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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's always the one breaking up fights nowadays, was trying to be the peacemaker when Ameobi got started on too Apart from the time he ran half the pitch to go mental with Rooney
  2. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    if cabaye's available there's no doubt in my mind pardew will start him and bench Anita.
  3. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    won't boo him... but i think I'd have a big fucking grin if he gets completely wiped out
  4. Got him on a security clause haven't they....
  5. a phone call was made Good old Kinnear and his contacts, would never have got that far without him. 'in talks' my arse
  6. Valdes with a Banks-esque save
  7. I hope not, my family are over from Canada and are going to the game, they just don't deserve that sort of treatment. Think you've kind of thrown caution to the wind already by taking them to a match mate
  8. Wilson

    Alan Pardew

    His pards sense was tingling.
  9. you happy? we'll get done We are at home and have avoided all the big names, in fact we have avoided all the Premiership teams. I meant outside the ground, with sticks.
  10. shakhtar +3 and maribor not scoring let my acca down tonight
  11. Pardew Pardew takes every promising player and drains the life out of them Does it to fans as well, in fact, i reckon plants wilt when he walks past.
  12. At what point does Pardew look at this and say, 'you know what, this isn't good'
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