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Posts posted by PENKAAA

  1. Leroy Fer would be a great signing. He is a central midfielder, a dutch international (i think) and from continental Europe so he fits the bill.


    We had a bid rejected for him in the last summer transfer window said to be around £4m and obviously we can improve on that offer with the extra money we now have.

  2. Want:

              Wigan - pathetic excuse for a premier league club and if they go down perhaps N'zogbia's price tag will drop?

              Blackburn - Also crap club



              Wigan - can't see them beating Stoke

              Blackpool - Can't see them beating Man U and their GD is against them


  3. A source close to the winger said: “Charles left Newcastle on the back of a row with Kinnear.


    “He’s always regretted leaving the club, and if there was a chance to come back he would obviously be interested.


    “He’s got a big game with Wigan this weekend and then there will probably be a lot of talk about where Charles goes next.


    But he is intrigued by the plans that Alan Pardew has in store for Newcastle next season.”





    Why have you posted a picture of Tiote?


    It's Vincent Kompany man, jeez.. :facepalm:

  4. "Incedentially how Newcastle were worried when the Halls and Shepherds were doing exactly the same at Newcastle?seems like sour grapes to me."


    "Yes but the point is at the time you never ever heard Newcastle fans worried about how much they were spending and now all we hear is about how "we are living beyond our means"."


    So which is it? Were we worried or not?  ???


    And if SAFC were my club, god forbid, then i would most definitely be worried about our financial dealings and the current situation.


    What would happen if Short got sick (if he already isn't) of the lack of results compared to the large financial outlay and stopped pumping that money into the club?


    Your situation points to a serious problem in the financial infrastructure of your club i'm afraid.

  5. I agree that you are not the only club to welcome this style, but that doesn't mean it is the correct way to run a club does it?


    And why do you continually resort to comparing your situation to a time in the history of NUFC in your posts?


    "Yes Sunderland do this, but remember when NUFC did this?" I don't see your point with this tbh.

  6. I originally voted 'Good' in answer to how well Pardew has performed as our manager but i'm going to have to say it's now 'Brilliant'.


    He really has exceeded expectations when many of us thought it was a terrible appointment and hs proved his doubters wrong.  :snod:


    As has been said so many times in this thread, let's see what happens in the summer... I'm content with him so far.


    The poll asks my opinion of his performance so far, but yes it will be an interesting transfer window.

  7. Of the £100m Short has spent on the club, £77m has been used to clear debt. I would have to agree with Wearside, but only if their owner continues to wipe the debt clear.


    SAFC's turnover rose slightly to £65.4m, but wages, at a staggering £53.7m, account for 82 percent of that figure.


    How much longer can Short put up with this? Ticket sales are also down to £12.6m (no surprise there) so the fans obviously feel their team are underperforming.

  8. I originally voted 'Good' in answer to how well Pardew has performed as our manager but i'm going to have to say it's now 'Brilliant'.


    He really has exceeded expectations when many of us thought it was a terrible appointment and hs proved his doubters wrong.  :snod:

  9. Doubt Short will give them much tbh. Reason why Quinn's shitting his pants about the attendances, Short must be looking thinking 'I've done my bit and I'm losing a lot of money'. Can't see us getting much money either mind.


    It's going to be a very interesting summer at both clubs and will tell a lot to which direction both are going.People keep going on about Sunderland having to spend big to "stand still" and a certain extent you could apply the same to Newcastle.


    How much is it going to take to replace a left back like Enrique?whoever comes in is not going to be in his class so straight away you are going to be weaker in that position next season and then you've got the Barton situation and possibly Tiote aswell if someone like a Man Utd come calling.


    Like I say,a very interesting summer for both clubs.


    Since Ellis Short took over SAFC in 2006, he has invested £100m into the club and the team has finished 15th, 16th and 13th respectively in their time in the Premier League. He must be getting bored/frustrated now. You are not happy when Toon fans say your team will have to spend money during the summer transfer window to stay still, yet you have already spent millions and there is little to no progress being made.


    Whereas Newcastle players are actually owned by their clubs, Elmohamady, Mensah, Onuoha, Muntari and Welbeck are not owned by SAFC. Their loans will have to be extended or replacements will have to be found in the form of new signings simply to field a starting XI. Im sure you already know this.


    If Enrique is to leave, the money recouped from the sale will be spent on a new player possibly with money left over, therefore showing good signs of business. The new player, however, is unlikely to be as good as Enrique.


    In response to the uncertainty over Tiote's future, the insanely long contract deal that has recently been agreed would mean he would go for no less than £15m, seeing a profit of at least £12m in the space of one year - another example of good business. This money can also be spent strengthening the squad with first team players. I would, of course, like to see both of them stay.


    What i'm trying to say is that if some of our players leave, we will have money to spend replacing them, but we will do so with the money we receive from their transfer. If they stay, all is well. We will not have to spend extra money this summer as we already have £35m from the sale of Andy Carroll to play with.


    It says alot about which direction our respective clubs are going in  :smug:





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