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Posts posted by Geordie_once_removed

  1. 11 hours ago, Away Toon said:

    Newcastle United want to sign 29-year-old Barcelona and Brazil midfielder Philippe Coutinho, currently on loan at Aston Villa.(Sport)

    I'd rather not. He's one of those players who really needs a team built around them.  He's doing well at Villa as they already had a team semi built/used to playing with a player like him in Grealish. I feel he wouldn't do that well at Newcastle as the players we have wouldn't compliment him so well.

  2. I can't see him being here beyond the summer. He's a player, a bit like Grealish and Coutinho, that needs a team built around him to really see his potential.


    As all plans re:transfers and team shape and strategy left with Benitez and only just came back with Howe he's been screwed over by subsequent transfers so we never bought players that would allow us to play a style and shape that would suit him. We're too invested in a system and shape that doesn't suit him to now start signing players that would, added to this he's just not good enough to justify doing this given where the clubs ambitions are. If he stays he'll continue to be a square pig in a round hole. Best for all parties he leave in the summer. You would imagine we could get close to £15 million for him.

  3. That slip where he some how kicked the ball onto his own head was the most 'Joelinton' thing I've ever seen. He's really coming good for us but that he was ever signed as a striker is outrageous.

  4. 1 hour ago, greydos said:

    This will likely come across

    a bit controversial/mental, but I actually think Ritchie can play a role for us this season. If we’re 2-0 up with say 20 minutes to play, he’d be a good wide midfielder to just help us retain possession and bring the game to stalemate. He’s got good feet in tight spots and with Bruno, Trippier, Burn and Targett in the team we would be much better retaining possession for the sake of it against some teams.


    I appreciate this is a pretty niche use and it’s a big if that we’ve got a lead to protect but I can see a little value in Ritchie for that reason. 

    Also he can swing in a decent cross on occasion and most of our attackers (Fraser and Tripper aside) are more inverted, so this might be a useful plan C now we have some big lumps to aim for.

  5. I went for a 7.


    On the positive side we got someone in Trippier and Bruno G who would get into the starting line up of all but 3 or 4 teams in the league and who will help us play in a different way that is more aligned with Howe's tactics.  We also avoided a James Rodriguez/Chris Samba style signing who would disrupt us and prove to be something of an albatross around our neck. Targett and Burn are both solid and will improve a back 4 that as a unit leaked goals like a sieve.


    On the negative side we didn't get in players that will help us get the goals that would guarantee avoiding relegation.  Wood is average, we'll be lucky if he scores 5 before the end of the season, and we signed no one else to take the pressure off him, ASM and (when fit) Wilson. Also CB is still a concern, I wish we had gone for someone attainable like Burn much earlier and perhaps then concentrated on a similarly solid signing rather than spending so much time on trying and failing to sign a transformative CBs like Botman and Diego.


    Given this you might question my 7 rating, but as we've been told time and again January is a tough window to do business in and this was made all the more difficult by our new status as a hugely wealthy club and the fact that we're sat in the relegation zone.  One of the most important things was to avoid signing that would damage us in the long term like signing players on huge fees who aren't interested/suitable and we won't be able to shift (hello Everton and Man U). 

  6. It's a solid signing, perhaps one that for all parties should have been made at the start of the month not the end. I do wonder if we set our sights a bit too ambitiously this window.  Hopefully he'll become another useful squad player and crowd favourite in the Hughes and Elliott (Robbie not Rob) mold.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Gallowgate Toon said:

    Weirdly, I have little excitement about Dembele (which is mad), but you'd think his style of play is tailor-made for the league, particularly in a counter attacking side.


    Ne chance his body will keep up with the demands though, surely.




    Same here. It's got a bit too much of a whiff of James Rodriguez at Everton for me.

  8. I think all the vitriol on here is just internet pantomime stuff. As far as I'm aware his conduct off the pitch is good and he's been a useful player for us.


    However, he's clearly not good enough to play in the Premiership anymore. That he is and would have been all season if we hadn't been bought is a good concise example of how Ashley was slowly running the club into the ground. He's always had a daft mistake in him. I remember him doing it regularly at Villa, but other aspects of his game made up for this. Now as he ages they don't and he's never developed much footballing intelligence to compensate either.


    His name should be first OFF the team sheet.

  9. I don't know much about him but he seems like he could be a starter this season and the new Aaron Hughes/Robbie Elliot in a hopefully much improved team next year.

  10. 22 hours ago, Geogaddi said:

    Would be absolutely glorious if we drag the scouse mackems into a proper relegation battle mind.

