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Posts posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. If the Toon ever got renamed after another place, e.g. Team Mumbai, I'd stop supporting them there and then.


    So would I and help in whatever way I could to start up Newcastle United again like AFC Wimbledon.


    I would absolutely love to see AFC Wimbledon reach the Premier League!

  2. If the Toon ever got renamed after another place, e.g. Team Mumbai, I'd stop supporting them there and then.


    yep, and think that's what the Zaragoza fans will be doing if it is true.


    The loss of revenue will barely make a difference though which is the sad thing compared to being a market place for Dubai based firms to use a vessel of advertising which I would assume would happen. You don't see any non-Abu Dhabi firms sponsoring at City these days aside from Umbro.


    There is only one solution - nuke the Middle East.

  3. By the way, is there anybody in the world who now isn't aware that it was Ryan Giggs who has been bumming Imogen Thomas?


    Is there anybody in the world who gives a s***? I don't even know who she is.


    The whole media clearly gives a shit as there seems to be a magic forcefield on Twitter stopping this from trending...

  4. OR, you could play everyone in their best positions and do even better. f***ing Ireland off in the meantime.


    Agree.  I really can't see Ireland contributing anything that Guthrie then Nolan won't.  Absolute waste of a loan.

  5. Anyway, Ranger is s***, isn't he?


    f***ing awful player, the least threatening player in front of goal I think I have ever seen and his attitude is s*** so he won't improve that.


    Get rid!


    Agreed.  You f***ing c***!




    *Clicks report to moderator*



  6. Last time I was up for a game someone nearly glassed me :lol:


    In the Strawberry?


    Nah, he sat in Carroll's seat in the dressing room.


    Broken jaw?  Are you Saylor?  If so, fuck off you fucking cunt!

  7. I read it about a year ago. Makes some interesting points, but you have to look at things through one perspective for them to really make sense. It's hard to explain, but essentially, trying to nail something down to an exact science, when it isn't an exact science is not going to work.


    Ya of course, but I don't think they pretend that their conclusion are definite, just based on probabilities and they accept that its the randomness in football that makes it difficult to predict but you can still analyze some patterns.


    Thing is though, randomness is at the heart of probability, and proper predictions will never say "Team X will win tonight" but will say "Team X has a 64% chance of winning tonight", so when a referee doesn't give a nailed on pelanty in the 95th minute, the probabilities will still hold true, because that sort of thing will happen X number of times in Y number of matches.

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