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Everything posted by JB

  1. It's wild how much a single 0-0 affected them, looking at that record. Absolutely beside themselves that we picked up 1 point in a decade.
  2. It's probably Froggy's alt account that he's using to make himself look better by comparison.
  3. Great ball from Tino, lacking a striker to get on the end of it.
  4. We should just start kicking other teams about, it's clearly something refs are fine with.
  5. That should be that cunts second yellow as well, bollockless ref putting players in danger yet again.
  6. Can't wait until refs a have a blue card to keep in their pocket as well.
  7. Red Bull should be at least level here with the chances they've had.
  8. It's a bendy bus with a fancy name. The G1 that runs between east and west Belfast is what you'd want, towards Dundonald. #BelfastBusChat
  9. @Scoreboard82 The best option would would probably be to get the glider (every 10/15 mins from City Hall or Custom House Square) to Connswater and walk over, don't get the 5a as it goes somewhere else entirely. Agree with the bit in bold
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