    Really? I've always had a lot of time for Everton. For me the ideal 3 to go down are the most likely (besides us).  Norwich (no bad blood, I just think I'll impact them the least), Burnley (for the banner and the dodgy way they were bought) and Watford (Southern, sort of London nothing club who fire managers as soon as they change their underpants).

  11. 11 minutes ago, Rod said:

    You shouldn't even give the price a second glance.  As soon as Wilson was injured we were in dire straits (due to the incompetence of the past management) so we were absolutely desperate for a main striker.  We now have one and our game plan can come to fruition.  A Premier league team with one striker/attacker is shocking.  Having said that Chris Wood hasn't started great but it's only two games ffs.

    I think we're probably saying the samething in different ways. If we survive I'm sure he'll have played a key role, so will have been a 'good' buy.

  12. When we signed him I thought we'd paid 10 million too much. After two games I'm inclined to think it's more like 15. Not terrible but the definition of limited. I said to a mate when he signed that I thought he'd turn out to be a good, bad signing. As in that he he'll help us belly flop over the line to survival and won't mind warming the bench next year, but by God we were done over on the price!

  13. 4 minutes ago, Ed210 said:


    please god no, I absolutely detest him. 

    I'm putting personality aside (though I'm sure as soon as he became our player a lot of the twatishness would suddenly become more palatable).

  14. 33 minutes ago, gdm said:


    I'd rather him than Lingard. I just don't think you can expect Lingard to re-bottle the lightning that made him so impressive last season at West Ham. Alli has more potential and is a bit of a better fit for the players we have right now.

  15. It's looking like Chris Wood-esq signings (on similar contract length) are our best bet this window. As long as we avoid any Samba at QPR silliness, they and the few bits of quality in the current crop, plus three other sides being turbo dog dirt should be enough to see us ok. They would then become back ups as we get targets up our list in the summer and leave the club by the time we're growing past them. 


    Very weary of us spending big on our 4 and 5 choice targets and sig ing them up to 5 year contract, only for them to not work out. We really could do without a big bucks version of Henry Saviet.

  16. I'm growing to almost like this transfer. As people have said he's potentially perfect in that he'll give us a focal point for Trippier's excellent deliver and need no adaptation time. He's also quite a streaky striker who scores in fits and bursts. Hopefully the change and challenge of coming into this team will send him on one of these. Between now and the end of the seasons we only need him to score and make a difference in maybe 3 or 4 games. I can easily see him doing this.

  17. Coutinho to Villa makes sense in terms of the team. He plays a similar role to the one Grealish played for Villa and like Grealish, to a degree, he needs a team built around him (this is one of the reasons I'm not so keen on him). Villa's struggles were/are in part due to not replacing Grealish with a like for like, instead they have tried to have this creativity more distributed, this hasn't quite clicked yet. Coutinho could allow them to 'revert to type' a bit more. Makes sense for the player and the team.

  18. 24 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:


    Wasn't it that loads of people thought Xi loved football so they all started buying clubs to curry favour, then he did a 180 and declared it was all to extravagant so people were essentially left with clubs that didn't achieve the soft power goals they expected. 

    Certainly sounds very plausible. As Xi has tightened his power I can well imagine how his personal views, or people's beliefs on what his personal views are, would result in actions like this. A loss of 100€ million in the context of the Chinese economy isn't much, especially as there will be many ways to offset this 'loss'.

  19. 6 hours ago, christ said:

    Unlike Mauriss you can actually watch the TV stations this bloke runs.


    Was there any reason the Chinese needed to get out? They’ve sold up at a loss of over £100m.

    I might be adding 2 and 2 and getting 5. But it could be to do with the Evergrande Group and more generally troubles in the Chinese property market. It's not been covered as extensively as it might have been, but there are rumblings that the issues there are similar in magnitude and potential impact to the stuff in the US that led to the 2008 crash. Don't ask me anymore I'm already pretty much out of my depth in writing this message!

  20. Bereton-Diaz would make such sense. I think he'd represent a very low risk transfer (assuming you didn't pay silly money for him in the first place) as even if he didn't work out you'd still get decent money for him from another Championship club, or a lower league Premiership club. He might also sort out what to do with Gayle who it is clear has no future with the club as he could be quite an attractive make weight in any deal.  Finally I think it would send a nice message to everyone about what we are after, young keen to improve players as opposed to the type of player that QPR and Everton signed who have dragged them down.

  21. I put a 6. 


    Yesterday's draw, while disappointing due to the foul on Wilson at the end, is a huge result for us.  It allows the new manager to make a few really needed changes (Clarke, Darlow and Ritchie out Dubravka, Schar/Fernades and Lewis in) but doesn't damage our mindset too much.  I can see a win against Brentford and a few unexpected points in that nasty looking December.  Add a centre back, a midfielder and a striker in January and we'll hopefully be ok.

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