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Posts posted by yiman

  1. Real problem for me was poor lack of intensity in  the work areas, 2nd best in midfield to the ball. Like to see the stats on individual inputs. But real desire to make the extra yard was infrequent at best

  2. You show that you care by your actions , passive or aggressive . So here we are criticizing all the passive bastards,for continuing just to turn up and accept the crap..and they are... But we're just as "involved" with them by exposing our concern by our contempt and hate of everything that is twisting the club we love into something we cannot live with or support. We add vitality as perverse as it seems.

    We can continue to shout but nobody who can affect anything is listening, so just walk away,walk away.                                Lack of interest, disdain, show the  world that rotten is not worth anything , move to the heed ........ Gateshead are the new lads!! We need to turn the energy into something positive ......... And all of this is just doing my head in.

  3. Whatever the politics there is basic f******g common sense no-one with an ounce of customer sensitivity would start this or end it with a statement like that . By god we have more than our fair share of numpties involved with the club. Shit attracts shit

  4. We're all not sure of the right way to evict the shit , but PR is huge , the questions in the newspapers to AP are a start, what we need to do is keep all these questions alive and an ongoing debate.......... why are newcastle still not answering questions? whats the stuff we don't know behind the scenes etc,etc.

    Ashley clearly likes the gamble, the win, look at the Debenhams share finesse , it was all about proving his cleverness. We need to get him into the situation any gambler doesn't like where the odds look like shit so it's more and more pain of everything NUFC  is just negative  So support every e-media  forum , comments to the media , don't let a positive result distract you ..... go for the long game .... keep on message.....  We cannot affect his financial control but we can make every other element of his ownership painful or unsatisfying






  5. Clear signs , see the Telegraph, of some rumblings of serious questions beginning to emerge. We all agree it has to change so where next? Too late  now for this  he will see out whatever happens this season  but a chance for change then just tests whether the boards judgement has developed into last  2 years ......... Don't hold you're breath

  6. Hudson - he was apparently knocking off one of his players' wives at Southampton, which is why he got the shove. Did it at West Ham too, allegedly!


    Lets set a honey trap for him with carrols missus, should be fun to watch

    Perhaps a threesome with Carroll and Joey's lass might cover all the angles

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