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Posts posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. He should slap in a transfer request.


    I don't think it's like we're trying to rob them, if we've offered £11m all paid at oncee that is a VERY fair deal.  Hardly anyone offers cash up front these days, or so I am told.


    Twente just clearly don't want to sell.

  2. It's sounding a bit better than it was earlier, personally I think from the noises coming from his agent he may fancy a move to us.  As we know with Debuchy though, if we don't offer the money we won't get either of them.


    Disagree really. The comment about playing time is important. Would he get in over Ba Cisse?


    I actually think it depends how we're playing. If we're doing the 4-3-3 I think yes, De Jong would get in ahead of Ba on that left flank.

  3. It's sounding a bit better than it was earlier, personally I think from the noises coming from his agent he may fancy a move to us.  As we know with Debuchy though, if we don't offer the money we won't get either of them.

  4. I don't get why we would fly to Holland if a fee hadn't been agreed, or at least had some indication from Twente that they were willing to sell & it was just to do a bit more bargaining?


    That is if all of this is true like, could be a load of old bollocks I suppose, unless I see pics of Llambias in a coffee shop clinging to a bong.

  5. Has anyone heard any more rumours on this transfer in the dutch press or even any twitter bullshit. Seriously I've been refreshing this page all morning and I feel like I'm losing the will to live. I've even considered going out and getting a life, obviously this would be a last resort.  :embarrassed:


    I doubt we'll hear much more prior to early next week mate, especially if they've just flown over there today.

  6. This isn't anything new, and to be fair he's undercutting every other club as well.  I have chosen in the past to buy my shirts at the club shop for precisely this reason, I'd rather pay the extra tenner & know the money was going to the club, but I understand people wanting to save the money & buy from SD.

  7. I'm probably biased, but I would think Newcastle United would be more of a draw than Bayern Monchengladbach (spelling?).


    I would love to see this guy here, but unfortunately it's looking less & less likely.

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