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Everything posted by number9shirt

  1. The wait is almost over, #NUFC fans #NUFCTakeover https://t.co/CUE9aWBx9E IMMINENT
  2. Aarons, Cantwell, Godfrey, Norwich produce some of the best young English players in recent years.
  3. It feels like every journo under the sun is suddenly tweeting positive things based purely on the piracy stuff that came out yesterday. I'm not convinced, still, that any of them have any information. Yeah I'm sort of leaning that way a bit. Feels like they've made the same connection fans have to the piracy news, not necessarily heard anything. But I'd love to be wrong What other connection could there be though? This may be quite negative, but what if they have intially failed the tests? And this tougher stance on piracy and buying up shares in BT etc. Is a sort of look at us cleaning up our act. Prem looks better for denying it in light of quite obvious issues, Saudi go away and do all the necessary changes for a smoother process for prem etc. Like I say, pretty wild and negative outlook but too many times have we seen every reporter jump on any any bit of news and the deal was as good as signed months ago. Edit: the above post maybe changes things slightly sorry. Didn't realise some journalists had came out with it first. Ok I'm all in That's what I think happened PIF either failed the test or were told to go away & fix the piracy issues. The Premier League also had to wait for the WTO report after Qatar sent them a "sexed up" version.
  4. Allowed? Who’s going to stop them behind closed doors? Not sure about the Qataris buying Leeds. What happens when they get to Champions League? I think Qatar are going to give up on PSG and go all in with Leeds. Like you said they bought the wrong club.
  5. Tried to get him last summer before Bruce. That was the media getting 5 again. Allerdyce said his agent asked him if he was interested & he said no.
  6. It's like that mate we all have. He's done some dumb crap in the past but you just know he'll do something stupid again in the future, your mam has told you to cut him loose but you still hang round with him anyway. He's cheeky, let her drive and all that, but she can't get past that one time he lost his cool and beheaded a few infidels. We all know one like that. Thank god he didn't have access to nuclear weapons. He might have just nuked a couple of cities, haha!! As long as you don't let him near the tequila.
  7. It's like that mate we all have. He's done some dumb crap in the past but you just know he'll do something stupid again in the future, your mam has told you to cut him loose but you still hang round with him anyway. He's cheeky, let her drive and all that, but she can't get past that one time he lost his cool and beheaded a few infidels. We all know one like that. I guess you had to be there.
  8. It's like that mate we all have. He's done some dumb crap in the past but you just know he'll do something stupid again in the future, your mam has told you to cut him loose but you still hang round with him anyway.
  9. Just thought I'd post something lifting. Wasn't having a go. Just find it hilarious how most of the media are linking up with every player going, but on the other hand they're saying the deal is potentially off Don't worry I knew that [emoji106]
  10. Nobody can say we don't care or aren't aware about Saudi Arabia and human rights it's been discussed to death.
  11. Chill out peeps. Any evidence would have to link pif,Staveley,Reubens to piracy & then they would have to be found guilty in a court of law.
  12. This is huge, nufc.com never stick their neck out.... unless they have something concrete.
  13. Caulkin got that quote directly from the buyers I was referring to Caulkin's quote about the quote. If that makes any sense.
  14. Whenever I'm not doing something else, considering the current circumstances & social distancing it's quite a lot.
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