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Posts posted by powellnufc

  1. I assumed he was giving Raylor a chance to redeem himself, given that the game was lost. If he had just taken him off and then not started him next match his confidence would be knocked even worse. At least Pardew showed him that he has faith in him by giving him until the end of the match to try and improve. This allows him to give Santon a chance without damaging Raylor morale too much.

  2. More likely Pardew means back in training in 4 weeks, but will take 2 weeks plus building up his leg muscles, before he has a chance of playing.

    As long as he is rehabilitated properly and they are carefull at times when he hasnt played much football , the injury shouldnt reoccur.

  3. The length of time he is out will depend on whether or not they allow it to heal naturally or go for surgery.

    If they allow it to heal naturally it would be under a month, but as there is a lack of blood flow often surgery is needed (6-8weeks)


    Pretty much this.  Had a quick read up, could just be a small tear and not require surgery, would still swell up if that's the case.  Fingers crossed it just swelled a little bit and it's precautionary, from the quotes ('Santon's knee looked a little bit unhealthy after training), it sounded like he completed the training session, and then it swelled up after.  Would hazard a guess that a larger tear would stop him from continuing?  Perhaps it wasn't that bad #overlyoptimistic


    I'm hoping this is the case.


    Well the part of the meniscus that was torn has already been removed :http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=33636&L=en

    Therefore part of the shock absorbancy in his knee is no longer there, so will be vulnerable to occasionally swell up when his muscles havent been tuned up properly i.e. not having played much football

  4. The length of time he is out will depend on whether or not they allow it to heal naturally or go for surgery.

    If they allow it to heal naturally it would be under a month, but as there is a lack of blood flow often surgery is needed (6-8weeks)

  5. Glenn Roeder at Club Wembley section of Wembley Stadium, if that counts


    Tbh it doesn't count because you went to Wembley on the night of an international and only seen Roeder.


    Well also saw Linekar and some C-list celebs, but Roeder was the only NUFC related person

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