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Posts posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Honestly though I would be doing the exact same in her situation, Qatar backing or not. I have every sympathy for her and this is what happens when you open the door to so much money pouring into the league from anywhere. We haven't opened that door, it's been open a while. Man City's owners and Chelsea's are both pretty dubious. Other people are just as bad is hardly a good argument, but equally fit and proper is about if they credibly able to own the club and not stiff everyone.


    Quite frankly if I were in charge of the league I would be demanding fans have meaningful stakes in club and be blocking the likes of Sheikh Mansour, Saudi Arabia, those dodgy asset strippers at Man U. The league would be poorer and be unable to bring in I guess the Paul Pogba's of the world but also clubs would be safeguarded long term from mad spending and owners loading clubs with endless debt.


    But I'm not in charge of the league, and it is all built to get money money money in at expense of all else, which is why i thought this would go through. But if it doesnt go through this will be on the piracy (I maintain that of course Bein would object, and Staverley and co should have come in better prepared, Saudi Arabia could have cut the piracy before starting the takeover and wonder if we'd be there by now, however they basically only did it when they had to which doesnt look much better) or on some other factor not known to us. No matter how much international diplomacy is involved at the end of the day a big broadcasting partner has a lot of sway not unreasonably. If it gets blocked the league will then take a big victory lap pretending they did it cos they have morals after all.


    I am not 'against' the takeover I really hope it happens cos this is the real world and clubs are owned by crap like this and it will bring hope and investment to the area, I will never be against that. But it kinda is preposterous.


    Thing is, other people are just as bad is a perfectly valid argument. If you allow one in, you allow them all.


    If you were in charge of the league, and fans had a stake in their clubs, they would not be blocking the likes of Mansour and Abramovich. Both clubs fans would welcome them with open arms, as would the majority of us with the PIF.

  2. I can't get my head around the SNP weighing in on this, the tone of his questions as well just made you want to slap him. Seems to be the way with all politicians these days, a total lack of respect for anybody.

    Fair enough if it's the Scots league Saudi want to invest in, but it aint, and his crowd all want independence anyway. Seemingly it turns out that Scotland and in particular this MP have close ties to Qatar, colour me surprised the pretentious twat.

  3. The strange thing about Keys is that in the 90s he was very enthusiastic about us, and it was him that tagged us with the "Entertainers" label. Pretty sure it was after the Oldham away game in November 1993 where we won 3-1 live on Sky. He was actually likeable back then when he was Sky's frontman.


    Aye, Keys and Grey were both really good at what they did back in the day. The man has morphed into a total arse wipe.

  4. The whole process has been draining, especially as it isn't the first time we've been left in limbo. We had exactly the same last summer, waiting on a supposed BZG takeover and simultaneously waiting on Rafa signing a new contract, which dragged on for months and months. There's been more than sufficient time for a decision to be made, and the longer it drags on the more opportunity it allows for people to try and tear it down. It needs a decision one way or another soon. I'm most definitely fucked off with it all, and being continuously left dangling.

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