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Everything posted by JB

  1. JB

    The England Thread

    Actually feeling motivated to get behind England now, will end up backing France when we are put out though.
  2. Used the £10 free bet from signing up to sky bet for the fantasy league on Spain, Netherlands & Germany all to win @ 4/1. After losing £2 on roulette I put my last £1 on this: Poland @ 1/1 Russia @ 6/5 Netherlands @ 8/13 Germany @ 1/1 Spain @ 8/11 Croatia @ 5/4 France @ 7/5 Sweden @ 2/1 Returns: £397.77
  3. Joined, as FC Shola. Account not in my name btw.
  4. JB

    The England Thread

    Very boring but at least it was a win.
  5. JB

    The England Thread

    Clive not even mentioning the possibility of HBA playing against England, cunt.
  6. JB

    The England Thread

    Nice finish, good to see a temporary end to the boredom.
  7. JB

    The England Thread

    Shilton enjoying the game.
  8. JB

    The Liverpool Thread

    I'd forgotten how painfully shite that is.
  9. The collars on those are horrendous.
  10. That's utterly brilliant.
  11. 3-2, this looks a bit better now.
  12. No he isn't. He was the best player He played well enough after the first 20 minutes... but come on, not fantastic. Was probably a bit of a biased overstatement tbh.
  13. Get in Debuchy! Ben afra looking fantastic and hopefully Debuchy will be doing that for us next season.
  14. Ben arfa has been great so far, I'm feeling much more motivated in my support of France than England currently.
  15. That backheel from Ben Arfa
  16. 2-0 Barca, a great finish from Messi.
  17. JB


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