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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Gordon and Bruno all game with the stupid fucking flicks that always go to Palace players.
  2. Aiston

    Jacob Murphy

    Middle-Championship level at best, he is fucking awful.
  3. Get rid as soon as possible.
  4. Shocking from Howe and the players. Shite tactics and subs and complete inability to be proactive today.
  5. Get rid of Longstaff, just rip up his fucking contract.
  6. Can we at least change tactics, go more attacking...we've lost unless we change something.
  7. Livramento cannot be fit surely, if he's not getting on ahead of Krath and Anderson seemingly playing right wing back
  8. Should be getting a penalty anyway but his playacting/ diving/ going to ground easily is so fucking annoying, wish he would stop it.
  9. Stupid from Bruno on the edge of the Palace box, literally no need to do it.
  10. How dare people criticise Howe for getting it wrong
  11. 2 shots in 70 minutes Absolutely pathetic that.
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