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Everything posted by yiman

  1. Diaby is Miggy- in terms of decision making, play the simple ball ffs
  2. Thought Anderson looked like a disruptor in midfield, obviously the legs went but a different midfielder with agression and with more games could bring more balance.
  3. yiman


    How the f##* are these 2 doing analysis??? Joe Cole doing his geezer bit, atrocious
  4. Well Pope saved an embarrassment. Lost in midfield with a tired performance. We have to sort out getting caught on the break after shit set pieces
  5. The work rate of Chelsea was abysmal, except maybe , no one covering, no one displaying urgency. Long may it continue, and as for Sterling a player existing on his reputation
  6. yiman


    Took it well, but Bellingham is some boy
  7. yiman


    Rashford had twice failed to follow his runner, once for the goal, and doesnt understand how to press at the other end
  8. Seems ridiculous to be so damned hopeful and optimistic at this point of the season. We have style , we’ve got press, we’ve got real ability all round the pitch.I know there are some thin patches but fuck me I’ve never looked forward to a season as much as this. For gods sake we’ve got youngsters who look like players and then some buys who just challenge the shit out of the last decade, we’re buying class Italians ?? Can we do that? Just go for it lads play good stuff and grow
  9. yiman

    Elliot Anderson

    How much would we pay to buy his potential and how would we develop it if he was just a a transfer option.? Instead we’ve got a lad who wants it, who is showing all the right skills and attitude and has shown it in the format Howe is creating. So a head start over a signing and low risk and massive FFP benefit. Keep for the next 5 months min and see how the lad does
  10. If he can maintain that confidence and level Anderson is worth keeping for the next half season , a goal or two and he could be this seasons Joelinton , really symbolic and and uplifting. Worst case it doesn’t work so a second half loan to help his development.
  11. ‘...and dog shit was white...’. Too true, too true. Alan Suddick was the one for me
  12. yiman


    We had Gerrard in that mould and he didn't really do much for us. Aye true too many Hollywood passes, I guess it was the fighter element I was trying to characterise.
  13. yiman


    Just so lack a dominant midfielder who can drive, disrupt and motivate the rest . All we have are kind of 'pretty ' players ... nice touches and good when it's going well but disappear when it's tough. Might sound old fashioned but when it's not working someone needs to be shouting and Kane is not a captain
  14. yiman

    Isaac Hayden

    Absolutely solid performance the lad put in ....... a player
  15. No better driver for a siege mentality to balance the over confidence of a 12 match run , some good individual stuff - Richie ran and hustled , and scored efficiently, Hayden superb, Yedlin still spiky even in 9 men ... so a bad day but hey ho , onward
  16. Hayden immense particularly post Shelley, seminal game I think
  17. U know no matter how down and cynical you're forced into, the way a new a new young player re-ignites the spark of enthusiasm and makes you believe again. Such a simple bloody game . Give the talent freedom
  18. Errrrr.....need a dose of corrective cynical realism here bonnie lads .. Grudging respect is a suitable emotion for a Geordie
  19. Love when older players show all the intelligence and guile to substitute for pace and acceleration, maybe only in bits but magic from Totti. Well played old man!!!
  20. yiman

    Shola Ameobi

    The Robson romance which is for me would live with Tiote's equaliser and Shola strolling though Brazil, not a recipe for success but interesting
  21. yiman

    Shola Ameobi

    But beautifully surreal isn't it ?
  22. He gets both names ------- that's proper commentator respect
  23. yiman

    Shola Ameobi

    South of a couple of drinks and Shola's first touch is soft and luscious, adding the cream to a grand World Cup ........who'd a thought it?
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