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Posts posted by YNGLEGIONNAIRE

  1. One that sticks in my mind , details a bit sketchy though , was a mid week game against Chelsea . The headlines in the rags going into the match were "Newcastle hit by H bomb" as we had just been tanked by Liverpool 6 - 0 . Anyway St. James's was rammed and rocking and we thumped Chelsea 5 - 1 ... all was well again and I visited every corner of the Gallowgate that night , swept along in the celebrating masses.... Memorable experience

  2. The days before fan segregation were memorable , air thick with the smell of tobacco , p!ss & hops .I can remember in my pre pubescent years  being conned into giving my newly knitted b&w scarf to a drunken Glasgow Rangers fan along with my address , as he was going to send me a Rangers one in return  . I can hear him telling his mates how he tore it from the neck of one of the Toon fans he decked

  3. Are you also into Sunderland-based band Young Legionnaire?

    Not particularly Sunderland based really... One guy lives lives in America , the other is a Toon fan and yes , the singer is a mackem.... Caught them live at the Cluny and it was the best live set I've ever seen

  4. Don't know too many 65 years old folks who use the words "mint" referring to something good (rather than the herb used on lamb chops) or freaking as an expletive...


    Aye Carumba!

    Don't know if it's of any relevance or even if you give a toss but I'm also into Deftones , Tool , some Messugah and Martin Grech... So stereotyping by age isn't always accurate

  5. By the way I'm 65


    Pretty weird that your name is the twitter handle of an obscure rock band formed in 2010 by the mackem in YCNI:M and The Automatic...

    Zero Worship is freaking amazing

  6. Your very first post was in the Sunderland thread and about how the atmosphere at the stadium of Light is better than at St James'. People aren't that daft, especially over something that's quite obviously not true.

    I specified it was only one game at each stadium , nothing more

  7. Come on here to try and wind people up and that's the best you can come up with? You haven't been watching anything for 40 years other than multiple spunk cells inside your dads ball sack. You are probably about 14, or if not you are mentally retarded.

    Ha! Mint..... So what's winding people up then??? Can't see anything outlandish in my post .

  8. Big Geordie mate , I've admitted to being born amongst them but you have no idea how wrong you are by calling me red and white. Your avatar photo.... David Kelly , there's a 99% chance I was at that game. No mate , all my family are / were black & white and always will be. But no matter , the Internet society will decide for itself .

  9. Aye , born a mackem I can't deny it . And I followed Newcastle religiously for 40+ years , first team , reserves and anybody remember the "N"s?... Probably not , but it was the youth team whom I also spent time watching.  So draw your own conclusions as to where my loyalties lie . I simply made an observation about the match day experiences I encountered at these recent games and didn't suggest this was in any way the status quo . I don't have any ulterior motives , or designs for Internet warriorship for the post..... Just an observation , but dissect and lambaste if that's your thing

  10. First timer , old timer , and definitely not a mackem , I went to my first match at St.James's for 20 years , my last one vs. Metz , my latest vs. Wolves . So I don't regard myself a supporter any more , merely a fan . Revisiting the stadium just served to reinforce the reasons I stopped going . I fell out of love with the match day experience when the whole thing became so sanitised and unspontanious . I fell out of love with the game .

    By pure chance my work necessitated my being at the Stadium of Light , match vs. Palace , the very next week. And this is the crux of my post .I found the lacklustre atmosphere at St. James's so inferior to the passion displayed by the mackems on the day . Their fans did display spontaneous and widespread vocal support for their team , something sadly lacking the week before at St. James's . Now admittedly it was just a one game comparison , but the contrast was alarming . And perhaps in part due to the ,shall I say , more basic and less cranially evolved species inhabiting the  Wearside stadium . Nevertheless , my recent Sunderland experience was ,unfortunately , much more akin to the match day experience of old .

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