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Posts posted by YNGLEGIONNAIRE

  1. The problem with the theory that Ashley's sticking around (and I haven't planted my flag anywhere yet) is that making the 1m pa over Rafa's tenure is wholly and solely down to Rafa being a genius, both in the transfer market and keeping our assorted barely-PL standard players in the league.


    I accept that Ashley is likely arrogant enough to think that he is in fact the genius making it possible, and that any old hack can be a manager. He's oblivious to the ripple effect Rafa leaving will have on the staff and the players. There is no manager in the world who would take the job who could keep the current squad up under Ashley - or even with Ashley approved additions (which do not include Rondon). Holding our squad together was little short of a miracle at times, and the daft fuckers who want rid might just find out soon enough - if Ashley really is holding on.


  2. When are the fans going to stop with this support the team not the regime crap ? Simply turning up at SJP achieves absolutely jack sh!t , but , hey , better than shopping,  meet the lads etc. etc.

    This team is on the point of collapse , because Rafa is the head of that team . Surely every man and his dog can see Rafa wants to be here but is on the edge all because of this rancid regime . And so many of the squad are poised to jump ship if Rafa goes . So how is just meekly accepting being continually shafted by the fat one supporting the team ? The best thing that's happened to this club for an eternity is about to leave , and with him any chance of building on his long term vision .

  3. Managers come and go, yes.


    One's who come and take to the club, the city, the fans and truly understand it and want to take everybody on the journey to build it all up from scratch, whilst having absolutely no intention whatsoever of wanting to go elsewhere despite the far better professional and financial roles that are readily available, are extremely rare.


    Losing Rafa is more than losing a manager.


    These words should be engraved on the walls of the club, the city and in our hearts. And on Ashleys grave?

    Wor Flags ?? This needs to be immortalised.


    It’s a bit of a long read for a flag. Perfectly put though

    What about just the first & last lines then ?


    When would they be used? Either he'll be manager by the first match or he won't.

    Losing Rafa WOULD be more than losing a manager ?

  4. Managers come and go, yes.


    One's who come and take to the club, the city, the fans and truly understand it and want to take everybody on the journey to build it all up from scratch, whilst having absolutely no intention whatsoever of wanting to go elsewhere despite the far better professional and financial roles that are readily available, are extremely rare.


    Losing Rafa is more than losing a manager.


    These words should be engraved on the walls of the club, the city and in our hearts. And on Ashleys grave?

    Wor Flags ?? This needs to be immortalised.


    It’s a bit of a long read for a flag. Perfectly put though

    What about just the first & last lines then ?

  5. Managers come and go, yes.


    One's who come and take to the club, the city, the fans and truly understand it and want to take everybody on the journey to build it all up from scratch, whilst having absolutely no intention whatsoever of wanting to go elsewhere despite the far better professional and financial roles that are readily available, are extremely rare.


    Losing Rafa is more than losing a manager.


    These words should be engraved on the walls of the club, the city and in our hearts. And on Ashleys grave?

    Wor Flags ?? This needs to be immortalised.

  6. IF this has any credence in reality , I wonder how Mike's stranglehold on any potential Gallowgate development will affect things . A seriously relevant NUFC sniping at the elite clubs would command a huge matchday demand at SJP , and a loss of revenue due to stadium size .

  7. The match as a spectacle was up there with our previous epic encounters with these lot , and you've gotta be proud of the team , fans and gaffa for rising to the occasion , even if a couple of our lads weren't quite on their game .

    What bugs me is the attitude being shown towards us in retaliation to us being p!ssed off about losing the game . I see it being suggested that we're safe so the game doesn't matter , it's better that the Scousers won for the good of the Premier League etc.

    What's lost in translation here is the fact that we , as a fan base , aren't  deluded , we don't expect to win any trophies or consider our club as one of the eĺite . But what we do have is a passion for our team to win each game we compete in , so when a loss is inflicted in such a "dubious " fashion , we are unlikely to just meekly accept the outcome and return to our designated slot in the grand scheme.

    Anyway , proud of the part Rafa and the team played on Saturday , and praying that we have this man as our manager for years to come .

  8. Support comes from every branch of the country; why don't you include Sunderland, Washington, Berwick also as we have a fair number of support from these areas also. Durham is a lot more closely associated with Sunderland (before the change of county lines it was part of Durham) than Newcastle IMHO of course; but I'm not creating the flag so it's up to the people who are to choose what to include.


    Now there's an idea, imagine if we added Penshaw monument ?

    I'm Penshaw born and bred and there was always a very healthy Toon support there ., I would guess 30 / 40 % , including Alan and Keith Kennedy . Don't know what it's like nowadays % wise siince they shipped loads of mackems in from the Sunderland ghettos , but I still see kids in black & white tops when I'm passing through .

  9. Genuine question. Who is better, Dubravka or Given?


    Still Given for me but I don’t know if that’s because he was so prominent for us during our more successful period while I was growing up. So much so that when the announcer is reading the team sheet out and and says “number 1” part of me expects a booming “Shay Given” to follow.

    Dubravka is the better all round keeper by a long way for me like . I trust him more with high crosses into the box , and he commands his box better than Given . I'd say they were pretty equal as shot stoppers but Dubravka is more vocal than Given when organising his defence. I seem to remember Given used to go through periods of dodgy distribution , although I stand to be corrected on that .

  10. I'm in agreement with these sentiments, and after Sunday's game was wondering if anyone else felt that playing at home had reached new depths in lack of atmosphere .

    There has been a slow decline for many years , with only periods such as the KK era inspiring the return of real passion from the stands . And in my opinion that's where the major problem lies . Inspiration.

    This club for too long has quelled any ambitions or aspirations , and although Ashley's reign has seen it reach new depths , we have been indoctrinated with the acceptance of mediocrity and low esteem for many years , save the few notable exceptions, which in turn inspired the return of the St. James's atmosphere.

    It's almost a part of our genetic makeup that we should not aspire to anything above mediocrity, and are reminded so often that we are deluded to expect to compete any higher .

    I've experienced the belief that we can take on the best , not expecting to win but with some hope that we could , and that hope was an inspiration to really get behind the team .

    The gradual erosion of any expectations has drained the passion from the stands .

  11. Doing the rounds on FB - is this Giggs?


    "For those in doubt to the miracle Rafa is pulling off by having us in the Premiership and finishing 10th, here is our net spend since Rafa joined for both Premiership and Championship clubs."



      wow totally ludicrous


    Don't do social media but if I did that would be getting re-posted all over the place.  Fucking shocking!  No, in fact no words can't describe that.  Thanks Mike you fat fuck!  Take your curry and shove it up your hole!  :rant:

    Banner / flag is a must

  12. 5th choice striker in not being very good shocker.




    In what universe is he 5th choice? If you take out Rondon, who's never fit for purpose, there are Perez and Muto, both of whom are injury free afaik. He's starting up front ahead of them, so I make it 2nd best unless I'm missing someone.

    Don't think he was trying to be particularly accurate with numbers , but I think he was referring to Rafa's shopping list rather than our (feeble) current selection alternatives .

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