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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Papiss Cissé

    He is a lazy bastard like, look at all the time he spends sitting on his arse.
  2. Just waiting on any news regarding incidents in this match now, wish they'd hurry up How is Haidara and what is the extent of the injury? How is Debuchy and what is the extent of the injury? Is the little bastard getting banned? How long for? Has he apologised yet?
  3. Wilson

    Massadio Haïdara

    Sadly enough that's all I think he'll get.
  4. Was hoping he'd come on for Haidara yesterday, would have been the logical swap imo and he's looked decent there in the past. But nah, fuck that, bring on another DM when we're looking to pull a goal back and shift Jonas to LB.
  5. Wilson

    Massadio Haïdara

    If any match officials seen it and didn't deem it even a booking, they want sacked. Luckily, the sackless c***s will have seen the replay, and not one of them will own up to seeing the actual 'challenge'. So fucking annoyed at this.
  6. Wilson

    Massadio Haïdara

    This is what pisses me off about the little b******. Intentional or not, after it's happened he knows what he's done yet completely ignores it. Hope the little c***s career fades into nothing. Another thing, sick of hearing these so-called 'expert' opinions on it, fuck off.
  7. Anyone but us tbh, but a lad can dream.
  8. Wilson


    Wouldn't surprise me. Hope we can get a result against these fuckers, was about 90% confident but watching us lately and the injuries mounting up again, I'm more 85% confident
  9. Trade Reading for the Mackems or Villa
  10. Just want this season over.
  11. Wilson

    Massadio Haïdara

    Yup. I actually liked him, cunt.
  12. Wilson

    Massadio Haïdara

    fuck me what a sickening game.
  13. he was pushing santon for first team the past couple of games imo
  14. I don't agree, our luck will change and somethimes it's outside of our control, our shitness isn't outside of our control and probably won't change. It may well change when we get our best players back. No coincidence we picked up when we could field our strongest team (albeit minus hatem)
  15. Not always possible, but it was in fairly open space, isn't it a ref's job to ensure he has a decent view of such incidents? Can't be helped if someone runs in front of you tbf Huh, our player wasn't stood infront of him for the whole incident. looking at what sky showed, he's in front of him at the time of impact, iirc they're running in the same direction so chances are his views blocked for a couple of seconds, enough to make him not get the whole challenge, he's not going to give the red if he hasn't seen it properly. But as I said earlier it doesn't excuse the other officials, what the f*** were they doing. I wanted the b****** sent off the same as anyone and slated Halsey for it at the time, but looking at it I really don't think there's much he could do. You can tell in the second half he's seen it back as we got away with a fair few silly challenges. Yes he clearly levelled things up in the second half. So much so that their winning assist was a f***ing slam dunk. it's a fair point but I'm sure you know which incidents I'm on about I don't. He booked Perch, he booked Jonas. We didn't get away without a free kick for any career threatening injuries. Nah but Perch would have walked on another day for the ridiculous challenge on the edge of the box, easy worthy of a yellow. Tiote got away with a couple today as well. The frustrated shove on di santo at the end in the corner. Lots of silly little things we got away with in the second half.
  16. Not always possible, but it was in fairly open space, isn't it a ref's job to ensure he has a decent view of such incidents? Can't be helped if someone runs in front of you tbf Huh, our player wasn't stood infront of him for the whole incident. looking at what sky showed, he's in front of him at the time of impact, iirc they're running in the same direction so chances are his views blocked for a couple of seconds, enough to make him not get the whole challenge, he's not going to give the red if he hasn't seen it properly. But as I said earlier it doesn't excuse the other officials, what the f*** were they doing. I wanted the b****** sent off the same as anyone and slated Halsey for it at the time, but looking at it I really don't think there's much he could do. You can tell in the second half he's seen it back as we got away with a fair few silly challenges. Yes he clearly levelled things up in the second half. So much so that their winning assist was a f***ing slam dunk. it's a fair point but I'm sure you know which incidents I'm on about
  17. Martinez is now officially a bastard cunt. No longer one of the managers I've any respect for after his interview.
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