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Everything posted by DavidMalan

  1. If defenders at shit clubs know more about defending, why do they concede more goals?
  2. Humphrey saying some Newcastle fans might think you have an agenda because of your SD connections, then he went off on one. Yup, it was just Ferdinand defending himself against some mongs who think everyone with a ridiculous opinion has an agenda. Sometimes, people are just idiotic morons. Like Ferdinand is
  3. His analysis of defending in general and organisation is spot on.
  4. Jesus, I'm saying he's wrong, I'm just saying he's a fine pundit otherwise.
  5. Bit of a contradiction there like !! He's paid to comment on football, not on football owners.
  6. Ferdinand isn't expected to know better. He's a fine pundit, why would he be sacked?
  7. I think Lee Ryder is overall in-charge of that area. Total class bloke!
  8. No, forums aren't my thing usually, twitter is
  9. Is this a joke or am I overreacting? Who do you want to get in? Or should we listen to Keys and sack Rafa because he's not using his wages to spend 20 million on a striker despite not even getting 5 million an year? Top four should be within reach, right? Or maybe top ten at worst? Sack Rafa because Ashley spends SOOOOO much....
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