhere; please allay my fears :lol:.


    He is getting a new contract and he deserves it.


    I doubt you have mates though.


    Alreet Paul, didn't realise you were on N-O.


    All jokes aside, if the contract is for a backup then fine, but there's no way in hell we should be giving him a deal as a starting 11 Premier League left back.

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