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Posts posted by bobloblaw

  1. 6 hours ago, Mountain said:


    When people say "music sounds the same" they mean the shit on radio 1 and similar radio stations or adverts.


    Thanks for the essay tho.


    He literally copy/pasted the link you posted.  Did you read it?

  2. 25 minutes ago, Ben said:

    Not if every club just agreed a wage cap of say £150k, no law against a gentleman's agreement


    It's collusion.  Anyway, the owners would love a wage cap.  It's good for owners, and bad for players.

  3. On 08/02/2023 at 08:24, RodneyCisse said:


    Just ordered it.  I don't have any NUFC merchandise, and was hoping to have something before the final.  5-10 day shipping, estimated delivery date the day after the final (I'm in the US). :( 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Groundhog63 said:

    Aye, I get that. If it was my daughter, without knowing the full sp, I'd be instigating the "know someone" mechanism. He'd not be able to play football again even if someone wanted him. 

    I was just considering her needs. She didn't want it out and was "devastated" it was. Any other parental involvement should be behind closed doors. 

    Her father may well be a cunt. I'm not too fond of Amy Winehouse's old fella or Megan Markle's. Based on tittle, tattle obvs ?


    Well since it was already public, maybe saying that the person who raped and beat the shit out of my daughter should face some punishment would be the least you'd expect.


    EDIT: I can understand trying to keep it from getting to the public to protect your child from public scrutiny, but that was already gone by that point.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Groundhog63 said:

    Not sticking up for her father BUT did he not say in that statement that SHE didn't want it released & was devastated it had been?

    I'm a dad but, thankfully, not to daughters. I'd be panicking every time she left the house. Either way, when they're adults, you can't pick their partners just a) advise and b) be there for them when it goes Pete Tong

    Unless you "know someone" of course. Then you get them kneecapped. 


    Sure, but that was his only complaint after his daughter was raped and assailed. Based on that statement, he had no issue with what occurred.

  6. 23 minutes ago, cubaricho said:

    I saw some kid signed his first professional soccer contract at St. Louis FC at 15 years old and his name was Cayden. I also just saw that Brenden Aaronson's brother got his first USMNT cap and his name is Paxten.


    We're about to enter that really dumb name era in American soccer. :lol:




    I hear you.  As a teacher probably ten percent of my students (male or female) are some variation of kayden. 

  7. 2 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    In that scenario you still turn into training and put in a transfer request. Any other working environment and failure to turn into work, would usually result in you being dismissed


    Probably not a lot of other working environments where you wait for your employer to sell you.

  8. Missplaced Childhood said:


    safcforever said:

    Not the same but it’s the bombers all the way.
    But I do think the gap between NFL and CFL is so small now, it just doesn’t get the credit it deserves

    Of the CFL could hold their own in the NFL


    Are there people who actually believe this?

  9. 1 minute ago, McDog said:



    I lived through that. I still recall listening to a Vikings-Lions game on the radio in my bedroom in the mid 70's because it was blacked out. Local companies used to buy up remaining tickets and distribute them to charity so the games could be broadcast.




    I'm only 34, but remember missing out on a few Packers/Vikings games as a kid.

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